Micro HTTP server library & application.
for local development & testing only
- high performance (async/await-based)
- painfully simple to use
- built-in static file serving
- built-in directory listing
- built-in "delegate" handler for registering C# routine for specific route
- download & reference the library
- Add following code:
var http = new uHttpServer();
http.InitDefaults(@"C:\test\"); // OPTIONAL: add static file handler and directory listing handler for given root directory, add an exception handler
http.Start("http://localhost:8090/"); // start listening on localhost:8090
Instead of serving static files, we'll use C# code for generating response
var http = new uHttpServer();
http.Handlers.Add(new DelegateWithParamsHandler(@"^/hello,{name:\w+}$",
delegate(HttpListenerRequest request,HttpListenerResponse response, Dictionary<string, string> dictionary)
response.ContentType = "text/html";
return String.Format("Hi there, <b>{0}</b>", dictionary["name"]);
now, point your browser to http://localhost:8090/hello,mike
What you'll see is: Hi there, mike
Built-in DefaultHttpExceptionHandler
is enabled by default when InitDefaults
is called.
The DefaultHttpExceptionHandler
translates every HTTP exception into the proper HTTP status code, and displays the error header.
Optionally, stack trace displaying might be enabled:
http.ExceptionHandlers.OfType<DefaultHttpExceptionHandler>().Single().ShowStackTrace = true;
Please be aware that this project is not intended to compete with production servers; instead it's supposed to be as easy and simple as possible.
- logging (NLog / log4net)
- wrap response object into custom class for more control over StatusCode and ContentType
- request & response filters
- serving embedded resources
Features not being considered currently:
- authentication
- fastcgi
Feel free to use under MIT license, just let me know if you find it useful.
Copyright 2014 Michał Gajek "migajek"