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Mini Climate Card

Last Version Build Status hacs_badge

A minimalistic yet customizable climate card for Home Assistant Lovelace UI.
Please ⭐️ this repo if you find it useful

Preview Image


v2 is only compatible from version 2022.3 onwards


This card is available in HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)

Simple install

  1. Download and copy mini-climate-card-bundle.js from the latest release into your config/www directory.

  2. Add a reference to mini-climate-card-bundle.js inside your ui-lovelace.yaml.

  - url: /local/mini-climate-card-bundle.js?v=2.1.1
    type: module

CLI install

  1. Move into your config/www directory

  2. Grab mini-climate-card-bundle.js

$ wget
  1. Add a reference to mini-climate-card-bundle.js inside your ui-lovelace.yaml.
  - url: /local/mini-climate-card-bundle.js?v=2.1.1
    type: module


  1. Find your mini-climate-card-bundle.js file in config/www or wherever you ended up storing it.

  2. Replace the local file with the latest one attached in the latest release.

  3. Add the new version number to the end of the cards reference url in your ui-lovelace.yaml like below.

  - url: /local/mini-climate-card-bundle.js?v=2.1.1
    type: module

You may need to empty the browsers cache if you have problems loading the updated card.

Using the card


Card options

Name Type Default Since Description
type string required v1.0.1 custom:mini-climate
entity string required v1.0.1 An entity_id from an entity within the climate domain.
name string optional v1.0.1 Override the entities friendly name.
group boolean optional v1.0.2 Removes paddings, background color and box-shadow.
icon string optional v1.0.1 Specify a custom icon from any of the available mdi icons.
swap_temperatures boolean optional V2.1.1 Swap the current and the target temperature in the card.
hide_current_temperature boolean optional V2.1.2 Hide the current temperature in the card.
toggle object optional v1.0.2 Toggle button.
toggle: icon string optional v1.0.2 Custom icon, default value mdi:dots-horizontal
toggle: hide boolean optional v1.0.2 Hide button, default value False
toggle: default boolean optional v1.0.2 Default toggle button state, default value off.
secondary_info object optional v1.1.0 secondary_info config. secondary info examples
secondary_info: type string optional v1.1.0 available types: last-changed, last-updated (v2.2.0), fan-mode, fan-mode-dropdown, hvac-mode, hvac-action
secondary_info: icon string optional v1.1.0 icon for types: fan-mode, fan-mode-dropdown, hvac-mode, hvac-action
secondary_info: source object optional v1.2.1 source available types: hvac-action
secondary_info: source:{item_name} object optional v1.2.1 source item name
secondary_info: source:{item_name}:icon object optional v1.2.1 Specify a custom icon from any of the available mdi icons.
secondary_info: source:{item_name}:name object optional v1.2.1 Display name.
temperature object optional v1.0.1 current temperature configuration. temperature examples
temperature: unit string optional v1.0.1 display unit, default °C
temperature: round or fixed number optional v1.2.2 rounding or fixed value, default round: 1
temperature: source object optional v1.0.1 data source for target temperature
temperature: source:entity string optional v1.0.1 entity_id, default current climate entity_id
temperature: source:attribute string optional v1.0.1 default current_temperature
target_temperature object optional v1.0.1 target temperature configuration. target_temperature examples
target_temperature: icons object optional v1.0.1 Icons for temperature change buttons
target_temperature: icons:up string optional v1.0.1 up icon, default mdi:chevron-up
target_temperature: icons:down string optional v1.0.1 down icon, default mdi:chevron-down
target_temperature: unit string optional v1.0.1 display unit, default °C
target_temperature: min number optional v1.0.1 minimum temperature, the default value is taken from the attribute min_temp of the given entity
target_temperature: max number optional v1.0.1 maximum temperature, the default value is taken from the attribute max_temp of the given entity
target_temperature: step number optional v1.0.1 temperature change step, the default value is taken from the attribute target_temp_step of the given entity
target_temperature: source object optional v1.0.1 data source for target temperature
target_temperature: source:entity string optional v1.0.1 entity_id, default current climate entity_id
target_temperature: source:attribute string optional v1.0.1 default temperature
