Minimalistic database API.
This API is an alternative to JDBC. The philosophy is, that a minimalistic database access API should do two things and nothing more:
- send SQL queries and input data to the server
- accept the results
That's exactly what MiniConnect session API provides.
No odd abstractions like startTransaction()
or setCatalog()
No JDBC freaks like nativeSQL()
or setTypeMap()
Just a lightweight, REPL-able SQL interpreter.
Here is a minimal example:
try (MiniSession session = connectionFactory.connect()) {
MiniResult result = session.execute("SELECT name FROM employees");
try (MiniResultSet resultSet = result.resultSet()) {
ImmutableList<MiniValue> row;
while ((row = resultSet.fetch()) != null) {
String name = row.get(0).contentAccess().get().toString();
System.out.println("name: " + name);
To tell the truth, in practice there is a third one:
- sending large data in an efficient way
For this the putLargeData()
method can be used:
// ...
session.putLargeData("mylargedata", 20000L, myDataInputStream);
// now, your large data is stored in the @mylargedata SQL variable