This aplication and hardware was designed to replace default/stock navigation/radio provided by BMW in my x3 e83 (2004).
Not ready yet :)
for serialport: rm -f node_modules/@serialport npm install serialport --build-from-source
more to come
Raspbery pi 3B+- heart of hardware, in short Raspberry sucks, a better alternative is Rock Pi 4 Model B 1GB (cost about this same, and have a lot more features, for example can run on 12V (this will eliminate need steepdown DC converter usage, and eMMC disk can be installed))- Resler USB IBUS interface (I encourage you to try other solutions, cheaper ones @aliexpres :) )
- DAC plus soundcard (raspberry pi hat), DYKB PCM5122 Raspberry pi B+ 2/3B HIFI DAC + Sound Card Digital Audio Module
- 12v step down DC converter with output set around 5,7V
- Bluetooth dongle
- Cables (for speakers, HDMI, USB extender 5m+, comon USB extender)
- Few realeys (10A will do)
- 6,5 inch touchscreen with control board PCB800099-V.9.
- Revers camera
- GPIO Extension Expansion Board Module for Raspberry pi 3B+
- Raspbian
- Node.JS
- Electron
- more in package.json ;)
- GUI was designed for 6,5 inch screen (800 x 480 px)
- Image from revers camera is handled by PCB control board (when revers gear is on then revers camera is on and signal send to control board)
- Displays diffrent data from car CAN network like (temperature outside, fuel consumption, avarage speed, altitude, time and more
- Play mp3 from disk (USB to do?)
- Play YouTube
- Displays google map (navigation on to do list)
- Manage Wi-Fi connections
- Manage Bluetooth conections/devices
- Play music via ADSP (egz. music from phone)
- Be controlled from steering wheel controls
- Allows to do phone calls (to do)
First install all dependencies:
npm install
Start application without debug logs, logs can be later turn on by setting: debugMode = true
npm start
Start application with debug logs
npm run debug
Rebuild application
npm run prepare
Build application for Raspberry pi 3B+ (linux)
npm run build-linux-arm
More logs can be show by setting:
This Python script is monitoring PIN 33 status when it's changes it will run sudo shutdown -h now
command and close Linux OS
from time import sleep
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import os
if GPIO.input(pin)==1:
print "Shuting down - ACC power (switched) off"
os.system("sudo shutdown -h now")
To auto start script: sudo nano /etc/rc.local
and at the end add:
sudo python /path_to_your_script_file/ &
Github actions need tag to be present in order to compile release First update version in package.json:
git commit -am 1.0.0
Tag your commit:
git tag 1.0.0
Push your changes to GitHub:
git push && git push --tags