target_temperature: change_action function optional v1.0.1 custom temperature change function
hvac_mode object optional v1.0.1 HVAC mode. hvac_mode examples
hvac_mode: style function optional v1.0.1 custom style
hvac_mode: change_action function optional v1.0.1 custom hvac_mode change function
hvac_mode: state object optional v1.0.1 config to get hvac_mode state.
hvac_mode: hide number optional v1.2.3 hide hvac_mode, default value False
hvac_mode: state:entity string optional v1.1.0 hvac_mode entity_id.
hvac_mode: state:attribute string optional v1.1.0 hvac_mode attribute.
hvac_mode: state:mapper function optional v1.1.0 state processing function
hvac_mode: active function optional v1.1.0 active function
hvac_mode: source object optional v1.0.1 data
hvac_mode: source:__filter function optional v1.1.0 filter function
hvac_mode: source:item object optional v1.0.1 item - mode name e.g. cool, heat, off, etc.
hvac_mode: source:item:icon string optional v1.0.1 Specify a custom icon from any of the available mdi icons.
hvac_mode: source:item:name string optional v1.0.1 Display name.
hvac_mode: source:item:order number optional v1.2.5 sort order.
fan_mode object optional v1.0.1 fan operation for climate device. fan_mode examples
fan_mode: icon string optional v1.0.1 Specify a custom icon from any of the available mdi icons.
fan_mode: order number optional v1.0.1 sort order, default value 0
fan_mode: location string optional v1.0.1 allows you to display buttons on the main panel, types main, bottom, default bottom
fan_mode: hide number optional v1.0.1 hide button, default value False
fan_mode: style function optional v1.0.1 style
fan_mode: disabled function optional v1.0.1 disabled function
fan_mode: active function optional v1.0.1 active
fan_mode: change_action function optional v1.0.1 custom fan_mode change function
fan_mode: state object optional v1.0.1 config to get fan_mode state.
fan_mode: state:entity string optional v1.0.1 fan_mode entity_id.
fan_mode: state:attribute string optional v1.0.1 fan_mode attribute, default fan_mode
fan_mode: source object optional v1.0.1 Source for drop down list
fan_mode: source:item string optional v1.0.1 item - mode name e.g. auto, low, medium ...
fan_mode: source:__filter function optional v1.0.1 source filter
indicators object optional v1.0.1 any indicators, examples.
indicators: name object optional v1.0.1 the name of your indicator see examples.
indicators: name:icon string optional v1.0.1 Specify a custom icon from any of the available mdi icons.
indicators: name:icon object optional v1.0.1 icon object
indicators: name:icon:template function optional v1.0.1 icon template function
indicators: name:icon:style function optional v1.0.1 styles
indicators: name:unit string optional v1.0.1 display unit.
indicators: name:round number optional v1.0.1 rounding number value.
indicators: name:source number optional v1.0.1 data source.
indicators: name:source:entity string optional v1.0.1 indicator entity_id
indicators: name:source:attribute string optional v1.0.1 entity attribute
indicators: name:source:mapper function optional v1.0.1 value processing function
indicators: name:tap_action action object true v1.1.0 Action on click/tap.
buttons object optional v1.0.1 any buttons, example.
buttons: name object optional v1.0.1 the name of your button see examples
buttons: name:icon string optional v1.0.1 Specify a custom icon from any of the available mdi icons.
buttons: name:type string optional v1.0.1 dropdown or button default button
buttons: name:order number optional v1.0.1 sort order
buttons: name:location string optional v1.2.1 allows you to display buttons on the main panel, types main, bottom, default bottom
buttons: name:state object optional v1.0.1 config to get button state.
buttons: name:state:entity string optional v1.0.1 button entity_id.
buttons: name:state:attribute string optional v1.0.1 entity attribute
buttons: name:state:mapper function optional v1.0.1 state processing function
buttons: name:disabled function optional v1.0.1 calc disabled button
buttons: name:active function optional v1.0.1 for type dropdown
buttons: name:source object optional v1.0.1 for type dropdown
buttons: name:source:item string optional v1.0.1 source item, format horizontal: horizontal
buttons: name:source:__filter function optional v1.0.1 filter function
buttons: name:change_action function optional v1.0.1 for type dropdown
buttons: name:toggle_action function optional v1.0.1 for type button
buttons: name:style function optional v1.0.1 styles
tap_action action object true v1.0.4 Action on click/tap, tap_action.
scale number optional v1.0.1 UI scale modifier, default is 1.


