Introduction • Features • Technologies • How To Use • Future Directions
Welcome to MoneyMile, a Lyft API ride estimates application. The project will provide users a map matrix representing possible distances they can travel given a dollar amount and ride type selection. Users will be able to view between Lyft, Lyft Plus, and Lyft Line ride types.
- Algorithmic calculation for map matrix based on user dollar input and ride type selection
- Interactive map to update, modify, and calculate distance boundaries
- Lyft API integration for ride estimates and ride types
- Responsive UI/UX design
- Snap to land algorithm to ensure bounds are displayed within land constraints
- Lyft API
- React.js
- Node.js
- Google Maps API
- Google Static Map API
- Google Geometry API
- Express Framework
- Allow fetching of current user location
- Input dollar amount into calculation form
- Allow processing time to calculate matrix boundaries
- Use toolbar to toggle boundary matrices for different ride types
- Closest restaurants within matrix proximity using Yelp API
- Making Lyft ride ride requests directly from the application
- Incorporate Uber API to compare ride estimates
- Allowing users to change standard deviations to change accuracy based on preference