- A Facebook Fanpage. If you don't have one, you can create it here.
- If you haven't downloaded Node.JS, you can get it here.
- Once you have a Fanpage, visit Facebook Developers (if you don't have an account, please create one :>), then navigate to My Apps. If you don't have an app, create one (if you don't know how, I'll guide you in the next section :>) and then select your App.
- ChatGPT API Token, obtain it here.
- Refer to section 1 if you're unsure about the creation process. Otherwise, you can skip this.
- Click on create App -> Other -> None -> Enter your app's name and click "Create App" :>
- Clone the source code:
git clone https://github.com/Tungchaphet/ChatGPTFacebookPage.git
cd ChatGPTFacebookPage
- Install the necessary npm libraries:
npm install
- Run the command npm start in the terminal. Once you see App running at port: {port}, don't close it:
- After creating the App in section 2, look for Add a product, find Messenger, and click Set up. This will create a Messenger Product for you.
- Locate the Access Token in the Messenger Product as shown in the image:
- Click on Add or remove Pages:
- Choose the page you want to integrate and click Done.
- Click Generate token:
Check I Understand and copy the token to place in the config.js file (do not expose or share this token; if you're using Replit, save it as a Secret :>).
Create a file .env in the root folder of this project.
# Token của fanpage muốn tích hợp.
# API key cho ChatGPT
# Token để verify cho webhooks (ghi gì cũng đc)
# Token của app tích hợp trên fanpage (không có cũng được)
# Chuyển thành 'GenerateImage' để tạo ảnh, 'ChatBot' là nhắn tin.
- Navigate to Webhooks and click Add Callback URL.
- Retrieving the Callback URL is covered in section 4. Once obtained, paste it into the Callback URL input and add /webhooks to the end.
- For the Verify token, you can enter any value, but remember to add it to config.js before clicking Verify and save (and don't expose it to others).
- After clicking Verify and save and if you see Webhooks Verified in the terminal, you've successfully set it up.
- Grant page permissions to your App: Click Add subscriptions and check messages. You're done.
- Now you can chat with the Page :>
- This is crucial as Facebook sends user message events via Webhooks.
- If you cloned the source code in Replit, just click Run to view your Repl's web address, and you can continue. If not, keep reading :>
- Using ngrok: After logging in (or creating an account), download it (remember not to close the website after downloading :>).
- Once downloaded and extracted, you'll find ngrok.exe. Launch it, return to the ngrok website, and copy-paste the command from Connect your account into the terminal opened by ngrok.
- Enter the following command:
ngrok http 5500
- Once the display matches a specific image, copy a URL (do not close this terminal).
- Paste the URL into the Callback URL input and add /webhooks:
- After clicking Verify and save and if you see Webhooks Verified in the terminal, you've successfully set it up.
- Discord: https://discord.gg/ww4Htzzm8C