Configuration example for the temperature:

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.my_ac
    unit: '°C'
    round: 1
    # use an external temperature sensor
      entity: sensor.temperature


Functions available for the target_temperature:

Name Type execution context arguments return type
change_action function target_temperature config value, entity, climate_entity promise

value - target_temperature value
entity - target_temperature entity
climate_entity - climate entity

execution context methods:

Name arguments description return type
toggle_state state toggle state, example: this.toggle_state('on') => off string
call_service domain, service, options, call Home Assistant service promise

Configuration example for the target_temperature:

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.my_ac
      up: mdi:chevron-up
      down: mdi:chevron-down
    unit: '°C'
    min: 16
    max: 31
    step: 0.5
    change_action: >
      (value, entity) => this.call_service('climate', 'set_temperature', { entity_id: entity.entity_id, temperature: value })


Functions available for the hvac_mode:

Name Type execution context arguments return type
state:mapper function hvac_mode config state, entity, climate_entity any
active function hvac_mode config state, entity, climate_entity boolean
change_action function hvac_mode config selected, entity, climate_entity any
style function hvac_mode config value, entity, climate_entity object
source:__filter function hvac_mode config source, state, entity, climate_entity object({ id..., name...,... }) array

state - current hvac state
selected - selected value
entity - hvac entity
climate_entity - current climate entity

execution context methods:

Name arguments description return type
toggle_state state toggle state, example: this.toggle_state('on') => off string
call_service domain, service, options, call Home Assistant service promise

Configuration example for the hvac_mode:

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.my_ac
    style: "(value, entity) => ({ color: 'black' })"
        icon: mdi:power
        name: 'off'
        icon: mdi:weather-sunny
        name: heat
        icon: mdi:cached
        name: auto
        icon: mdi:snowflake
        name: cool
        icon: mdi:water
        name: dry
        icon: mdi:fan
        name: fan
    change_action: >
      (selected, entity) => this.call_service('climate', 'set_hvac_mode', { entity_id: entity.entity_id, hvac_mode: selected })


Functions available for the fan_mode:

Name Type execution context arguments return type
state:mapper function button config state, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode any
source:__filter function button config source, state, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode object({ id..., name... }) array
active function button config value, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode boolean
disabled function button config value, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode boolean
style function button config value, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode object
change_action function button config selected_value, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode promise

state - current button state value
entity - button entity
climate_entity - climate entity
hvac_mode - current hvac_mode
source - dropdown source object array: [ { id: 'id', name: 'name' }, ... ]
selected_value - selected dropdown value

execution context methods:

Name arguments description return type
toggle_state sate toggle state, example: this.toggle_state('on') => off string
call_service domain, service, options, call Home Assistant service promise

Configuration example for the fan_mode:

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.my_ac
    hide: off
    icon: mdi:fan
    order: 0
    active: (state, entity) => entity.state !== 'off'
      auto: auto
      low: low
      medium: medium
      high: high
      # filter usage example
      __filter: >
        (source, state, entity) => entity.attributes
 => source.find(s => === fan_mode))
    change_action: >
      (selected, state, entity) => this.call_service('climate', 'set_fan_mode', { entity_id: entity.entity_id, fan_mode: selected })


The indicators display additional information on the card, for example, you can display humidity, consumption, etc.
Adding a simple indicator:

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.my_ac
      icon: mdi:water
      unit: '%'
      round: 1
        entity: sensor.humidity
indicator functions

Consider configuring an indicator using javascript Functions available for the indicator:

Name Type execution context arguments return type
source:mapper function indicator config value, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode any
icon:template function indicator config value, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode string
icon:style function indicator config value, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode object

value - current indicator value
entity - indicator entity
climate_entity - climate entity hvac_mode - current hvac_mode

source mapper

Using the mapper function, you can change the indicator value:

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.my_ac
      icon: mdi:power-plug
          'on': 'power is on!'
          'off': 'power is off!'
        entity: switch.ac_power
        # since the current execution context is an indicator config, we can use this.source.values to get values
        mapper: value => this.source.values[value]
        # example of using all function arguments
        # mapper: >
        #   (value, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode) => {
        #     console.log(value);
        #     console.log(entity);
        #     console.log(climate_entity);
        #     console.log(hvac_mode);
        #     console.log(this);
        #     return ...
        #   }
icon template

The indicator icon can be calculated dynamically for example:

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.my_ac
        template: >
          (value) => (value > 30 ? 'mdi:weather-rainy' : 'mdi:water')
      unit: '%'
      round: 1
        entity: sensor.humidity
icon template

