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Revamped Control System

Sean M. Pappalardo edited this page May 16, 2013 · 25 revisions


Status: This specification is in drafting. Feel free to add ideas to this page.

Mixxx's ControlObject system is lacking a few desirable features and is not as fast as it could be. This project will build a new Control system for thread-safe value communication across the Mixxx codebase.

Use Cases

  • Thread safe communication of basic value types (string, boolean, double, integer, etc)
  • Unified method for changing and retrieving system parameters across different Mixxx subsystems (MIDI, GUI, Script, OSC, etc)
  • Unified namespace for referring to control values across Mixxx
  • Triggering on changes to control values
  • Enumeration and logging of Control values for, e.g. crash recovery, debugging,

Motivation and Design Issues

When designing pieces of Mixxx, every value that needs to be shared across threads must be guarded by locks in order to prevent nasty race conditions that can lead to invalid data and mysterious segfaults. Mixxx receives contributions from developers around the world, many of which do not have the time to invest in fully understanding the Mixxx codebase, including which thread runs in which context. For any given piece of code, a new developer may not be able to easily determine the threading model, and which threads run in which sections of code. Furthermore, if a given value in the Mixxx code needs to be shared across threads, the most common pattern for making it thread-safe is to make a per-variable lock, and guarding every use of the variable with the lock.

A Control system resolves these two issues by automatically protecting every use of a variable with a lock, and providing a 'worry-free' approach to thread safety where the contributor does not have to worry about the thread safety of their code as long as their values are in the Control system.

There are two competing interests while designing a thread safe value communication system: thread safety and performance. The problem with the above approach is that if every reference to a value is guarded by a lock, then there can be a significant performance impact if every variable in the code is protected in this manner.

The Existing Control System

The original Mixxx control system, the ControlObject system, balances the above concerns with a hybrid approach. This amounts to a two-tier system. There are ControlObjects and ControlObject proxies. ControlObjects, which guard a double variable, support two main methods: set() and get(). The double value in the ControlObject is not guarded by a lock at all. The intent is that each value that is in the control system has an 'owner'. The owner is the section of code that initially created a particular ControlObject. The owner of the ControlObject is the only code which is allowed to use the raw ControlObject itself. This allows raw (i.e. high-speed) access to the control variable. A ControlObject proxy, (e.g. ControlObjectThread and ControlObjectThreadMain) represents a non-owner section of the code which wishes to retrieve, change, and/or be notified of changes to the control value. The ControlObject and its proxies operate asynchronously. Periodically, there is a synchronization step which occurs. All updates to a ControlObject and to its proxies are queued and during the synchronization step, the latest values of all control objects are broadcast to their proxies, and the changes from the proxies are set on the respective ControlObjects. This synchronization step is currently run at the beginning of the audio callback. The idea is that this is a time when no engine code can possibly be running. However, there is nothing preventing ControlObjects in other sections of Mixxx from being vulnerable to race conditions. The reason this is not a problem in practice is that ControlObjects are primarily created within the engine. In the future, this may not remain true as more and more features are added to Mixxx.

Implementation Performance

There are bottlenecks with the implementation of this system. The synchronization step is facilitated by three static queues, each with its own corresponding lock. The ControlObject set/get methods and the ControlObject proxy set/get methods all must use these static queues. This means that this system is actually far less performant then it claims to be. What it does achieve is that errant ControlObject proxies cannot cause lock contention on an engine ControlObject until the synchronization phase. Errant ControlObject code can cause Mixxx-wide contention for set/get operations on every ControlObject since the lock is static.

Overview of ControlObject Proxies

ControlObjectThread, ControlObjectThreadMain, ControlObjectThreadWidget are three different types of ControlObject proxies which can be used. ControlObjectThread uses locks for mutual exclusion when receiving updates from its corresponding ControlObject. ControlObjectThreadMain assumes that the only code which will be calling its methods is running in the Qt GUI thread. In order to ensure mutual exclusion, ControlObjectThreadMain uses the Qt event loop to deliver updates from the ControlObject. This allows it to forego the use of locks. Unfortunately, the implementation does not include a set/get that doesn't use locks, so there is no real performance increase. ControlObjectThreadWidget is a ControlObjectThreadMain that is used to bind Mixxx widgets to ControlObject proxies. ControlObjectThread can be used in any context, while ControlObjectThreadMain can only be used when it will only be used by code running from the GUI thread.

Design Questions

Two-Tier System or Unified System?

