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jopher CircleCI Documentation

jopher provides utility functions for working with GopherJS. Various functions are exposed, from promise wrappers to helpers for calling JS functions.


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dep ensure -add



The simplest way to create promises is to wrap existing functions with Promisify:

import ""

func main() {

	// As part of a global
	js.Global.Set("httpCall", jopher.Promisify(httpCall))

	// or as part of a structured object:
	js.Global.Set("api", map[string]interface{}{
		"httpCall": jopher.Promisify(httpCall),

// This is a blocking function -- it doesn't return until the http call completes or fails.
func httpCall() (SomeResponse, error) {
	response, err := http.Get("/someAPI")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return response, nil

Promisify allows JS to call the underlying function via reflection and automatically detects an 'error' return type, using the following rules, in order:

  • If the function panics, the promise is rejected with the panic value.
  • If the last return is of type 'error', then the promise is rejected if the returned error is non-nil.
  • The promise is resolved with the remaining return values, according to how many there are:
    • 0: resolved with nil
    • 1: resolved with that value
    • 2+: resolved with a slice of the values

New Promise

You can also construct a new promise and manage the resolve/reject yourself:

import ""

func main() {
	js.Global.Set("httpCall", jopher.NewPromise(httpCall))

// A blocking function, as before
func httpCall(resolve, reject func(interface{})) {
	response, err := http.Get("/someAPI")
	if err != nil {


For small methods that don't block, it can be useful to quickly return a promise:

import ""

func main() {
	js.Global.Set("httpCall", httpCall)

func httpCall() *js.Object {

	// Return an immediately resolved promise
	return jopher.Resolve(1)

	// Or a rejected one
	return jopher.Reject(2)

Calling Javascript Functions

jopher supplies 2 functions for calling javascript functions:

import ""

// Some JS object with functions that accept a callback
var jsObject *js.Object

// Attaches a callback to the supplied argument list and returns when it's called
result, err := jopher.CallWithResultCallback(jsObject, "someFunction", "someArgument")

// Attaches a callback to the supplied argument list and returns once the callback is called
err := jopher.CallWithErrorCallback(jsObject, "someOtherFunction", "someArgument")


A simple GopherJS utility library







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