You can also set custom styles. for example:

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.my_ac
        template: () => 'mdi:water'
        style: >
          (value) => (value > 30 ? { color: 'red'} : {})
      unit: '%'
      round: 1
        entity: sensor.humidity


You can add various buttons, supported types: button and dropdown

buttons functions
Name Type execution context arguments return type
state:mapper function button config state, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode any
source:__filter function button config source, state, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode object({ id..., name... }) array
active function button config value, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode boolean
disabled function button config value, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode boolean
style function button config value, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode object
toggle_action function button config state, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode promise
change_action function button config selected_value, entity, climate_entity, hvac_mode promise

state - current button state value
entity - button entity
climate_entity - climate entity
hvac_mode - current hvac_mode
source - dropdown source object array: [ { id: 'id', name: 'name' }, ... ]
selected_value - selected dropdown value

execution context methods:

Name arguments description return type
toggle_state sate toggle state, example: this.toggle_state('on') => off string
call_service domain, service, options, call Home Assistant service promise

Consider an example swing_mode configuration:

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.my_ac
      type: dropdown
      icon: mdi:approximately-equal
        attribute: swing_mode
      active: state => state !== 'off'
        'off': Off
        horizontal: On
      change_action: >
        (selected, state, entity) => this.call_service('climate', 'set_swing_mode', { entity_id: entity.entity_id, swing_mode: selected })

Consider the example of adding buttons:

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.my_ac
      icon: mdi:power-plug
        entity: switch.ac_power
# for the button type, if no toggle_action is specified, the switch.toggle method is called
- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.my_ac
      icon: mdi:weather-hurricane
        attribute: turbo
        mapper: "state => (state ? 'on': 'off')"
      disabled: (state, entity) => !entity.attributes.turbo_al
      toggle_action: >
        (state) => this.call_service('mqtt', 'publish', { payload: this.toggle_state(state), topic: 'my_ac/turbo/set', retain: false, qos: 1 })

tap action object

Name Type Default Options Description
action string more-info more-info / navigate / call-service / url / none Action to perform.
entity string Any entity id Override default entity of more-info, when action is defined as more-info.
service string Any service Service to call (e.g. fan.turn_on) when action is defined as call-service
service_data object Any service data Service data to include with the service call.
navigation_path string Any path Path to navigate to (e.g. /lovelace/0/) when action is defined as navigate.
url string Any URL URL to open when action is defined as url.

tap action example

# toggle example
# call-service example
- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.my_ac
    action: call-service
    service: climate.set_hvac_mode
      entity_id: climate.my_ac
      hvac_mode: 'off'

# navigate example
- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.my_ac
    action: navigate
    navigation_path: '/lovelace/4'

# navigate example
- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.my_ac
    action: url
    url: ''

# none example
- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.my_ac
  tap_action: none

# more-info for custom entity example
- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.my_ac
    action: more-info
    entity: sensor.humidity

secondary info

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.dahatsu
  secondary_info: last-changed

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.dahatsu
    type: fan-mode
    icon: 'mdi:fan'

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.dahatsu
  secondary_info: hvac-mode
hvac-action type

By default, translations from ha frontend

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.dahatsu
    type: hvac-action

but you can customize your translations

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.dahatsu
    type: hvac-action
      cooling: Охлаждение

You can set your own icon for each hvac-action

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.dahatsu
    type: hvac-action
        icon: 'mdi:snowflake'
        name: Охлаждение

You can set your own icon for each hvac-action

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.dahatsu
    type: hvac-action
        icon: 'mdi:snowflake'
        name: Охлаждение

Or you can use one permanent icon

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.dahatsu
    type: hvac-action
    icon: 'mdi:cached'
- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.dahatsu
  secondary_info: fan-mode-dropdown


Theme variables

The following variables are available and can be set in your theme to change the appearence of the card. Can be specified by color name, hexadecimal, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, basically anything supported by CSS.

name Default Description
mini-climate-name-font-weight 400 Font weight of the entity name
mini-climate-info-font-weight 300 Font weight of the states
mini-climate-icon-color --mini-humidifier-base-color, var(--paper-item-icon-color, #44739e) The color for icons
mini-climate-button-color --mini-humidifier-button-color, var(--paper-item-icon-color, #44739e) The color for buttons icons
mini-climate-accent-color var(--accent-color) The accent color of UI elements
mini-climate-base-color var(--primary-text-color) & var(--paper-item-icon-color) The color of base text
mini-climate-background-opacity 1 Opacity of the background
mini-climate-scale 1 Scale of the card

