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multi machine learning language (for regression)

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Authors : Picard Michaël, Pavy Myriam, Petit Valentin, Chertier Kevin


Disclaimer : we are new to machine learning, so we couldn't grasp the whole understanding needed to look back and judge our work. So, our implementation and interpretation can be inaccurate.


The main package is composed of :

  • MmlCompiler : API to compile an MML program.
  • MmlEvaluator : An entry point to compile, run and compare the result of an MML program.
  • MmlParsingKMMVTest : The test case.
  • MmlResult : A collection class, used by MmlEvaluator.
  • Compilateur package :
    • Compilateur : An interface, describing all the methods a compilator has to provide.
    • Pair : A class to manage Pairs.
    • Utils : An utility class.
    • R, sklearn, weka and xgboost packages : contain the implementations of each framework.


The Scikit-Learn compiler is complete and running. You need to have python3 and two python's packages, pandas and sklearn to use it.

The Weka compiler is complete and running, but lacks one feature. SVR kernel option can't be set to Linear since it's not implemented in Weka, so if Linear is selected, an error message will inform the user and the program will stop. You need to have at least Java 8 to use it.

The R compiler is complete and running, but lacks the cross validation on SGD, since we couldn't find a satisfying implementation. You need to install the system package r-base and r-base-dev (for ubuntu), along with the following R libraries : caret, rpart, gbm, randomForest, e1071, kernlab and sgd.

The XGBoost compiler (with Python) is particulary difficult to work with. Indeed, XGBoost selects automatically the best algorithm depending on your dataset. It was then not really possible to adapt our language to XGBoost. Thus, calls to XGBoost are made almost regardless of the algorithm chosen in mml. You need the same dependencies as Scikit-Learn compiler with also xgboost python package.

Testing and experiment

We have implemented 12 programs in mml that test an algorithm and a training method using the 3 frameworks, in order to ensure that our compilers work flawlessly. Each program is compiled, and run, regardless of the result or the encountered errors, and the result (or the absence of result) is displayed.

For the experiment, we have created a collection which collects the result and the execution time for each run. This result is then displayed conveniently for us to work with.



Just run MmlEvaluator with the mml's files as parameters.

It will automatically try to build and run all the mml programs, displaying the result of the analysis after a while. You could retrieve the result as a Markdown table, as we did in this report.

We used boston.mml, x264.mml and x264_netflix.mml, replacing all the True and False values by the full uppercase equivalents (TRUE and FALSE) in the x264*.csv files, in order to prevent R from failing for the SGD algorithm.


