Small project developed as a commission for the Caserma Gamerra historical museum.
This repo is intended to document the work done by me and @TommyTokk, the project was actually developed in 2019 starting from september but we managed to retrieve the code only now.
The project consists in the realization of small electrical mannequin that simulates a wounded soldier when people enter the room it is placed in.
The movements are done with a servo motor while to detect people enterig the room we used a PIR sensor. Along with movements we have put in place a small audio speaker with a custom made sound simulating war noises outside a tent.
This is the schematic of the circuit we used.
The .ino file present is used on the arduino to handle both sensor signals and motor movement.
The main components are:
- DFrobotPlayerMini
- arduino nano
- PIR sensor
- generic audio speaker
Our project was made using a perfboard where both music player and arduino are attached to header pins soldered on the board.
We have constant poll to the PIR sensor from the arduino whenever a movement occurs in front of the sensor the arduino detects fires the signal to the player to play the sound and moves the motor.
The motor is placed inside the mannequin arm to move it while the PIR sensor is pointed toward the room entry, a aux adapter was used to connect a generic audio speaker and place it near the mannequin but you can use other types (as shown in the image).
This repo is intended for the commissioner as a manual and documentation of our work, we were inexperienced during the realization but managed to create a solid working implementation.
Special thanks to @Mitra98t for the custom made war sounds.