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Package for creating megawidgets using TclOO (WIP).




oowidgets::widget CLASSNAME CODE

This will create a command classname where all letters are lower case. The classname must have at least one uppercase letter to distinguish it from the Tcl command name. Here an example:

package require oowidgets
namespace eval ::flash { }
oowidgets::widget ::flash::Label {
    constructor {path args} {
        my install ttk::label $path -flashtime 200
        my configure {*}$args
    method flash {} {
        set fg [my cget -foreground]
        for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
            my configure -foreground blue
            update idletasks
            after [my cget -flashtime]
            my configure -foreground $fg
            update idletasks
            after [my cget -flashtime]

This widget can be then used for instance like this:

set fl [flash::label .fl -text "FlashLabel" -flashtime 50 -anchor center]
pack $fl -side top -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill both -expand true
$fl flash

For more examples, including creating composite widgets, using mixins, see the tutorial

There is a sample project which uses TclOO and oowidgets to create mega widgets. Here two example commands:

PS: package name inspired by some wiki code about creating megawidgets with TclOO from which a lot of code was "stolen"..

License: BSD

Snit vs oowidgets

Here an example widget ins snit, the above mentioned dlabel a ttk::label with dynamic font-size adaptation, looks like this:

Here the snit code:

package require snit
namespace eval dgw { }
snit::widget  dgw::dlabel {
    component label
    option -text "Default"
    delegate method * to label
    delegate option * to label
    option -font ""
    constructor {args} {
        install label using ttk::label $win.lbl {*}$args
        $self configurelist $args
        if {$options(-font) eq ""} {
            set mfont [font create {*}[font configure TkDefaultFont]]
            $label configure -font $mfont
            set options(-font) $mfont
        pack $label -side top -fill both -expand yes -padx 10 -pady 10
        bind  $label <Configure> [mymethod ConfigureBinding %W %w %h] 
    method AdjustFont {width height} {
        set cw [font measure $options(-font) $options(-text)]
        set ch [font metrics $options(-font)]
        set size [font configure $options(-font) -size]
        # shrink
        set shrink false
        while {true} {
            set cw [font measure $options(-font) $options(-text)]
            set ch [font metrics $options(-font)]
            set size [font configure $options(-font) -size]

            if {$cw < $width && $ch < $height} {
            incr size -2
            font configure $options(-font) -size $size
            set shrink true
        # grow
        while {!$shrink} {
            set cw [font measure $options(-font) $options(-text)]
            set ch [font metrics $options(-font)]
            set size [font configure $options(-font) -size]
            if {$cw > $width || $ch > $height} {
                incr size -2 ;#set back
                font configure $options(-font) -size $size
            incr size 2
            font configure $options(-font) -size $size
    method ConfigureBinding {mwin width height} {
        bind $mwin <Configure> {}
        $self AdjustFont $width $height
        after idle [list bind $mwin <Configure> [mymethod ConfigureBinding %W %w %h]]

And here the oowidget code:

package require oowidgets
namespace eval paul { }

oowidgets::widget ::paul::Dlabel {
    variable label
    constructor {path args} {
        my install ttk::label $path \
              -font [font create {*}[font configure TkDefaultFont]] \
              -text Default
        my configure {*}$args
        set label $path
        bind  $label <Configure> [callback ConfigureBinding %W %w %h] 
    method AdjustFont {width height} {
        set cw [font measure [my cget -font] [my cget -text]]
        set ch [font metrics [my cget -font]]
        set size [font configure [my cget -font] -size]
        # shrink
        set shrink false
        while {true} {
            set cw [font measure [my cget -font] [my cget -text]]
            set ch [font metrics [my cget -font]]
            set size [font configure [my cget -font] -size]

            if {$cw < $width && $ch < $height} {
            incr size -2
            font configure [my cget -font] -size $size
            set shrink true
        # grow
        while {!$shrink} {
            set cw [font measure [my cget -font] [my cget -text]]
            set ch [font metrics [my cget -font]]
            set size [font configure [my cget -font] -size]
            if {$cw > $width || $ch > $height} {
                incr size -2 ;#set back
                font configure [my cget -font] -size $size
            incr size 2
            font configure [my cget -font] -size $size
    method ConfigureBinding {mwin width height} {
        bind $mwin <Configure> {}
        my AdjustFont $width $height
        after idle [list bind $mwin <Configure> [callback ConfigureBinding %W %w %h]]

The main differences using oowidgets:

  • no hull widget, just direct install of ttk::label without a frame
  • snit: $self configurelist $args - oowidgets: my configure {*}$args`
  • all methods and options are automatically delegated to this main widget if there is no hull widget
  • not mymethod but the callback method suggested in Tclers Wiki
  • not using an options array but my cget

Let's give an other example, the famous readonly text widget, here the snitcode from the dark old times when no OOP was in the Tcl core reimplemented with oowidgets:

package require oowidgets
namespace eval ::test { }
::oowidgets::widget ::test::Rotext {
    variable textw
    constructor {path args} {
        # we need the real widget (underline at the end)
        set textw ${path}_
        # Create the text widget; turn off its insert cursor
        my install tk::text $path -insertwidth 0 -border 5 -relief flat
        my configure {*}$args
    # Disable the text widget's insert and delete methods
    # to make this readonly even if the user writes text.
    method insert {args} { } 
    method delete {args} { }
    # programmatically we can still insert and delete ...
    method ins {args} { $textw insert {*}$args  }
    method del {args} { $textw delete {*}$args  }


  • 2024-12-29 : 0.4.0 Making it Tcl 9 ready


  • delegate method?
  • component declaration?
  • snit compatibility?
  • Tcl 9 check (done)