Analyze the whiskey survey and recommend another Whiskey that the user would like by receiving one of the favorite whiskey.
- Python3
- Jupyter NoteBook with anaconda
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Matplotlibt
scotch_review.csv in this repository or kaggle - 22,000+ Scotch Whisky Reviews, but dataset has 2.2K+, not 22K+.
Dataset was scraped from Whisky Advocate. You can take a look at scraping script here.
- name: Name of whisky bottle
- category: Whisky category
- review.point: Point marked by each reviewers
- price: Price of each bottle
- currency: Unit of price
- description: Descriptions of reviews
Original database is from Whisky Advocate.
Can you find characteristics of each category of whisky?
- What is EDA?
- Python Syntax
- Pandas API Reference
- Visualizing the distribution of a dataset
- Dokyeong Kwon
- Seungwoo Park
- Taeseung Lee