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567 lines (462 loc) · 20.4 KB
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Differential transcript expression with Swish on the airway dataset
Michael Love

In this short tutorial, we will analyze the airway dataset using the Swish non-parametric method for differential expression. In particular we will look for DTE (differential transcript expression), in response to treatment with dexamethasone, controlling for differences at baseline across four donors. More information on the airway dataset can be found here. The Swish method is described in this paper.

To use Swish, one needs to have quantified RNA-seq reads, including the generation of inferential replicate counts, and then imported this data into R/Bioconductor. All the packages listed here (except airway2) can be installed from Bioconductor using, e.g.:


tximeta to import quantification files

We have quantified the data using Salmon with 20 Gibbs samples that will serve as inferential replicates. The Gibbs samples were generated because we used the argument --numGibbsSamples 20.

We used Snakemake to run the jobs, and the exact Snakemake command that was used can be found here:

Now we import the data into R/Bioconductor using tximeta.

If you want to follow along, the quantification files have been uploaded to GitHub in the following repository:

So in our case the quantification files and a plaintext file with the information about the samples are located within the following directory.

dir <- "airway2/inst/extdata"
sra <- read.delim(file.path(dir,"SraRunTable.txt"))
##   AvgSpotLen    BioSample Experiment MBases MBytes        Run SRA_Sample
## 1        126 SAMN02422669  SRX384345   2756   1588 SRR1039508  SRS508568
## 2        126 SAMN02422675  SRX384346   2542   1480 SRR1039509  SRS508567
## 3        126 SAMN02422678  SRX384349   3380   2055 SRR1039512  SRS508571
##   Sample_Name cell_line ercc_mix     treatment Assay_Type  BioProject
## 1  GSM1275862    N61311        -     Untreated    RNA-Seq PRJNA229998
## 2  GSM1275863    N61311        - Dexamethasone    RNA-Seq PRJNA229998
## 3  GSM1275866   N052611        -     Untreated    RNA-Seq PRJNA229998
##   Center_Name Consent DATASTORE_filetype DATASTORE_provider InsertSize
## 1         GEO  public                sra               ncbi          0
## 2         GEO  public                sra               ncbi          0
## 3         GEO  public                sra               ncbi          0
##            Instrument LibraryLayout LibrarySelection  LibrarySource
## 1 Illumina HiSeq 2000        PAIRED             cDNA TRANSCRIPTOMIC
## 2 Illumina HiSeq 2000        PAIRED             cDNA TRANSCRIPTOMIC
## 3 Illumina HiSeq 2000        PAIRED             cDNA TRANSCRIPTOMIC
##     LoadDate     Organism Platform ReleaseDate SRA_Study
## 1 2013-11-26 Homo sapiens ILLUMINA  2014-01-02 SRP033351
## 2 2013-11-26 Homo sapiens ILLUMINA  2014-01-02 SRP033351
## 3 2013-11-26 Homo sapiens ILLUMINA  2014-01-02 SRP033351
##                    cell_type                source_name
## 1 airway smooth muscle cells airway smooth muscle cells
## 2 airway smooth muscle cells airway smooth muscle cells
## 3 airway smooth muscle cells airway smooth muscle cells
##                             tissue
## 1 human airway smooth muscle cells
## 2 human airway smooth muscle cells
## 3 human airway smooth muscle cells

(The inst/extdata part of the path above is specific to how data is stored in an R package, airway2 being an R package. However there's no need to have this directory structure in a typical data analysis.)

The only step needed to run tximeta is to make a data.frame that has two or more columns. It must have a column files that points to the quant.sf files, and it must have a column names with the names for the samples. Additional columns will describe the samples (e.g. condition, batch, donor, etc.).

files <- file.path(dir,"quants",sra$Run,"quant.sf")
lvls <- c("Untreated", "Dexamethasone")
coldata <- data.frame(
  condition=factor(sra$treatment, lvls)
##                                             files      names   donor
## 1 airway2/inst/extdata/quants/SRR1039508/quant.sf SRR1039508  N61311
## 2 airway2/inst/extdata/quants/SRR1039509/quant.sf SRR1039509  N61311
## 3 airway2/inst/extdata/quants/SRR1039512/quant.sf SRR1039512 N052611
##       condition
## 1     Untreated
## 2 Dexamethasone
## 3     Untreated

