- Added python3-coverage support and error if python*-coverage is missing. (#27)
- Contributors: Stefan Fabian
- Use multiple python coverage files (#23) Co-authored-by: hslusarek <h.slusarek@pilz.de>
- add note that robot_calibration uses this package
- fix #25
- Add new report formats (#24) * Add html report format * Add console report format * Add '--include' and '--omit' flag to python-coverage commands
- Contributors: Alexander Gutenkunst, Michael Ferguson, hslusarek
- Add option for specifying extra flags to genhtml (#20) This modification allows you to add flags to the genhtml step so that you can do things like output the lcov report with demangled C++ function names, e.g.: catkin_make -DGENHTML_EXTRA_FLAGS="--demangle-cpp" -DENABLE_COVERAGE_TESTING=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug test1_coverage_report
- Add catkin_make build step in usage example (#19)
- bump cmake version for noetic
- Contributors: Immanuel Martini, Michael Ferguson, mschickler
- update package.xml for noetic
- Contributors: Michael Ferguson
- add support for python-based coverage (#18)
- Contributors: Michael Ferguson
- update target name in readme
- Merge pull request #15 from rhaschke/master Simplify + clarify usage
- add link to original source
- simplify usage - automatically include(CodeCoverage) - clarify that APPEND_COVERAGE_COMPILER_FLAGS() needs to be called before defining any target
- Merge pull request #13 from leunMar/fix/usage_docu Fix example of add_code_coverage() in README.md
- Fix example of add_code_coverage() in README.md
- Contributors: Immanuel Martini, Michael Ferguson, Robert Haschke
- Merge pull request #11 from agutenkunst/master Keep *.info.cleaned. Closes #10
- Keep *.info.cleaned. Closes #10
- Merge pull request #8 from jschleicher/documentation documentation: degrade to test_depend
- documentation degrade to test_depend and note that build type should be set to Debug
- Contributors: Alexander Gutenkunst, Joachim Schleicher, Michael Ferguson
- Merge pull request #7 from jschleicher/fix/installed_package fix search path for installed package
- fix search path for installed package Closes #6
- Contributors: Joachim Schleicher, Michael Ferguson
- fix name of installspace file
- Contributors: Michael Ferguson
- Merge pull request #3 from mikeferguson/catkin_build_fix Add support for catkin_tools (fixes #2)
- add information on how to run with catkin_tools
- minor escaping patch to work with catkin_tools
- Contributors: Michael Ferguson
- First release
- Contributors: Michael Ferguson