Data Algorithm Framework Execution Time (sec) MAPE (%)
boston.csv DT xgboost 1.133573377 2.8937462278339057
boston.csv DT Weka 1.585691822 3.1943202904338226
boston.csv DT R 2.799517952 3.442562
boston.csv DT scikit-learn 0.76479899 4.028899242865462
boston.csv GTB R 4.14968708 2.280601
boston.csv GTB xgboost 0.965572886 2.8937462278339057
boston.csv GTB scikit-learn 1.187764589 2.9903503654331347
boston.csv GTB Weka 1.502886134 3.4707646784300668
boston.csv RF Weka 1.979110393 2.097034044978956
boston.csv RF R 16.864751681 2.205648
boston.csv RF scikit-learn 2.122135898 3.017133779848573
boston.csv RF xgboost 1.21093358 3.4595606715210296
boston.csv SGD xgboost 1.011155293 2.8937462278339057
boston.csv SGD Weka 1.443167963 22.532806324110673
boston.csv SGD scikit-learn 0.721721155 1.1622960588844716E14
boston.csv SVR R 10.625018648 2.562566
boston.csv SVR xgboost 1.386332443 2.8937462278339057
boston.csv SVR Weka 1.698826271 3.2247242713060507
boston.csv SVR scikit-learn 0.762683275 6.142426082759478
x264.csv DT scikit-learn 0.857569609 0.06290884622623753
x264.csv DT xgboost 0.976240807 0.06476712297101042
x264.csv DT Weka 2.020502001 0.08278945861012546
x264.csv DT R 3.38543663 0.2045158
x264.csv GTB scikit-learn 1.781868578 0.06342732192445807
x264.csv GTB xgboost 0.993572265 0.06476712297101042
x264.csv GTB R 3.941740846 0.07622274
x264.csv GTB Weka 1.620880438 0.196061288668904
x264.csv RF R 33.22749568 0.047949
x264.csv RF scikit-learn 2.701399093 0.053032076525503555
x264.csv RF Weka 3.569256242 0.05739139542533088
x264.csv RF xgboost 0.92070304 0.18041077462449623
x264.csv SGD xgboost 0.973295962 0.06476712297101042
x264.csv SGD Weka 1.573210797 4.009559895833336
x264.csv SGD scikit-learn 1.033800596 3.1103549859305635E21
x264.csv SVR xgboost 0.987910961 0.06476712297101042
x264.csv SVR Weka 14.552418624 0.09792003232978479
x264.csv SVR scikit-learn 1.201010778 0.7337023781419834
x264.csv SVR R 15.475981132 5.065024E19
x264_netflix.csv DT xgboost 0.971985282 0.2688682050385952
x264_netflix.csv DT scikit-learn 0.736688122 0.275387261434218
x264_netflix.csv DT Weka 1.516941556 0.36785891253579134
x264_netflix.csv DT R 2.736554799 1.258885
x264_netflix.csv GTB scikit-learn 1.361222191 0.26161797710902523
x264_netflix.csv GTB xgboost 1.001088717 0.2688682050385952
x264_netflix.csv GTB R 4.222282445 0.3134925
x264_netflix.csv GTB Weka 1.543983694 1.306714792828421
x264_netflix.csv RF R 31.316768079 0.2098105
x264_netflix.csv RF scikit-learn 2.433944023 0.21176141223414296
x264_netflix.csv RF Weka 2.390037003 0.3053649253934903
x264_netflix.csv RF xgboost 0.941979368 1.2029915055314417
x264_netflix.csv SGD xgboost 0.963284639 0.2688682050385952
x264_netflix.csv SGD Weka 1.564196897 29.202870659722194
x264_netflix.csv SGD scikit-learn 0.741845317 2.520699417380451E23
x264_netflix.csv SVR xgboost 0.968631968 0.2688682050385952
x264_netflix.csv SVR Weka 24.806184722 0.3497032613613583
x264_netflix.csv SVR scikit-learn 0.951010997 7.052318289762591
x264_netflix.csv SVR R 14.937443756 1.180777E23

Top 3 by results :

  • R RF with x264.csv took 33.22749568 seconds with 0.047949 MAPE
  • scikit-learn RF with x264.csv took 2.701399093 seconds with 0.053032076525503555 MAPE
  • Weka RF with x264.csv took 3.569256242 seconds with 0.05739139542533088 MAPE

Results ordered by efficiency :

