was written in an effort to make animations easier to work with. We made this possible by wrapping the awesome flexible yet lightweight JavaScript animation library, anime in a react component. Simply pass some props and your awesome animations come to life.
import React from 'react';
import Anime from 'react-anime';
let root = (props, state) => (
<Anime easing="easeOutElastic"
delay={(el, index) => index * 240}
scale={[.75, .9]}>
<div className="blue"/>
<div className="green"/>
<div className="red"/>
The following are props that you can assign to an <Anime/>
component, along with the type they expect.
Prop |
Type |
delay |
(el: Element, index?: number, len?: number) => number | number |
duration |
TimingValue ( above ) |
autoplay |
boolean |
loop |
number | boolean |
direction |
'normal' | 'reverse' | 'alternate' |
easing |
'easeInSine' | 'easeOutSine' | 'easeInOutSine' | 'easeInCirc' | 'easeOutCirc' | 'easeInOutCirc' | 'easeInElastic' | 'easeOutElastic' | 'easeInOutElastic' | 'easeInBack' | 'easeOutBack' | 'easeInOutBack' | 'easeInBounce' | 'easeOutBounce' | 'easeInOutBounce' | 'easeInQuad' | 'easeOutQuad' | 'easeInOutQuad' | 'easeInCubic' | 'easeOutCubic' | 'easeInOutCubic' | 'easeInQuart' | 'easeOutQuart' | 'easeInOutQuart' | 'easeInQuint' | 'easeOutQuint' | 'easeInOutQuint' | 'easeInExpo' | 'easeOutExpo' | 'easeInOutExpo' | 'linear' |
elasticity |
number |
round |
number | boolean |
begin |
(anime: AnimeInstance) => void |
update |
(anime: AnimeInstance) => void |
complete |
(anime: AnimeInstance) => void |
[index: string] |
string | number | (string | number)[2] | ((el: Element, index?: number) => string | number) | { value: string | number, delay: TimingValues, duration?: TimingValues, easing?: Easing } |
Note the last prop type, any other props can be used by anime, from CSS attributes to SVG attributes, you name it. :)
Prop |
Type |
translateX |
AnimationProp (Above) |
translateY |
AnimationProp |
rotate |
AnimationProp |
scale |
AnimationProp |
scaleX |
AnimationProp |
scaleY |
AnimationProp |
Prop |
Type |
d |
AnimationProp |
rx |
AnimationProp |
transform |
AnimationProp |
scale |
AnimationProp |
scaleX |
AnimationProp |
scaleY |
AnimationProp |
Prop |
Type |
value |
AnimationProp |
volume |
AnimationProp |