We need to load the following R packages for this script:

library(fishpond) # for the Swish method

Now we load in the quantification data:

se <- tximeta(coldata)
## importing quantifications
## reading in files with read_tsv
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
## found matching linked transcriptome:
## [ Gencode - Homo sapiens - release 29 ]
## loading existing TxDb created: 2019-02-11 14:22:51
## Loading required package: GenomicFeatures
## Loading required package: AnnotationDbi
## loading existing transcript ranges created: 2019-05-31 20:37:15
## fetching genome info

Running Swish to detect DTE

The following lines perform the Swish analysis on the transcript level. The quiet=TRUE is just to suppress the progress bar in the R output.

y <- se
y <- scaleInfReps(y, quiet=TRUE)
y <- labelKeep(y)
y <- y[ mcols(y)$keep, ]
set.seed(1) # for reproducibility
y <- swish(y,
           x="condition", # the condition to compare
           pair="donor", # within donor pairs
           nperms=16, # default is 30 perms

Two special notes about the swish call above:

  1. If we had two groups with no donor information, we would just leave out the pair argument. If we had batches, we would use cov instead of pair to denote the batch indicator.
  2. Here we have only 2^4 = 16 possible permutations. We will see this is sufficient to detect many DE transcripts. If we had 3 paired samples, it likely would not provide sufficient permutations to detect DE transcripts. In general, the Swish default is to use 30 permutations on paired or unpaired data (30 permutations are used if nperms isn't specified, and this was the setting evaluated in the Swish paper).

Now we can examine the p-value distribution. It's important that a method have a "well-behaved" p-value distribution in order for the false discovery rate to be properly controlled by the p-value adjustment method (necessary but not sufficient). Given that a dataset has a mix of some features with small or no changes across condition, and some features with changes that can be estimated with relative precision, the set of features with small or no changes will produce uniform bars from 0 to 1, and then --- if there are features which are DE --- we should also see an enrichment of small p-values on the left side of the histogram.

hist(mcols(y)$pvalue, col="grey50", border="white")

It's useful to examine an MA plot, where the blue points indicate a nominal FDR bound of 5%. For more details on annotating the MA plot with identifiers, see the Swish vignette.


We can tabulate the significant transcripts at a nominal 5% FDR by the sign of the log2 fold change:

     table(sig=qvalue < .05, sign.lfc=sign(log2FC))
##        sign.lfc
## sig        -1     0     1
##   FALSE 26754    25 22275
##   TRUE   1155     0  1672

We create two rankings of the transcripts, the significant down-regulated transcripts (lo) and the significant up-regulated transcripts (hi), each ranked by the LFC. We will create two vectors which give the row number of the down- and up-regulated transcripts. The order function ranks from small to large so for lo we multiply the LFC by an indicator if the transcript is significant. For hi we flip the sign and do the same:

sig <- mcols(y)$qvalue < .05
lo <- order(mcols(y)$log2FC * sig)
hi <- order(-mcols(y)$log2FC * sig)

We can now use lo and hi to look at the top transcripts. If we want to restrict to only the significant ones, we can chop these ranked row number vectors:

lo <- head(lo, sum(sig & mcols(y)$log2FC < 0))
hi <- head(hi, sum(sig & mcols(y)$log2FC > 0))

The top up-regulated and down-regulated transcripts can be plotted with inferential replicate data shown as boxes in a boxplot. The orange boxes represent the dexamethasone treated samples, and the blue are the untreated. Again the boxes show the range of the inferential replicates for each sample for this transcript. They are grouped by donor pair (alternating black and grey bars at the bottom of the plot indicate pairs):

plotInfReps(y, idx=hi[1], x="condition", cov="donor", xaxis=FALSE)

plotInfReps(y, idx=lo[1], x="condition", cov="donor", xaxis=FALSE)

(The xaxis=FALSE argument here suppresses the numbering of samples on the x-axis, the numbers being more useful for when there are biological replicates.)

Comparison with DESeq2 at transcript level

In the Swish paper, we find that for DTE, across a range of sample sizes from n=4 to n=20 per group, Swish outperforms other popular methods in terms of sensitivity while controlling FDR across transcripts, even for those transcripts with high inferential uncertainty. DESeq2, which was designed for gene-level observed counts, tended to have too high FDR for those transcripts with high inferential uncertainty (which makes sense as this and other such methods do not make use of any information about inferential uncertainty coming from the quantification method).

