This project was developed to demonstrate a service that will provide REST endpoints to Fetch/Create/Update/Delete payment resources and persist their state. (e.g. to a database)
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Depending on how you want to build/run the application (methods below) you might need to have docker & docker-compose installed. The application itself is using Java 8, so you need to have a JDK installed of that version to build/run without Docker. If you have chosen the Docker/Docker Compose method, you will not need to install anything as it is handled by Docker.
Clone or download the repository
Build & Run
At the root of the project:
Without Docker/Docker Compose
- Build
mvn clean package
- Run
java -jar target/demo.jar
mvn spring-boot:run
This will only run the application itself, without any external service or middleware
With Docker/Docker Compose
docker-compose up
or if you want to rebuild the docker image:
docker-compose up --build
This method is using Docker's MultiStage build which creates an intermediary container with the build dependencies to build the artifact which is than copied to the run-container and a Docker image is created out of it. This way you do not have to install anything besides Docker and Docker Compose does that for you inside containers.
- the application API: http://localhost:8080/api/payments
- the application metrics: http://localhost:8080/metrics
- Swagger* API documentation: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
- HAL browser*: http://localhost:8080/api
- Mongo Express* to manage MongoDB: http://localhost:8081/
(* For demonstration purposes. Can be disabled for production deployments!)
Automated integration tests are using an embedded MongoDB and sample data (payments.json). These should pass when building the artifact.
- Spring - The web framework
- Spring Data - Store-specific features and capabilities
- Spring Data MongoDB - store-specific features and capabilities for MongoDB
- Spring Data REST - REST web services on top of Spring Data repositories
- Maven - Dependency management
- Docker & Docker Compose - Containerization & orchestration
- MongoDB - Database
- Mongo Express - Web-based MongoDB admin interface
- HAL browser - An API browser for the hal+json media type
Miklos Barabas - GitHub