A basic example of scaling in Elm
Define a basic patten for scaling Elm apps in accordance with TEA (The Elm Architecture)
Your top level file should named App.elm
and should contain only the code necessary to bootstrap the project
module App exposing (main)
import Navigation
import State
import Types exposing (..)
import View
main : Program Config Model Msg
main =
Navigation.programWithFlags OnLocationChange
{ init = State.init
, update = State.update
, subscriptions = State.subscriptions
, view = View.root
The file structure for each "Feature" (Model, View, Update
) should be as follows:
contains any non-generic type definitions for the feature/pageState.elm
functions as well as any top level helpers for these functions to workView.elm
code for the feature/page (Note: logic for actually transforming theModel
data into proper view data should be kept in the ViewModel.elm file)Selectors.elm
contains code for transforming and reduce your rawModel
code (reducing the amount of code necessary in your views. (Note: I'm considering renaming this ViewModel.elm)Routes.elm
(optional) should contain any routes specific to the feature (some projects will only need this in the top level directory)Decoders.elm
(optional) contains the decoders necessary for the feature/page (note if decoders span multiple domains ex: Users, ThingOne, ThingTwo etc, I'd suggest breaking those out into their own files ex: UsersDecoder.elm etc.)Encoders.elm
(optional) contains the decoders necessary for the feature/page (Same as with the Decoders, I'd break these out if they span multiple domains.)Sockets.elm
(optional) contains socket code unique to a feature/page
- The Elm Architecture: https://guide.elm-lang.org/architecture/
- Scaling the Elm Architecture: https://guide.elm-lang.org/reuse/
- Structuring Elm apps: http://blog.jenkster.com/2016/04/how-i-structure-elm-apps.html
- Modularity in Elm: https://becoming-functional.com/nine-guidelines-for-modular-elm-development-fe18d2f7885e 2.1. There are also many other good Elm articles at https://becoming-functional.com/
- Using selectors for View business logic: https://medium.com/@ckoster22/upgrade-your-elm-views-with-selectors-1d8c8308b336