Data Algorithm Framework Execution Time (sec) MAPE (%)
x264.csv RF R 33.22749568 0.047949
x264.csv RF scikit-learn 2.701399093 0.053032076525503555
x264.csv RF Weka 3.569256242 0.05739139542533088
x264.csv DT scikit-learn 0.857569609 0.06290884622623753
x264.csv GTB scikit-learn 1.781868578 0.06342732192445807
x264.csv DT xgboost 0.976240807 0.06476712297101042
x264.csv GTB xgboost 0.993572265 0.06476712297101042
x264.csv SGD xgboost 0.973295962 0.06476712297101042
x264.csv SVR xgboost 0.987910961 0.06476712297101042
x264.csv GTB R 3.941740846 0.07622274
x264.csv DT Weka 2.020502001 0.08278945861012546
x264.csv SVR Weka 14.552418624 0.09792003232978479
x264.csv RF xgboost 0.92070304 0.18041077462449623
x264.csv GTB Weka 1.620880438 0.196061288668904
x264.csv DT R 3.38543663 0.2045158
x264_netflix.csv RF R 31.316768079 0.2098105
x264_netflix.csv RF scikit-learn 2.433944023 0.21176141223414296
x264_netflix.csv GTB scikit-learn 1.361222191 0.26161797710902523
x264_netflix.csv DT xgboost 0.971985282 0.2688682050385952
x264_netflix.csv GTB xgboost 1.001088717 0.2688682050385952
x264_netflix.csv SGD xgboost 0.963284639 0.2688682050385952
x264_netflix.csv SVR xgboost 0.968631968 0.2688682050385952
x264_netflix.csv DT scikit-learn 0.736688122 0.275387261434218
x264_netflix.csv RF Weka 2.390037003 0.3053649253934903
x264_netflix.csv GTB R 4.222282445 0.3134925
x264_netflix.csv SVR Weka 24.806184722 0.3497032613613583
x264_netflix.csv DT Weka 1.516941556 0.36785891253579134
x264.csv SVR scikit-learn 1.201010778 0.7337023781419834
x264_netflix.csv RF xgboost 0.941979368 1.2029915055314417
x264_netflix.csv DT R 2.736554799 1.258885
x264_netflix.csv GTB Weka 1.543983694 1.306714792828421
boston.csv RF Weka 1.979110393 2.097034044978956
boston.csv RF R 16.864751681 2.205648
boston.csv GTB R 4.14968708 2.280601
boston.csv SVR R 10.625018648 2.562566
boston.csv DT xgboost 1.133573377 2.8937462278339057
boston.csv GTB xgboost 0.965572886 2.8937462278339057
boston.csv SGD xgboost 1.011155293 2.8937462278339057
boston.csv SVR xgboost 1.386332443 2.8937462278339057
boston.csv GTB scikit-learn 1.187764589 2.9903503654331347
boston.csv RF scikit-learn 2.122135898 3.017133779848573
boston.csv DT Weka 1.585691822 3.1943202904338226
boston.csv SVR Weka 1.698826271 3.2247242713060507
boston.csv DT R 2.799517952 3.442562
boston.csv RF xgboost 1.21093358 3.4595606715210296
boston.csv GTB Weka 1.502886134 3.4707646784300668
x264.csv SGD Weka 1.573210797 4.009559895833336
boston.csv DT scikit-learn 0.76479899 4.028899242865462
boston.csv SVR scikit-learn 0.762683275 6.142426082759478
x264_netflix.csv SVR scikit-learn 0.951010997 7.052318289762591
boston.csv SGD Weka 1.443167963 22.532806324110673
x264_netflix.csv SGD Weka 1.564196897 29.202870659722194
boston.csv SGD scikit-learn 0.721721155 1.1622960588844716E14
x264.csv SVR R 15.475981132 5.065024E19
x264.csv SGD scikit-learn 1.033800596 3.1103549859305635E21
x264_netflix.csv SVR R 14.937443756 1.180777E23
x264_netflix.csv SGD scikit-learn 0.741845317 2.520699417380451E23

Top 3 by execution time :

  • scikit-learn SGD with boston.csv took 0.721721155 seconds with 1.1622960588844716E14 MAPE
  • scikit-learn DT with x264_netflix.csv took 0.736688122 seconds with 0.275387261434218 MAPE
  • scikit-learn SGD with x264_netflix.csv took 0.741845317 seconds with 2.520699417380451E23 MAPE

Results ordered by execution time :

