Integrable deck of cards, and 4 player ring
//Ring ring of players in a game of cards
type Ring interface {
// Players returns
Players() []RingPlayer
//Next returns player to play next
Next() (RingPlayer, error)
//SetCurrentPlayer sets current player in the ring
SetCurrentPlayer(player RingPlayer)
//GetCurrentPlayer gets current player in the ring
GetCurrentPlayer() (player RingPlayer)
//HasCurrentPlayer return whether current player is set for the ring
HasCurrentPlayer() bool
//Deck Deck of cards
type Deck interface {
//Cards returns all cards
CardsInDeck() []Card
//IsCardPresent Checks if a given card is present in deck
IsCardPresent(c Card) bool
//DrawCard draws a card from the deck
DrawCard(i int) (Card, error)
//DrawCards draws multiple cards from the deck
DrawCards(m, n int) ([]Card, error)
//PutCard puts card in th deck
PutCard(c Card) error
//PutCard puts multiple card in th deck
PutCards(cards []Card) error
//Shuffle shuffles the deck n times
Shuffle(n int) error