Allows to run most of the Kafka binary scripts without leading "kafka-" and "--bootstrap-server localhost:9092" argument
instead : <path-to-binary>/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list
just run : kfk topics --list
- ./ - will dowlnload Kafka binaries v3.3.2 and extract it to your home directory (you might want to run it with sudo in order script been able to copy kfk to /usr/bin/ or copy it yourself)
- docker-compose up - will start dev environment with one Kafka server v3.3.2 and one Zookeeper server in docker
- kfk topics - if you get output with help page than you good to go
- kfk topics --create --topic first_topic --partitions 3 --replication-factor 2 (for replication factor > 1 to work you should have more than one Kafka broker, try to use multi-docker-compose.yml to have 3 Kafka brokers)
- --topic <topic-name>
- kfk console-consumer --topic <topic-name>
For messages to be distributed by partitions dependent on key value you shouldn't use round robin producer.
Docker images and Kafka version interoperability: