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Collect air quality measurements in the appartment and display those on a dashboard in a web app.

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This repository contains code for Airy hobby project. The goal of the project is to collect air quality measurements in the appartment and display those on a dashboard in a web app.

For simplicity the code is written only to meet the specific requirements of this project. However with minimal changes it should be possible to extend the data model and API to store and display other kinds of measurements.



Backend is written in Golang and consists of 2 applications:

  • server provides an HTTP API to query measurements, also renders graphs to view in the browser
  • processor connects to MQTT broker, subscribes to measurements sent by IoT and persists those to a postgres database.



Local development

Setup .env file

Copy sample env file and provide correct values.

cp .env.sample .env 

Setup mosquitto password file

To use default credentials do:

cp __binds/mosquitto/config/password_file.sample __binds/mosquitto/config/password_file

That would allow connecting using default credentials, which can be found in .env.sample file.

See mosquitto_passwd docs for more information.

Start the app and dependencies

Run dependencies in Docker and apps on the host:

make docker-dev
make server
make processor

Or run everything in Docker

make docker-prod

At this point we should be able to see an empty graph at http://localhost:8081/api/graphs?resolution=60

Adding measurements

We can publush a test measurement with make test-publisher. Wait a minute and publush another measurement. If all worked well we should be able to see the measurement on the graph with a minute resolution. Ensure correct BROKER_ADDRESS in .env file for command to work.

VM setup

The app was designed to be deployed on a Digital Ocean VM which has Docker, Certbot and Nginx installed. The instructions below provide the steps I used in my case, but there are probably different ways to do it.


Certificates are configured using certbot:

sudo certbot --nginx -d -d

This command generates autrenewabale certificates stored in /etc/letsencrypt/live/ folder.

See also those docs


SSL connection is terminated in NGINX, then traffic from NGINX to MQTT in docker container is not encrypted.

The following nginx config is used:

stream {
  upstream mosquitto {

  server {
      listen 8883 ssl;
      ssl_certificate     /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
      ssl_certificate_key  /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
      proxy_pass mosquitto;

API specification

Create a measurement

Message format for the measurements is white space separate string in the following order SensorID IAQ CO2 VOC Pressure Temperature Humidity.

For example bedroom 51.86 607.44 0.52 100853 27.25 60.22 would create a measurement for sensorId=bedroom, IAQ=51.86, CO2=607.44, VOC=0.52, Pressure=100853, Temperature=27.25, and Humidity=60.22.

Messages should be sent to the broker address and /measurement route.


GET /api/graphs

Query parameters

  • view optional, default to day, can be one of day, week
  • date optional, default to today, in the yyyy-mm-dd format, such as 2024-01-01
  • resolution must be in ms, for example 86400 for a day, 3600 for an hour


Query measurements

GET /api/measurements?resolution=86400&to=1702156335&from=1701810734

  • from must be a unix timestamp in ms
  • to must be a unix timestamp in ms
  • resolution must be in ms, for example 86400 for a day, 3600 for an hour
    "timestamp": 1701734400,
    "sensorId": "bedroom",
    "iaq": 108.49368098159503,
    "co2": 949.001042944785,
    "voc": 1.4850920245398769,
    "pressure": 101128.12865030681,
    "temperature": 18.051226993865033,
    "humidity": 44.831656441717776
    "timestamp": 1701734400,
    "sensorId": "livingroom",
    "iaq": 98.50804878048783,
    "co2": 940.1318902439023,
    "voc": 1.377317073170732,
    "pressure": 101159.84170731703,
    "temperature": 20.659268292682928,
    "humidity": 42.94823170731707


Create event

POST /api/events

  "startTimestamp": 1698090929,
  "eventType": "window:open",
  "locationId": "bedroom"
  • startTimestamp required, must be unix timestamps in ms.
  • eventType required, must be a string, can be anything
  • eventType required, must be a string, one of bedroom, livingroom
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"startTimestamp": 1698090929, "eventType": "window:open", "locationId": "bedroom"}' http://localhost:8081/api/events

Query events

GET /api/events?from=1698090929&to=1698090930

  • from must be unix timestamps in ms.
  • to must be unix timestamps in ms.
  • to must be greater than from
  "id": "uuid",
  "startTimestamp": 1698090929,
  "endTimestamp": 1698090929,
  "eventType": "window:open",
  "locationId": "bedroom"

Add end timestamp to event

PATCH /api/events/:eventId

{"endTimestamp": 1698090929}
curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"endTimestamp": 1698090929}' http://localhost:8081/api/events


Collect air quality measurements in the appartment and display those on a dashboard in a web app.




