Under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL-3.0), the software is provided "as is," without any warranty or guarantee of any kind. The authors or copyright holders are not liable for any damages or issues that arise from using, modifying, or distributing the software. Use the software at your own risk.
As the project is not yet ready and in its early infancy, it is NOT RECOMMENDED to implement any library features into your project.
Safeheap is an ISO/POSIX C compliant library compatible for Linux kernel systems. The library provides memory security implementations allowing users to protect sensitive memory during storing and handling.
The safeheap library is currently maintained by @mikhailuwu at the repository The project is still in early development and considered not yet ready for application.
This README does not provide any extensive documentation to the usage of the safeheap library. Instead, please refer to the documentation.
If you experience any bugs or have feature requests, please create an issue in the project repository.
However if you believe to have found a security vulnerability, then refer to the security policy.