2022/2023 - 3rd Year, 1st Semester
Course - RC (Redes de Computadores | Computer Networks)
Project developed by
- Anete Pereira (up202008856)
- Isabel Amaral (up202006677)
- Milena Gouveia (up202008862)
The goal of this project was to develop a download application using an FTP client and configure a network based on experimental results.
This application can be used by compiling the code in the download folder using the provided Makefile.
Some execution examples:
host netlab1.fe.up.pt
(requires being inside FEUP's network or being connected with the VPN):
without login:
- ./download ftp://netlab1.fe.up.pt/pub.txt
with login:
- ./download ftp://rcom:rcom@netlab1.fe.up.pt/pipe.txt
- ./download ftp://rcom:rcom@netlab1.fe.up.pt/files/pic1.jpg
- ./download ftp://rcom:rcom@netlab1.fe.up.pt/files/pic2.jpg
- ./download ftp://rcom:rcom@netlab1.fe.up.pt/files/crab.mp4
host ftp.up.pt
(doesn't require being inside FEUP's network):
- ./download ftp://ftp.up.pt/pub/debian/README
- ./download ftp://ftp.up.pt/pub/apache/README.html
The commands used for the configuration in each experience x are listed inside the respective exp<x> folder. The complete configuration is reached in experience 4, therefore, there aren't any new commands for experience 5 and experience 6.
The full configuration for this project can be checked here.