Scene Text Recognition (STR) is a problem that applies image processing and character recognition algorithms to identify text appearing in images. A Scene Text Recognition program usually includes two main stages: Text Detection (Detector) and Text Recognition (Recognizer).
The goal of this project is to build a STR model that can takes an image containing text as input, then returns Coordinate location and text in the image as outputs.
Project demo:
- The dataset using in this project is ICDAR 2003, which is a dataset for scene text recognition.
- Contains 507 natural scene images, (including 258 training images and 249 test images) in total.
- Dataset download at:
- Extract data from XML and convert to YOLOv8 format.
- Perform train test split for training.
- YOLOv8: 0.956 mAP50 on validation set.
- Plain CRNN: 3.85 Val Loss, 3.87 Test loss.
- CRNN + Skip Connection: 3.1 Val loss, 3.40 Test loss.
- CRNN + Resnet: 1.63 Val loss, 1.44 Test loss.
- 7th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2003), 2-Volume Set, 3-6 August 2003, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. IEEE Computer Society 2003, ISBN 0-7695-1960-1