My configuration

I originally wrote a plugin for my air conditioner implementation using esphome if interested, you can source esphome-mqtt-climate the following is a configuration example for my air conditioner

- type: custom:mini-climate
  entity: climate.dahatsu
  name: Кондиционер
      auto: Авто
      low: Слабый
      medium: Средний
      high: Сильный
      # for my implementation fan_modes_al is an array of available fan modes of the selected hvac mode
      __filter: >
        (source, state, entity) => entity.attributes
 => source.find(s => === fan_mode))
          .filter(fan_mode => fan_mode)
      type: dropdown
      icon: mdi:approximately-equal
        attribute: swing_mode
      # the drop-down list will remain active until swing_mode is off
      active: state => state !== 'off'
        'off': Выкл
        horizontal: Вкл
      change_action: >
        (selected, state, entity) => this.call_service('climate', 'set_swing_mode', { entity_id: entity.entity_id, swing_mode: selected })
    # turbo air conditioning button
      icon: mdi:weather-hurricane
      # control topic
      topic: 'dahatsu/turbo/set'
        attribute: turbo
        # for my device, the turbo attribute returns boolean type, convert it to on or off
        mapper: "(state, entity) => state ? 'on': 'off'"
      # turbo button is not available for all modes, block it when it is not available
      disabled: (state, entity) => !entity.attributes.turbo_al
      # when you click on the button, send the event to mqtt
      toggle_action: >
        (state) => this.call_service('mqtt', 'publish', { payload: this.toggle_state(state), topic: this.topic, retain: false, qos: 1 })
    # eco button configuration is the same as for turbo button
      icon: mdi:leaf
      topic: 'dahatsu/eco/set'
        attribute: eco
        mapper: "(state, entity) => state ? 'on': 'off'"
      disabled: (state, entity) => !entity.attributes.eco_al
      toggle_action: >
        (state) => this.call_service('mqtt', 'publish', { payload: this.toggle_state(state), topic: this.topic, retain: false, qos: 1 })
    # health button configuration is the same as for turbo button
      icon: mdi:emoticon-happy-outline
      topic: 'dahatsu/health/set'
        attribute: health
        mapper: "(state, entity) => state ? 'on': 'off'"
      disabled: (state, entity) => !entity.attributes.health_al
      toggle_action: >
        (state) => this.call_service('mqtt', 'publish', { payload: this.toggle_state(state), topic: this.topic, retain: false, qos: 1  })
    # power off button
      icon: mdi:power-plug
        entity: switch.air_conditioner_kitchen_switch_l1
    # humidity indicator
      icon: mdi:water
      unit: '%'
      round: 1
        entity: sensor.sensor_temp_hum_pre_kitchen_humidity
    # power consumption indicator
      icon: mdi:flash
      unit: 'W'
      round: 1
        entity: sensor.dahatsu_power
    # power indicator
      icon: mdi:power-plug
        entity: switch.air_conditioner_kitchen_switch_l1
          'on': 'вкл'
          'off': 'выкл'
      # localization of values
      mapper: value => this.source.values[value]


If you plan to contribute back to this repo, please fork & create the PR against the dev branch.

Clone this repository into your config/www folder using git.

$ git clone

Add a reference to the card in your ui-lovelace.yaml.

  - url: /local/mini-humidifier/dist/mini-climate-card-bundle.js
    type: module


Requires nodejs & npm

  1. Move into the mini-climate-card repo, checkout the dev branch & install dependencies.
$ cd mini-climate-card-dev && git checkout dev && npm install
  1. Make changes to the source

  2. Build the source by running

$ npm run build
  1. Refresh the browser to see changes

    Make sure cache is cleared or disabled

  2. (Optional) Watch the source and automatically rebuild on save

$ npm run watch

The new mini-climate-card-bundle.js will be build and ready inside /dist.

Getting errors?

Make sure you have javascript_version: latest in your configuration.yaml under frontend:.

Make sure you have the latest version of mini-climate-card-bundle.js.

If you have issues after updating the card, try clearing your browsers cache or restart Home Assistant.

If you are getting "Custom element doesn't exist: mini-climate" or running older browsers try replacing type: module with type: js in your resource reference, like below.

  - url: ...
    type: js


This project is under the MIT license.