Data Algorithm Framework Execution Time (sec) MAPE (%)
boston.csv SGD scikit-learn 0.721721155 1.1622960588844716E14
x264_netflix.csv DT scikit-learn 0.736688122 0.275387261434218
x264_netflix.csv SGD scikit-learn 0.741845317 2.520699417380451E23
boston.csv SVR scikit-learn 0.762683275 6.142426082759478
boston.csv DT scikit-learn 0.76479899 4.028899242865462
x264.csv DT scikit-learn 0.857569609 0.06290884622623753
x264.csv RF xgboost 0.92070304 0.18041077462449623
x264_netflix.csv RF xgboost 0.941979368 1.2029915055314417
x264_netflix.csv SVR scikit-learn 0.951010997 7.052318289762591
x264_netflix.csv SGD xgboost 0.963284639 0.2688682050385952
boston.csv GTB xgboost 0.965572886 2.8937462278339057
x264_netflix.csv SVR xgboost 0.968631968 0.2688682050385952
x264_netflix.csv DT xgboost 0.971985282 0.2688682050385952
x264.csv SGD xgboost 0.973295962 0.06476712297101042
x264.csv DT xgboost 0.976240807 0.06476712297101042
x264.csv SVR xgboost 0.987910961 0.06476712297101042
x264.csv GTB xgboost 0.993572265 0.06476712297101042
x264_netflix.csv GTB xgboost 1.001088717 0.2688682050385952
boston.csv SGD xgboost 1.011155293 2.8937462278339057
x264.csv SGD scikit-learn 1.033800596 3.1103549859305635E21
boston.csv DT xgboost 1.133573377 2.8937462278339057
boston.csv GTB scikit-learn 1.187764589 2.9903503654331347
x264.csv SVR scikit-learn 1.201010778 0.7337023781419834
boston.csv RF xgboost 1.21093358 3.4595606715210296
x264_netflix.csv GTB scikit-learn 1.361222191 0.26161797710902523
boston.csv SVR xgboost 1.386332443 2.8937462278339057
boston.csv SGD Weka 1.443167963 22.532806324110673
boston.csv GTB Weka 1.502886134 3.4707646784300668
x264_netflix.csv DT Weka 1.516941556 0.36785891253579134
x264_netflix.csv GTB Weka 1.543983694 1.306714792828421
x264_netflix.csv SGD Weka 1.564196897 29.202870659722194
x264.csv SGD Weka 1.573210797 4.009559895833336
boston.csv DT Weka 1.585691822 3.1943202904338226
x264.csv GTB Weka 1.620880438 0.196061288668904
boston.csv SVR Weka 1.698826271 3.2247242713060507
x264.csv GTB scikit-learn 1.781868578 0.06342732192445807
boston.csv RF Weka 1.979110393 2.097034044978956
x264.csv DT Weka 2.020502001 0.08278945861012546
boston.csv RF scikit-learn 2.122135898 3.017133779848573
x264_netflix.csv RF Weka 2.390037003 0.3053649253934903
x264_netflix.csv RF scikit-learn 2.433944023 0.21176141223414296
x264.csv RF scikit-learn 2.701399093 0.053032076525503555
x264_netflix.csv DT R 2.736554799 1.258885
boston.csv DT R 2.799517952 3.442562
x264.csv DT R 3.38543663 0.2045158
x264.csv RF Weka 3.569256242 0.05739139542533088
x264.csv GTB R 3.941740846 0.07622274
boston.csv GTB R 4.14968708 2.280601
x264_netflix.csv GTB R 4.222282445 0.3134925
boston.csv SVR R 10.625018648 2.562566
x264.csv SVR Weka 14.552418624 0.09792003232978479
x264_netflix.csv SVR R 14.937443756 1.180777E23
x264.csv SVR R 15.475981132 5.065024E19
boston.csv RF R 16.864751681 2.205648
x264_netflix.csv SVR Weka 24.806184722 0.3497032613613583
x264_netflix.csv RF R 31.316768079 0.2098105
x264.csv RF R 33.22749568 0.047949


We made the following observations :

  • scikit-learn is the fastest framework on DT, regardless of the data, and also on SGD with boston.csv and x264_netflix.csv, but XGBoost outperforms it in all other cases. So Python's framework is globally faster.
  • On each csv file, the RandomForest algorithm has performed the best, with R being the best framework in term of overall results.
  • SGD and SVR efficiency is really poor in some cases.
  • All files are equivalent in term of evaluation time, but in term of efficiency, x264 yields the best efficiency and boston the worst.
  • Each framework is pretty equivalent to others in terms of efficiency, except in some weird cases.

Overall, we advise to use either Python's frameworks or R's, because of how natural and easy to use these languages are. But if you have to choose between all, it will be better to use sklearn as a beginner, since it provides a lot of useful documentation, when others can be quite obscure to understand.


Although the project can be quite interesting, the lack of context or knowledge of machine learning held us back from making a really accurate implementation and from optimizing it. The poor efficiency of SVR and SGD may be due to the fact that we did not choose the correct implementation or did not tune it the good way? We do not have the elements to answer that question. Also, it was quite a huge project to work on, and the workload on other projects prevented us from improving our work the way we wanted.


multi machine learning language (for regression)






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