FastGridPathCounter computes the number of corner-to-corner simple paths, cycles, and Hamiltonian cycles in an NxN grid.
To compile the program, run:
make N=[grid_size] CYCLES=[0|1] HAMILTONIAN=[0|1] N_THREADS=[number_of_threads] BITS=[8|16|32|64]
To run the program for a desired modulus:
./path-counter [modulus]
For example:
./path-counter 4294966661
This counts the number of paths modulo 4294966661 in a 21x21 grid graph using 16 threads and 32-bit precision.
To find a full count using the Chinese Remainder Theorem, there is a Ruby script that performs modular counts multiple times and reconstructs the solution using the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
ruby run.rb [n] [bits] [threads] [paths|cycles|hamiltonian]
ruby run.rb 26 16 16 hamiltonian
This example counts the number of Hamiltonian cycles in a 26x26 grid graph, using 16-bit modulus and 16 threads. On an M3 Ultra MacBook Pro with 128GB of RAM, this program completes in about 9 hours, taking ~65GB of RAM, and yields the correct solution as listed in A003763:
FastGridPathCounter is based on the same algorithm as GGCount but is 3-6x faster, depending on the use case and platform. The main difference is that FastGridPathCounter uses an optimized order of operations and the efficient use of lookup tables and bit operations.
GGCount, developed by the authors of the technical report on which both programs are based, can be found at:
This work uses the techniques introduced in the following technical report:
H. Iwashita, Y. Nakazawa, J. Kawahara, T. Uno, and S. Minato, "Efficient Computation of the Number of Paths in a Grid Graph with Minimal Perfect Hash Functions", Technical Report TCS-TR-A-13-64, Division of Computer Science, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, 2013. (pdf)