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Reverse Engineering

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Reverse Engineering Communication Protocols of DJ Hardware

For most controllers, watching the incoming MIDI messages sent to Mixxx and referring to the manufacturer's documentation is enough to find all you need to map a controller to Mixxx. Unfortunately, it is common for manufacturers' documentation to be incomplete (for example, not documenting the MIDI message to request the position of all the knobs and faders when the DJ application starts) or completely missing. In these cases, you'll need to reverse engineer how the hardware communicates with other DJ software to get it working with Mixxx.

The MIDI Crash Course page has more background information about interpreting MIDI messages.

Observing MIDI/HID messages with Mixxx

  1. Start Mixxx from a command prompt using the --controllerDebug option like so:
  • Linux: user@machine:~$ mixxx --controllerDebug
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\Mixxx>mixxx --controllerDebug
  • macOS: $ open -a mixxx --args --controllerDebug
  1. Look at the output
  • Watch the console output or look at the Mixxx.log file which will contain all of the MIDI messages Mixxx receives. As you manipulate the controller, the MIDI commands it sends will be printed to the screen/logged to the file. Compare the status (first) byte in each line with the table above and note which button/slider/control sends what message.
  • For example, when you move a slider, you might seeDebug: [...]: "MIDI ch 1: opcode: B0, ctrl: 2, val: 3D" Debug: [...]: "MIDI ch 1: opcode: B0, ctrl: 2, val: 3A" Debug: [...]: "MIDI ch 1: opcode: B0, ctrl: 2, val: 3D" Debug: [...]: "MIDI ch 1: opcode: B0, ctrl: 2, val: 3B" Debug: [...]: "MIDI ch 1: opcode: B0, ctrl: 2, val: 3C"

In this instance, it's sending 0xB0 (which when we look at the table, we see that it's a Control Change message on channel 1). We also see that the second byte, 0x02 in this case, is the control number that was moved, and the third is the value or position of that control, which you can ignore for the purposes of mapping.

  1. Add the byte values to a <control> block in the XML file

Observing MIDI/HID messages with other DJ software

Wireshark is an excellent, free, cross platform program to record and analyze computer communication data. It is most known for analyzing network traffic, but it can also be used for USB traffic. Wireshark has a USB Audio filter that can be used to analyze traffic for USB Audio and MIDI devices (MIDI is part of the USB Audio Class standard). Wireshark also has a USB HID filter.

Use usbaudio.midi.event as the filter in Wireshark to separate audio signals from MIDI. The filter shows only system exclusive (sysex) messages.

Running VMs on a Linux host

If you are using Linux, you can run other DJ software in a Windows virtual machine and record the USB traffic with Wireshark (macOS is a hassle to run in a VM but Windows is easy). You can run Wireshark on the Linux host or inside the virtual machine, but if you run Wireshark in Linux you don't need to bother transferring the captured traffic files out of the VM.

Microsoft makes the ISO image installer available for no cost. When Windows asks for a product key during installation, you can mark that you don't have one. Windows 10 will not use multiple CPUs on different sockets, so if you want to use multiple CPU cores, configure the VM to use a single CPU socket with multiple cores. Configure this before installing Windows so the installation goes faster.

You need to redirect the USB device to the VM for the VM to use it.

Make sure you have Intel VT-x or AMD-V enabled in your EFI/BIOS settings.

It is recommended to use at least 35 GB for the disk image to allow room for Windows, the DJ software, and a bit of music to test with (Traktor requires at least 3 GB of free space).


Install the SPICE guest tools in the VM after installing Windows for seamless integration with the host mouse and keyboard.

There are various options for display drivers as detailed in this blog post and the Arch Linux wiki. Traktor seems to work best with VirtIO, even though there is no usable virtio-gpu driver for Windows that supports OpenGL (this was started as a GSOC project in 2017 but remains incomplete as of August 2020). Traktor does not seem to work well with Intel GVT-g (tested with Intel UHD Graphics 620 on a Core i7 8550U, Linux kernel 5.6.19-300.rt10.2.fc32.ccrma.x86_64+rt). If you have a discrete GPU, passing that through as a PCI device to the VM (and perhaps using Looking Glass) may be worth a try.

