Stores are global containers of application specific data. They are defined with the store
store Counter.Store {
state counter : Number = 0
fun increment : Promise(Never, Void) {
next { counter = counter + 1 }
fun decrement : Promise(Never, Void) {
next { counter = counter - 1 }
In the example above, we defined a store for a global counter with a function to increment it and one to decrement it.
Stores are:
- global - which means they are accessible from anywhere (for example:
). This also means all accesses update the same, shared data. - mutable - their data can be changed using a
call (but only inside the store) - they can only contain functions and properties
States on a store define keys which correspond to specific type of values. They can be accessed by their name.
Stores can be connected to components. To learn more, check out components.