tree_title | description | last_modified |
Type guards |
An overview of how to use TypeScript type guards, including creating your own custom ones |
2020-10-17 18:41:29 UTC |
- Test, at runtime, whether a certain value is of a certain type
- TypeScript compiler can use this information to make better assumptions
function test(input: string | string[]) {
input.split(""); // compiler error
input.filter(() => true); // compiler error
if (typeof input === "string") {
// input has type string here
return input.split("");
} else {
// input has type string[] here
return input.filter(() => true);
class ClassA {
methodA() {
return true;
class ClassB {
methodB() {
return true;
function test(instance: ClassA | ClassB) {
instance.methodA(); // compiler error
instance.methodB(); // compiler error
if (instance instanceof ClassA) {
// instance has type ClassA here
} else {
// instance has type ClassB here
Can be used to implement Discriminating Unions (see Discriminating Unions):
- Types with common property indicating type
- A type alias that is the union of these types
- Type guards on the common property
interface Square {
kind: "square";
size: number;
interface Rectangle {
kind: "rectangle";
width: number;
height: number;
interface Circle {
kind: "circle";
radius: number;
type Shape = Square | Rectangle | Circle;
function area(shape: Shape) {
switch (shape.kind) {
case "square":
// shape has type Square here
return shape.size * shape.size;
case "rectangle":
// shape has type Rectangle here
return shape.height * shape.width;
case "circle":
// shape has type Circle here
return Math.PI * shape.radius ** 2;
TypeScript recognizes that the common property kind
determines the type here
Also works with regular if-statements:
function test(shape: Shape) {
if (shape.kind === "rectangle") {
// shape has type Rectangle here
Example code (uses the interfaces from the above example):
function test(shape: Shape) {
if ("radius" in shape) {
// shape has type Circle here
You can also define your own type guards that perform the type check at runtime by looking at certain properties of the object you receive
interface Message {
messageType: string;
interface UserMessage extends Message {
messageType: "user";
userId: number;
interface OrderMessage extends Message {
messageType: "order";
orderId: number;
function isMessage(arg: any): arg is Message {
return typeof arg.messageType === "string";
function isUserMessage(arg: Message): arg is UserMessage {
return arg.messageType === "user";
function isOrderMessage(arg: Message): arg is OrderMessage {
return arg.messageType === "order";
function test(input: object) {
console.log(input.messageType); // compiler error
if (isMessage(input)) {
// input has type Message here
console.log(input.userId); // compiler error
console.log(input.orderId); // compiler error
if (isUserMessage(input)) {
// input has type UserMessage here
} else if (isOrderMessage(input)) {
// input has type OrderMessage here