Using Springboot created a REST service that helps with managing theatres. Handle HTTP requests in controllers, create services and respond with JSON objects.
return all the available seats in the cinema room.
request body
"row": 3,
"column": 4
A correct request body would get a token and seat info:
"token": "00ae15f2-1ab6-4a02-a01f-07810b42c0ee",
"ticket": {
"row": 1,
"column": 1,
"price": 10
In the request body, include the token to return the ticket
"token": "e739267a-7031-4eed-a49c-65d8ac11f556"
The response body would be:
"returned_ticket": {
"row": 1,
"column": 2,
"price": 10
used by the manager of the cinema room, if the URL parameters contain a correct password key, it will return the statistics of the cinema room in the following format:
"current_income": 0,
"number_of_available_seats": 81,
"number_of_purchased_tickets": 0
if the password is null or wrong, a response with a 401
status code will be returned.