These steps should be converted to automated tests at some point.
- Is blade partial included in page source?
- Is blade partial working, and not throwing console errors or warnings?
- Does the elixir version compile without issue?
- Is the compiled library included on the page, and not throwing errors or warnings?
- When a new user registers on the site, is both the session and the user tracked?
- When a user logs out, is it tracked?
- When a user attempts to log in, is it tracked?
- When a user successfully logs in, is it tracked?
- When a user views a page, is it tracked?
- When POSTing to the stripe web-hook endpoint, does it provide a 204 response?
- When POSTing a successful charge event, does it track the charge in Mixpanel?
- When POSTing a failed charge event, does it track the charge in Mixpanel?
- When POSTing a new user subscription event, does it track it in Mixpanel?
- When POSTing an unsubscribe event, does it track it in Mixpanel?
- When POSTing a subscription change event, does it track it in Mixpanel?