Mingjing Zhang, 2013, Simon Fraser University
This is the first 3D game (demo) ever made with 'pure' MATLAB available on MATLAB Central. In this demo, you can freely roam in a quasi-3D environment. The game runs at 40~60 FPS on my three year old Lenovo G460.
The sole purpose of this demo is to show off the discrete ray-casting engine I have written, which is an implementation of the ray casting algorithm on this page: http://www.permadi.com/tutorial/raycast/
Right now the engine is almost fully functional. It even renders half-opened doors and objects behind them properly. You can interact with the doors by pressing space while standing in front of them. There is also perfect collision detection.
There is a switch hidden somewhere in this level, but you won't be able to interact with it... ###Install Run opeig.m or install it as a MATLAB app.
###How to play WASD - move // Left/Right arrow - rotate // Enter - mouse on/off // ESC - quit demo// Move mouse - mouselook (when mouse is on) // mouse wheel - zoom in/out