Audio works best with WASAPI Exclusive Mode. Adjust the audio buffer to the largest it can be. Audio will crackle frequently, but not so much that it's unusable for reverse engineering. ASIO crackles so much that it is unusable. Curiously, the option for using WASAPI disappears from Traktor when the ASIO driver for the Kontrol S4 Mk3 is installed, so don't install the ASIO drivers for Native Instruments devices.


Install the VirtualBox guest extensions with experimental 3D acceleration.

Wireshark CLI

First, you need to load the kernel module that allows monitoring the USB connection:

$ sudo modprobe usbmon

Now run lsusb to find out with USB bus your controller is connected to, e.g.:

$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 016: ID 0582:0208 Roland Corp. DJ-505

The controller in the example is connected to Bus 001, which means that you need to use the usbmon1 interface for capturing data.

Next, you can start monitoring the outgoing USB packets by using tshark or Wireshark. If you're using the former, just run:

$ tshark -i usbmon1 -Y 'usb.capdata && usb.src == host' -e usb.capdata -Tfields
Capturing on 'usbmon1'

This will print all outgoing USB packets on interface usbmon1 that have a usb.capdata field (that contains the MIDI messages).

The captured data will start with an extra byte which you'll have to ignore, e.g.:

Captured USB data MIDI message
0990007f 90 00 7f
0bbf6400 bf 64 00
09900100 90 01 00

Wireshark GUI example

Here you can find a Wireshark example running wireshark-gtk (for KDE you may want use wireshark-qt) GUI on Ubuntu using the left screen and Win10 with MIDI-OX and Serato in VirtualBox on the right screen. We wanna check for the Serato communication with Denon MC4000 and MC7000 to find out what information the Software and controllers exchange during startup of Serato.

To set up Wireshark I recommend you to check the Wireshark WIKI and your distribution specific documentation. Another source you need to look at is the MIDI Manufacturer ID.

To keep analyzing as simple as possible it is recommended to capture USB data only for a few seconds while you do one specific action. Capturing 30 seconds while starting Serato can easily record 70-100MB of data.

Denon MC4000 example

Starting with the Denon MC4000 to learn something about the USB traffic signals and how to find the SysEx messages that Serato exchange with the MC4000 during start ...

Analyzing the Wireshark record from left to right side of the picture above.

1) left side window called "*usbmon1": inside either you use the filter or sort column "Protocol" and look for "SYSEX". The example shows 2 lines where we check the first one in more detail by double click the line so the details window will open with all information about that package and brings us to ....

2) the 2nd window called "Wireshark - Paket 24689 - usbmon1". In there you gonna find the sections "Frame", "USB URB" and "USB Audio". The later one we are interested in so open that section by clicking on the triangle. Several MIDI signals are present indicated by the red arrows. Here a more detailed view:

The raw signal shows blocks of 3 MIDI signals (red arrows) always starting with a 04 to indicate that another MIDI packet is coming (green underline and arrows). The last packet is indicated by either 05 or 06 (here 06). Changing the TAB in that window to "Reassembled Message" will show the MIDI signal only. Wireshark just deletes the control bytes 04 and 06 and assembles the SysEx message from the 5 Event Packets.

3) So when checking and sending that SysEx message (see right side of the first picture)

f0 00 02 0b 7f 01 60 00 04 04 01 00 00 f7 

from MIDI-OX to the controller then the MC4000 replies back with the current status of all knobs. This message can now be used on the MC4000 MIDI script file inside the init section as following:

var byteArray = [ 0xF0, 0x00, 0x02, 0x0B, 0x7F, 0x01, 0x60, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF7 ];

and MIXXX also will recognise the knobs positions during start.

Denon MC7000 example

Now the MC7000 is not that straight forward as Denon hides all the specifications including MIDI signals.

