Simple Blockchain, implemented using Vapor 2, a Web Framework for Swift that works on iOS, macOS, and Ubuntu.
Endpoins that need payload, are using json format.
Method | Route | Description |
GET | / |
Returns whole blockchain. |
POST | /transaction |
Creates new transaction by using sender, recipienta and amount parameters. |
POST | /mine |
Mines new block using proof of work which includes all pending transactions, and rewards miner |
POST | /register |
Registers new node in a chain using url param |
GET | /resolve |
Requests block data from all registered nodes and chooses if current node blocks should be replaced via 'whoever has longest valid chain is right' algorithm |
swift build --configuration release
.build/release/Run serve
To run multiple instances, change the public port number:
.build/release/Run serve --config:server.port=8080
.build/release/Run serve --config:server.port=8081
.build/release/Run serve --config:server.port=8082
$ docker build -t blockchain .
$ docker run --rm -p 80:8080 blockchain
To run multiple instances, change the public port number:
$ docker run --rm -p 81:8080 blockchain
$ docker run --rm -p 82:8080 blockchain
$ docker run --rm -p 83:8080 blockchain
Thisi s just a toy blockhain implementation, do not use for production purposes, also currently blockchain is not persistent, so all data will be lost after app restart.