User must registered to use application
User can only access their phone book
User can register with their email + password
User can register with SNS ( Social Network Service )
User can login with their email/username + password or SNS
User can reset their password via email
User can organize their phone book by category
User can search their phone book by: name or phone number - support full text search and auto complete
User password must be hashed
Email must be encrypted
Prevent CRS Attack
Must use http only cookie for secure
Enable Google Captcha if user enter password wrong 5 times
No framework can be used
Must use OOP
Use composer to manage your external libraries
Application must be able to deploy via Docker
Database must be MYSQL 8.x
Doctrine ORM
php installer
php composer.phar -v
mv composer.phar $HOME /composer
composer -v
which composer
composer dumpautoload
git push heroku main:master
- ` ` `
> Test Account
- URL :
- Account: demo| 123456
# ## Resources
1. [Packagist](
2. [PHP Standards Recommendations](