This repository will hold all of the materials for the Utrecht University Winter School course: Missing Data in R.
You can access a structured (albeit very ugly) layout of the course materials via
To participate in this course, you will need a few things:
You will need access to the contents of this repository on your local machine.
- If you're familiar with Git, you can clone this repository.
- If you are not familiar with Git, you can download a ZIP archive of this
repository's current content via the
Download ZIP
option in the drop-down menu triggered by the greenCode
button at the top of this page.- Extract the contents of this ZIP archive to a convenient location on your computer.
- We will be running the course out of this directory.
- Do not move any of the contents (doing so will break a bunch of relative file paths).
- Note that I'll probably be pushing some last-minute updates, so you may want to pull down recent commits (or download a fresh ZIP image) on the morning of the course.
You will also need to have
installed on your computer as well as some convenient way of working withR
).- It will also be helpful to install the necessary add-on packages before the course begins.
- You can obtain a free copy of
here. - You can download
as stand-alone software here.- You want the free, open-source RStudio Desktop version.
We will use several add-on packages in this course. You can save yourself some time and hassle at the beginning of the course by installing these packages ahead of time.
Open the script saved as code/install_packages.R
in RStudio
, and run the contents.
- You can run the contents of the script by selecting all the text and hitting CTRL-ENTER on Windows/Linux or CMD-ENTER on Mac.
Copy-paste the following lines of code into the RStudio
console window to
execute the necessary command.
If nothing happens after you paste the code, try hitting the "Enter/Return" key.
install.packages(c("mice", "naniar", "dplyr", "ggplot2", "miceadds", "mitools", "semTools", "psych", "lavaan", "pROC", "mvtnorm"), repos = "", dependencies = TRUE)
If you are asked the following question:
Do you want to install from sources the package which needs
compilation? (Yes/no/cancel)
Type Yes
in the console, and press the "Enter/Return" key (or click the
corresponding button if the question presents as a dialog box).