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Matchall - annotate


python src/ -q cohort.release_missing2ref.no_calls.vcf.gz -v ${VCF} -r ${REF} -o ${VCF_AF} --info {INFO}

Example using a test case:

python src/ -r test_data/chr20_1_580000.fa -v test_data/HG00733-hifi_deepvariant-chr20_568936_571052.vcf.gz -q test_data/chr20_560000_580000.cohort.vcf.gz --info AF


usage: [-h] [-v VCF] -q QUERY_VCF [-r REF] [--info INFO] [-o OUT]
                   [-p PADDING] [--happy] [--debug]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VCF, --vcf VCF     Path to target VCF. [required]
  -q QUERY_VCF, --query-vcf QUERY_VCF
                        Path to query VCF (TBI or CSI indexes are required).
                        This can be a reference panel. [required]
  -r REF, --ref REF     Path to the reference FASTA (FAI index is required).
  --info INFO           INFO tag to query. ["AF"]
  -o OUT, --out OUT     Path to output VCF. Set to "-" to print to stdout.
  -p PADDING, --padding PADDING
                        Length of paddings. [20]
  --happy               Set for VCFs. Will only consider variants in
                        confident regions. [False]
  --debug               Set to print debug messages. [False]

Tutorial - annotate a VCF with population allele frequencies from a reference panel

Download and preprocessing

A DeepVariant-GLnexus-based call set for the 1000 Genomes Project (2504 samples) is avaialable here. You can download it through the website, or use the following command:

for i in $(seq 1 22); do wget${i}.release_missing2ref.no_calls.vcf.gz; done
for i in $(seq 1 22); do wget${i}.release_missing2ref.no_calls.vcf.gz.tbi; done

You may also use other reference panels, such as the GRCh38-based 1000 Genomes calls, gnomAD, etc.

We first concatenate cohort VCFs for each contig as a unified one. If you're cohort call set is already unified, you can skip this step:

ls cohort-chr*.release_missing2ref.no_calls.vcf.gz | sort -V > cohort.list
bcftools concat -f cohort.list -O z -o cohort.release_missing2ref.no_calls.vcf.gz; tabix cohort.release_missing2ref.no_calls.vcf.gz


Annotate the population allele frequency tags (AF) for a VCF file using the reference panel:

REF=<grch38.fa> # reference FASTA for VCF
VCF=<vcf.gz> # VCF to be annotated
VCF_AF=<annotated.vcf.gz> # path to the output annotated VCF

python src/ -q cohort.release_missing2ref.no_calls.vcf.gz -v ${VCF} -r ${REF} -o ${VCF_AF}
tabix ${VCF_AF}

Split the annotated VCF by an allele frequency cutoff

After annotating, we can split the VCF file based on an allele frequency cutoff:

AF_CUTOFF=0.05 # allele frequency cutoff; we'll generate a VCF with AF > `AF_CUTOFF` and a VCF with AF <= `AF_CUTOFF`
VCF_COMMON=<annotated.common.vcf> # path to the output annotated common VCF
VCF_RARE=<annotated.rare.vcf> # path to the output annotated rare VCF

bcftools view -O z -i "AF>${AF_CUTOFF}" -o ${VCF_COMMON} ${VCF_AF}
bcftools view -O z -i "AF<=${AF_CUTOFF}" -o ${VCF_RARE} ${VCF_AF}
# index (optional)
tabix ${VCF_COMMON}
tabix ${VCF_RARE}