Requirements • Install • Usage
A minimal BufExplorer alternative for lazy people for your favorite editor.
Bafa is swahili for "buffer".
It allows you to quickly switch between buffers and delete them.
- Neovim (tested with 0.9.0)
For having fancy icons, you need to install a patched font. You can find some patched fonts in the Nerd Fonts website. Also you should consider installing nvim-web-devicons for having the correct icons based on the ft in the buffer list.
Via lazy.nvim:
-- Buffer management
{ 'mistweaverco/bafa.nvim' },
-- Buffer management
opts = {
width = 60,
height = 10,
title = "Bafa",
title_pos = "center",
relative = "editor",
border = "rounded",
style = "minimal",
diagnostics = true,
Opens up a floating window with your buffers.
Press enter to select a buffer or press dd
or D
to delete a buffer.