The two-tier system that is currently in Mixxx causes developer confusion. What kind of proxy should be used? When should a ControlObject be used versus a proxy? The benefit of the system is that it can reduce lock contention on the true ControlObject. If some QtScript was written that continuously set the rate of a player, then it is possible that the engine thread would have to stall to wait for the lock when calculating the rate in the engine thread.

A unified system uses locks for every operation, and has no concept of a proxy. The cost of every operation is the cost of a single, non-static lock. A unified system would actually cost less in terms of performance than the existing control system, because every operation results in an object lock instead of a static lock. Switching to a unified system would actually result in a performance boost. The choice of whether to implement a two-tier system is simply to reduce lock contention on the Control from potentially buggy proxy users.

Supported control types

The current ControlObject system only supports doubles. There has been recent demand for a wider range of types. The ability to store a string in a Control is the most useful of the type additions. If the new Control system will support a variety of types, then those that would be most useful to Mixxx would be boolean, integer, double, and string. In an ideal system, these types would be supported via C++ template metaprogramming. Unfortunately, QObjects are incompatible with templates, so this is not an option.

Support type constraints

The current ControlObject class has a number of subclasses, ControlPotmeter, ControlLogPotmeter, etc., which determine the semantic behavior of the control and the range of values that are acceptable for the control. This is a desirable feature for a control system. A new system must support the validation of set()'s against a series of constraints which are determined by the type of the control.

Keep or Replace ConfigKey?

All ControlObjects are currently referred to by their key, a ConfigKey. This system allows each Control to be named by two strings: group and item. The group is effectively the control's namespace. In the engine, for example, all controls related to the first player have the group [Channel1]. Each control for the second player has the group [Channel2]. This does not allow more granular grouping in a natural way. If the ConfigKey were more like a filesystem path, then grouping could be arbitrarily deep. This might not be useful at all, but it might allow something like this: Select all controls with the namespace [Channel1] will return all controls with the namespace Channel1, while selecting with the namespace [Channel1,FX] will return a subset of those controls which are also in the FX sub-namespace of Channel1. This would be useful for something like a Control inspector that lets you look at a table of all control values in Mixxx and select based on namespace.

If anything, ConfigKey is really crufty and it would be nice if we could rename it to something nicer and more relevant.

Proposed Designs

QVariant Based, Unified Control System

This system would be a unified control system. There would be a single Control class, and derivatives of it (e.g. ControlPushButton, ControlTTRotary, ControlLogPotmeter, like in the Mixxx codebase today) but there would be no such thing as a control proxy. All updates to Controls happen across Mixxx immediately.

QVariant is a Qt built in type for storing a variety of data types. The main benefit of using QVariant as the data type for the control system is that we will automatically be able to support a wide variety of data types in controls, including things like QByteArray, which could be very useful. It supports all of the desired types listed above and more. A list can be found in the QVariant Qt documentation. To sidestep the annoyance of working with 'boxed' values, subclasses of Control could be provided that implement methods with the actual type. For example -- ControlValue could be a subclass of Control which provides get/set methods for double, including add/sub methods that are currently provided on ControlObjects. ControlBoolean ControlInteger, and ControlString could be similar.

Template Based Control System with atomic typ support

This system would be a control system taking the advantage of atomic types into account. There a two base templates, one for types with sizeof(T) <= sizeof(void*) which can be read and write natively atomic by the cpu and one with a ring buffer that guarantees lock free thread save reads and writes for larger types. Unfortunately Qt does not provide a way implement signals and slots via a template class, so we have to subclass a ControlObject for each desired data type.

These new ControlObjects can now used from any thread without worrying about proxys or sync threads.

Due to the template based implementation the performance should be slightly better then the QVariant version, but lacks in runtime type conversion. Unfortunatedly Qt does not support template Types for signal and Slots. If this is really needed we may specialize one Control Object for QVarant as well.

The biggest instant performance boost will happen with the 64 bit version where all legacy double control objects are accessed atomic without any loss of performance. Later we may introduce integer control objects for some values with the same benefit on 32 bit systems.

The first prototype can be found in lp:~mixxxdevelopers/mixxx/atomic-co

Control Object Types

Based on the Atomic ControlObjectBase we will introduce 4 Control Object Data Types:

  • double (legacy) for higest accuracy
  • uint32_t, for fast access, and bool values
  • uint8_t[4], for lossless routing Midi Messages
  • QString

Those four types will have inside Mixx and independend API, to avoid overhead for type checking. A common interface is provided vor the xml mapping and the controller scripts to avoid that the controller mapping developer has to deal with types.

This can be done by using the benefits of QScriptValue

Work Breakdown

This work breakdown structure (WBS) will become more detailed as the design above becomes more thorough and complete.


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