We often need to create backup of an ec2 instance. So we go to aws console and select Action -> Image -> create image By doing this we make backup of servers.
Now what happens if we want daily backup of a server then it will be boring to do it via aws console. So we create python script for creating backup. First you need to insall boto3
After that create a file backyp.py
We use boto3 to talk to aws apis which is very useful to get information about anything.
here we are using only ec2
Then we use some filter to describe the instance( means get the information about server)
'Values': ['backup']
This code fetch that servers only which has tag
ami - backup
for reservation in (response["Reservations"]):
for instance in reservation["Instances"]:
AMIid = ec.create_image(InstanceId=instance["InstanceId"], Name=instance["InstanceId"] + " - from " + create_fmt, Description=instance["InstanceId"] + " created AMI of instance from " + create_fmt, NoReboot=True, DryRun=False)