Here we also run DESeq2 and examine transcripts for which DESeq2 gives a very small adjusted p-value, while Swish does not. The equivalent DESeq2 design formula for the above swish call is ~donor + condition:

dds <- DESeqDataSet(se, ~donor + condition)
## using counts and average transcript lengths from tximeta
dds <- dds[rownames(y),]
dds <- DESeq(dds, fitType="local", quiet=TRUE)
res <- results(dds)

We can compare the number of transcripts at the nominal 5% FDR threshold:

table(deseq2=res$padj < .05, swish=sig)
##        swish
## deseq2  FALSE  TRUE
##   FALSE 43809   101
##   TRUE   3246  2713

DESeq2 is calling more than double the number of transcripts that Swish is calling. There are also a minority of transcripts that Swish calls but not DESeq2. We found that Swish had comparable power to parametric methods even at n=4 samples per group, so likely some of the excess of calls from DESeq2 could be from transcripts with high inferential uncertainty.

Another factor is that we only have 4 paired samples, and so Swish is likely calling only those transcripts in which all 4 paired samples demonstrated a consistent change upon treatment, whereas DESeq2 may call some transcripts with large changes in a subset of the 4 pairs, and small or no change for the other pairs. Swish is based on the SAMseq method, which had the appropriate publication title "Finding consistent patterns: A nonparametric approach for identifying differential expression in RNA-Seq data" -- Li and Tibshirani (2011).

We will now take a look at some of the outlier transcripts in the following plot, which have a very small adjusted p-value from DESeq2 but a mid range q-value from Swish:

plot(mcols(y)$qvalue, -log10(res$padj), ylim=c(0,30),
     xlab="Swish q-value", ylab="DESeq2 -log10 adj p-value", cex=.3)

DESeq2.extra <- res$padj < 1e-2 & mcols(y)$qvalue > .2
## DESeq2.extra
## 49451   475

To demonstrate that some extra calls from DESeq2 have elevated inferential uncertainty, we compute the Inferential Relative Variance (InfRV) as defined in the Swish paper. It is defined as (var - mean)/mean over the inferential replicates for a given sample, with some parameters to keep the value positive and bounded for small mean. Below we plot the mean of InfRV over samples, then group the transcripts by whether they were in DESeq2.extra.

y <- computeInfRV(y)
with(mcols(y), boxplot(log10(meanInfRV) ~ DESeq2.extra, col="grey"))

To demonstrate that some of the DESeq2 calls are for transcripts where not all the 4 pairs have consistent effects from treatment, we can construct the following contingency tables, showing that all of the Swish calls have all 4 pairs in the same direction according to a simple calculation of LFC, however DESeq2 has ~500 DTE calls which do not have consistent sign of LFC across the 4 pairs.

n.cts <- counts(dds, normalized=TRUE)
lfc <- log2(n.cts[,c(2,4,6,8)] + 1) - log2(n.cts[,c(1,3,5,7)] + 1)
consistent <- apply(lfc, 1, function(x) all(sign(x) == sign(x[1])))
table(consistent, Swish=sig)
##           Swish
## consistent FALSE  TRUE
##      FALSE 38289     0
##      TRUE  10765  2827
table(consistent, DESeq2=res$padj < .05)
##           DESeq2
## consistent FALSE  TRUE
##      FALSE 35995   519
##      TRUE   7915  5440

Note that if we had larger numbers of pairs, it would not necessarily be the case that all of the Swish calls would have consistent sign of LFC for all the pairs. However, with only 4 pairs, we see that this happened to be the case, for this dataset.

If we look at 5 particular transcripts with very low adjusted p-value from DESeq2 and a high q-value from Swish, we see that the inferential replicates are helping to avoid calling these transcripts as significant. These may represent cases where a transcript is not actually expressed, but instead the quantification method is not sure where to place the reads among this and other similar transcripts. At the least, we would need more samples with less uncertainty on the quantification (higher sequencing depth, more uniform coverage, longer reads) in order to be sure that these transcripts are truly DE, and not false positives for DESeq2.

idx <- which(res$padj < 1e-5 & mcols(y)$qvalue > .4)
for (i in 1:5) {
  plotInfReps(y, idx=idx[i], x="condition", cov="donor", xaxis=FALSE)
  plotCounts(dds, gene=idx[i], "condition", transform=FALSE)

We can also examine some of the transcripts where Swish calls them as DE but DESeq2 does not. The general pattern seems to be that for one pair, the effect is much larger than for the other three pairs. For paired data, Swish focuses on the sign of the treatment effect, and whether this is stable across inferential replicates. So it is less sensitive to whether the log fold change is nearly the same across all donors, and more sensitive to the direction of the effect and whether it is consistent across samples and inferential replicates.

idx <- which(mcols(y)$qvalue < .05 & res$padj > .5)
for (i in 1:3) {
  plotInfReps(y, idx=idx[i], x="condition", cov="donor", xaxis=FALSE)
  plotCounts(dds, gene=idx[i], "condition", transform=FALSE)

More details

For more details, consult the Swish vignette. as well as the help pages for individual functions, e.g. ?swish. You can also post questions to the
Bioconductor support site, always making sure to post your code.