Looking to the USB traffic, there is no Protocol SysEx that we can search for. But we know the manufacturer is Denon and so we can look for the MIDI Manufacturer ID. Searching for Denon gives the Midi ID "00 02 0B". Searching that string does not give any result though.

What we have learned from the MC4000 is important now ...

  • The SysEx message always starts with f0 and ends with f7
  • There are control bytes grouping 3 MIDI bytes: 04 to start/continue a message and 05 or 06 to indicate the last package.

So for Denon MC7000 a better HEX search is

04 f0 00 02 04 0B
  • 04 -> Control Byte to start a MIDI message block
  • f0 -> SysEx message start
  • 00 02 -> Denon Manufacturer ID
  • 04 -> Control Byte to continue the next 3 MIDI bytes
  • 0b -> Denon Manufacturer ID

Unfortunately, there is no result either.

We know that Denon partnered with Serato selling the bundle of Hard- and Software. So maybe we are more lucky with the MIDI Manufacturer ID of Serato which would be:

00 20 7F

Searching HEX Value inside the USB dump would look like this:

04 f0 00 20 04 7f

and we get several results that look like MIDI SysEx messages. They are stored in "Leftover Capture Data". Now some manual work is needed as Wireshark cannot re-assemble the MIDI bytes as they are not declared as such.

1) So this means to copy all Messages found starting with f0 and Serato Manufacturer ID and end with f7 to a text file.

2) Manually delete all control bytes. The first byte 04 the 5th byte 04 the 9th byte 04 and so on. Remember that the last 3 MIDI bytes are indicated by a 05 or 06 that must be deleted as well.

3) Send all SysEx messages to the controller using MIDI-OX and look for the response. In this example the 3rd message seems to be the right one as there are many answers coming back from the controller.

This is exactly the SysEx message that Serato uses for other controllers in order to receive feedback. See here

So in the MIDI script file it can be used like:

var byteArray = [ 0xF0, 0x00, 0x20, 0x7F, 0x03, 0x01, 0xF7 ];

to set the knobs and sliders to the actual value of the hardware controller.


  1. explain software used
  2. explain minimizing bus traffic
  3. mention wsl as workflow accelerator
  4. usb RE-workflows
  5. timed captures
  6. Explain the difference between real USB vs USB-capture

MIDI OX can intercept MIDI messages from programs other than Mixxx.


MIDI Monitor and MIDISimulator are two different applications that can be used to observe MIDI signals on macOS.

Linux alsa-utils MIDI tools

alsa-utils on Linux has a few tools helpful for working with MIDI devices.

Open a console and issue amidi -l. This will list the attached MIDI device(s) like so:

Dir Device    Name
IO  hw:1,0,0  SCS.3d MIDI 1

Then, to dump the data, you just issue amidi -p hw:1,0,0 -d (Replace hw:1,0,0 with whatever device ID your controller shows in the list.) You'll get output like this:

B0 02 3D
B0 02 3A
B0 02 3D
B0 02 3B
B0 02 3C

See above for how to interpret this data.

amidi can also be used to send MIDI messages to your controller with the -S option. Specify each byte as a hexadecimal number and separate the bytes by spaces. For example:

amidi -p hw:1,0,0 -S "b0 02 7f"

The program aseqdump works similarly, but is a bit more verbose than a series of hexadecimal numbers:

$ aseqdump -l
 Port    Client name                      Port name
  0:0    System                           Timer
  0:1    System                           Announce
 14:0    Midi Through                     Midi Through Port-0
 20:0    Tweaker                          Tweaker MIDI 1
 20:1    Tweaker                          Tweaker MIDI 2
$ aseqdump -p 20:0
Waiting for data. Press Ctrl+C to end.
Source  Event                  Ch  Data
 20:0   Note on                 0, note 1, velocity 127
 20:0   Note off                0, note 1
 20:0   Note on                 0, note 2, velocity 127
 20:0   Note off                0, note 2
 20:0   Note on                 0, note 3, velocity 127
 20:0   Note off                0, note 3
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