A simple dependency injection mechanism
If anybody wants to take this for a spin I would be grateful and responsive
Documentation can be found at [http://mikedamay.co.uk/PureDI]
Library Maintainer Notes at Documentation/LibraryMaintainerNotes.md
To run tests:
install dotnetcore 2.1
cd PureDITest
On Windows
dotnet test
On Linux
dotnet test -c LinuxTest
On Mac
dotnet test -c MacOsTest
all case sensitive
Sample programs:
LoadTest, PureDIDemo
change to directory and do "dotnet run"
cd PureDIDocumentor
dotnet run
browse to http://localhost:60653/
TODO documentation:
TODO API reference
TODO set up remarks and notes as top level section headings in each topic
TODO FAQ / Workarounds
TODO embolden key text
*** DONE how to handle injection state passed to an injector with a different
*** DONE set of profiles
TODO explain how inheritance, factory with bean name, a separate base factory with Ignore
TODO are combined to support inheritance. Execute must be virtual.
TODO in gotchas we claim that a dangling bean reference will be assigned
TODO its default value - is that true?
TODO implementations a la IPropertyMap
*** DONE document that it is not possible to have OS.Any along with OS.Specific
TODO developer guide: policy on diagnostics and variation for constructors
TODO assert that attribute parameters are non-null and of the correct type.
TODO document that we can't handle same type from multiple assemblies using aliases - I think this will defeat the IOCC
TODO change text on ReadOnlyProperty to mention that this can be set by using the constructor
TODO test global:: and document that it won't work for root type passed as string
TODO spell check documentation
TODO prefix diagnostic header messages with "PureDI: "
TODO allow empty array to be passed as Profiles, or a member with null, or a member with "" maybe
TODO bean names, constructor names and profiles are case insensitive
TODO Implementation:
*** DONE Move UserGuide.xml from PureDI to PureDiDocumentor
TODO can we handle an object or type from some assembly as root which is not
TODO a scanned assembly
TODO Later: implement constructor parameters
*** DONE allow arbitrary objects to be attached to the tree. Provide them with
*** DONE a BeanSpec. This should handle the case where there is a single implementation
*** DONE of some bean with multiple varying parameters.
N/A DONE Later: built-in factories for environement variables, command line arguments, config files
*** DONE Later: syntax colorisation in documentation
TODO Code Analysis
TODO deal with exceptions on nested calls to CreateAndInject...()
TODO handle extern alias situations
TODO Later: move documentation site to TheDisappointedProgrammer.com
TODO Later: diagnostics combination functionality
TODO Later: Make constructors so that we can inject readonly properties - maybe - probably not
TODO Later: handle whether external interfaces are included or excluded from typeMap
*** N/A Later: add tables to markdown
TODO add references to help to diagnostics
TODO rudimentary developer guide
TODO Later: look at MEF implementations - heard on dnr 8-8-17
TODO Later: testing in untrusted environments
TODO Later: ninject
*** DONE spring
*** DONE Later: ASP.NET
TODO Later: Mass Test - 2 days
TODO Later: red team: deep hierarchies
TODO Later: red team: mix new and CreateAndInject...
TODO Later: red team: self registering classes - that are also beans
TODO Later: DependencyInjector or InjectionState should expose active
TODO Later: profiles, particularly for use by factories.
TODO Later: InjectionState should allow objects to be queried using BeanSpec.
TODO Later: Multiple items will be returned as appropriate
TODO Later: allow user to pass a flag to the injector constructor to treat warnings as errors
TODO add an interface for DependencyInjector
TODO docs: DI-OddsAndEnds examples for object cycles
TODO docs: DI-Assemblies example of including a reference to DependencyInjector
TODO docs: in a factory bean
*** N/A docs: example of assembly exclusion
TODO docs: connect up summary and details in DesignRationale
TODO Later: add debug message for Diagnostics to prevent it showing the view string - maybe
TODO Add "No lazy initialisation" to the list of limitations.
TODO Limitation Allow multiple profiles for a bean. The difficulty here is in testing uniqueness and
TODO allowing the user to reason about it. Perhaps set as limitation.
*** DONE Limitation - no init or cleanup methods
*** DONE Limitation - no aliasing
*** DONE Limitation - miss out on all the advantages of an external configuration, i.e orchestration.
*** DONE Limitation - no lookup-method-injection - rules out flyweight pattern.
*** DONE Limitation - no request, session, application, websocket or custom bean scope
*** DONE Limitation - no autowiring. In Spring autowiring allows the inclusion of objects in the
*** DONE that are not explicitly marked as beans.
*** DONE Limitation - no equivalent of Spring's PropertyOverrideConfigurer
*** DONE LImitation - no abitrary method autowired injection.
*** DONE Limitation - no autowired collections
*** DONE Limitation - no indirect dependencies
*** DONE Limitation - beans can be associated with a single profile only
*** limitations are based on the IOC Container functionality of Spring Core Framework
*** DONE Factory.Execute will not automatically inject the dependencies
*** DONE of the object it creates. The library user must call
*** DONE CreateAndInjectDependencies if they want that behaviour
*** DONE a run-time diagnostic should be produced.
TODO add test to ClassScraper for invalid beans
TODO exception should be thrown if Execution fails due to type mismatch.
TODO investigate why catch in outer function does not trap exception
TODO thrown in inner function.
TODO document that factories must take care of any dependency
TODO injection for member variables.
*** DONE How does tye cycle guard interact with factories
*** DONE Validator gives false positives in PureDIDocumentor for IPropertyMap etc.
TODO document that there are exceptions to the ruie that all containers of bean references
TODO must be beans - check on BeanValidator