Session info

## R version 3.6.0 (2019-04-26)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS Mojave 10.14.6
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats4    parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices datasets  utils    
## [8] methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] DESeq2_1.25.5               GenomicFeatures_1.37.3     
##  [3] AnnotationDbi_1.47.0        SummarizedExperiment_1.15.5
##  [5] DelayedArray_0.11.2         BiocParallel_1.19.0        
##  [7] matrixStats_0.54.0          Biobase_2.45.0             
##  [9] GenomicRanges_1.37.14       GenomeInfoDb_1.21.1        
## [11] IRanges_2.19.10             S4Vectors_0.23.17          
## [13] BiocGenerics_0.31.4         fishpond_1.1.12            
## [15] tximeta_1.3.6               testthat_2.1.1             
## [17] rmarkdown_1.13              usethis_1.5.0              
## [19] devtools_2.0.2             
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##   [1] colorspace_1.4-1         rprojroot_1.3-2         
##   [3] htmlTable_1.13.1         XVector_0.25.0          
##   [5] base64enc_0.1-3          fs_1.3.1                
##   [7] rstudioapi_0.10          remotes_2.1.0           
##   [9] bit64_0.9-7              codetools_0.2-16        
##  [11] splines_3.6.0            tximport_1.13.8         
##  [13] geneplotter_1.63.0       knitr_1.23              
##  [15] pkgload_1.0.2            Formula_1.2-3           
##  [17] jsonlite_1.6             Rsamtools_2.1.2         
##  [19] annotate_1.63.0          cluster_2.1.0           
##  [21] dbplyr_1.4.2             compiler_3.6.0          
##  [23] httr_1.4.0               backports_1.1.4         
##  [25] assertthat_0.2.1         Matrix_1.2-17           
##  [27] lazyeval_0.2.2           cli_1.1.0               
##  [29] acepack_1.4.1            htmltools_0.3.6         
##  [31] prettyunits_1.0.2        tools_3.6.0             
##  [33] gtable_0.3.0             glue_1.3.1              
##  [35] GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.1   dplyr_0.8.1             
##  [37] rappdirs_0.3.1           Rcpp_1.0.1              
##  [39] Biostrings_2.53.0        rtracklayer_1.45.1      
##  [41] xfun_0.8                 stringr_1.4.0           
##  [43] ps_1.3.0                 ensembldb_2.9.2         
##  [45] gtools_3.8.1             XML_3.98-1.20           
##  [47] zlibbioc_1.31.0          scales_1.0.0            
##  [49] hms_0.4.2                ProtGenerics_1.17.2     
##  [51] AnnotationFilter_1.9.0   RColorBrewer_1.1-2      
##  [53] yaml_2.2.0               curl_3.3                
##  [55] memoise_1.1.0            gridExtra_2.3           
##  [57] ggplot2_3.2.0            biomaRt_2.41.3          
##  [59] rpart_4.1-15             latticeExtra_0.6-28     
##  [61] stringi_1.4.3            RSQLite_2.1.1           
##  [63] genefilter_1.67.1        desc_1.2.0              
##  [65] checkmate_1.9.3          pkgbuild_1.0.3          
##  [67] rlang_0.4.0              pkgconfig_2.0.2         
##  [69] bitops_1.0-6             evaluate_0.14           
##  [71] lattice_0.20-38          purrr_0.3.2             
##  [73] GenomicAlignments_1.21.4 htmlwidgets_1.3         
##  [75] bit_1.1-14               processx_3.3.1          
##  [77] tidyselect_0.2.5         magrittr_1.5            
##  [79] R6_2.4.0                 Hmisc_4.2-0             
##  [81] DBI_1.0.0                pillar_1.4.2            
##  [83] foreign_0.8-71           withr_2.1.2             
##  [85] abind_1.4-5              survival_2.44-1.1       
##  [87] RCurl_1.95-4.12          nnet_7.3-12             
##  [89] tibble_2.1.3             crayon_1.3.4            
##  [91] BiocFileCache_1.9.1      progress_1.2.2          
##  [93] locfit_1.5-9.1           grid_3.6.0              
##  [95] data.table_1.12.2        blob_1.1.1              
##  [97] callr_3.2.0              digest_0.6.19           
##  [99] xtable_1.8-4             munsell_0.5.0           
## [101] sessioninfo_1.1.1