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Extract, Transform, and Load data for analytic processing using Glue

The developers at Mystique Unicorn are exploring the option of building a OLTP 1 database in AWS using RDS. They have batches of JSON data arriving to their S3 bucket at frequent intervals. They would like a mechanism to ingest this data to RDS. New data is added to S3 on a daily schedule. This mechanism should be able to perform the data load incrementally.

Can you help them to process incoming events and process the incoming events from JSON format to parquet and store them in S3 to allow them to query with Athena.

🎯 Solutions

AWS Glue is a fully managed serverless data integration service that makes it easy to extract, transform, and load (ETL) from various data sources for analytics and data processing with Apache Spark ETL jobs. In this application, we will fetch the incoming events from S3(generated by lambda) and process them using Glue Jobs and load them to RDS database for analytics. Let us assume each store produces an event like the one shown below,

  "request_id": "ced29fc0-860b-4c41-a661-bef4ffd158ee",
  "category": "Groceries",
  "store_id": 3,
  "ts": "2021-04-10T22:38:35.380361",
  "event_type": "inventory_event",
  "sales": 20.94,
  "sku": 31555,
  "gift_wrap": true,
  "qty": 38,
  "priority_shipping": true,
  "contact_me": "",
  "is_return": true

Miztiik Automation: Streaming ETL with AWS Glue

  1. 🧰 Prerequisites

    This demo, instructions, scripts and cloudformation template is designed to be run in us-east-1. With few modifications you can try it out in other regions as well(Not covered here).

    • πŸ›  AWS CLI Installed & Configured - Get help here
    • πŸ›  AWS CDK Installed & Configured - Get help here
    • πŸ›  Python Packages, Change the below commands to suit your OS, the following is written for amzn linux 2
      • Python3 - yum install -y python3
      • Python Pip - yum install -y python-pip
      • Virtualenv - pip3 install virtualenv
  2. βš™οΈ Setting up the environment

    • Get the application code

      git clone
      cd s3-to-rds-with-glue
  3. πŸš€ Prepare the dev environment to run AWS CDK

    We will use cdk to make our deployments easier. Lets go ahead and install the necessary components.

    # You should have npm pre-installed
    # If you DONT have cdk installed
    npm install -g aws-cdk
    # Make sure you in root directory
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    The very first time you deploy an AWS CDK app into an environment (account/region), you’ll need to install a bootstrap stack, Otherwise just go ahead and deploy using cdk deploy.

    cdk bootstrap
    cdk ls
    # Follow on screen prompts

    You should see an output of the available stacks,

  4. πŸš€ Deploying the application

    Let us walk through each of the stacks,

    • Stack: sales-events-bkt-stack

      This stack will create a version controlled s3 bucket to hold all our store events.

      Initiate the deployment with the following command,

      cdk deploy sales-events-bkt-stack

      After successfully deploying the stack, Check the Outputs section of the stack. You will find the StoreEventsBucket.

    • Stack: sales-events-producer-stack

      This stack will create the lambda function that will generate the events and write them to StoreEventsBucket under two prefixes sale_events and inventory_events. The lambda function has a runtime of 2 seconds. If you want more events to be generated, then you can increase the duration of lambda and also run it multiple times.

      Initiate the deployment with the following command,

      cdk deploy sales-events-producer-stack

      After successfully deploying the stack, Check the Outputs section of the stack. You will find the producer StoreOrdersEventsProducer lambda function. We will invoke this function later during our testing phase.

    • Stack: oltp-consumer-on-ec2-stack

      To simulate the access of business analysts to RDS, We will use an ec2 instance. This stack will also create the vpc, subnets, route tables using the stack s3-to-rds-with-glue-vpc-stack. We will be using the same VPC for hosting our RDS OLTP server.

      The EC2 instance will be launched in the public subnet along with a IAM Role that supports SSM Session Manager access2. This Ec2 instance is configured to be bootstrapped with mysql client libraries to enable connections to RDS. Take a look at the userdata scripts at stacks/back_end/oltp_consumer_on_ec2_stack/bootstrap_scripts/ if you want to modify them or improve them to add your own libraries.

      Initiate the deployment with the following command,

      cdk deploy s3-to-rds-with-glue-vpc-stack
      cdk deploy oltp-consumer-on-ec2-stack

      After successfully deploying the stack, Check the Outputs section of the stack. You will find the instance Ec2ConsumerInstance.

    • Stack: store-events-oltp-db-stack

      To receive the incoming events from S3, we will need a OLTP database. We will use an RDS database running MySQL engine for that. This instance will be hosted in the private subnet and the security group is configured to allow port 3306 connections from within the VPC. To enable AWS Glue to communicate between its components, a security group rule with a self-referencing inbound rule for all TCP ports is required3. The database is has the following configurations,

      • Database Name: store_events
      • DB Engine Version: 5.7.x Native Glue Connections drivers for MySQL >8.x seem to be buggy at this moment, hence the lower version.
      • DB Username: mystiquemaster
      • DB Password: Auto generated and stored in AWS Secrets Manager
      • Parameter & Option Group: Defaults

      Initiate the deployment with the following command,

      cdk deploy store-events-oltp-db-stack

      After successfully deploying the stack, Check the Outputs section of the stack. You will find the DB Resource StoreEventsDatabase. You will find the credentials to connect to the database in secrets manager arn StoreEventsDatabaseSecretArn. The sample command to connect to the db a cli can also be found there.

    • Stack: s3-to-rds-with-glue-txns-tbl-stack

      This stack will create the Glue Catalog Database: miztiik_sales_db. We will use a glue crawler to create a table under this database with metadata about the store events. We will hook up this table as data source for our glue jobs later.

      NOTE: This stack also create a table in glue database, we can ignore that for now. It is not used anywhere, It is a remanent and needs to be cleaned up.

      Initiate the deployment with the following command,

      cdk deploy s3-to-rds-with-glue-txns-tbl-stack

      After successfully deploying the stack, Check the Outputs section of the stack. You will find the GlueCatalogDBForStoreEvents resource.

    • Stack: s3-to-rds-with-glue-crawler-stack

      To ingest our S3 data to RDS, we need to know what columns are to be create and what are their types. We will use a crawler to populate our StreamingETLGlueJob Data Catalog with the discovered schema. Upon completion, the crawler creates or updates one or more tables in our data catalog. The crawler will also configured to be run on a periodic schedule to discover new data being added at our source.

      Remember the prefixes sale_events and inventory_events created by our sales-events-producer-stack, this will come in handy when we set our crawler to crawl these sources. If you decide to use Parquet or Athena you can use them to narrow down your query.

      We will also configure our crawler to exclude the prefix bookmarks/**, As we will configure Glue Job Bookmarks4 to use this location to keep track of data being processed.

      The crawled data is added under a new table with the prefix txns_ under our glue database that we created within our s3-to-rds-with-glue-txns-tbl-stack

      Initiate the deployment with the following command,

      cdk deploy s3-to-rds-with-glue-crawler-stack

      After successfully deploying the stack, Check the Outputs section of the stack. You will find the SaleTransactionsCrawler resource. Although there is a trigger scheduled, We will later trigger this manually to quicken the testing process.

    • Stack: s3-to-rds-with-glue-job-stack

      All the stacks that we have deployed so far to get all prerequisites ready for data load to RDS. This stack will consum inputs from these stacsk and does ingestion of data from S3 to RDS. We need to supply a script that does the data ingestion to JDBC Datastore. As I am not much familiar with Spark scripts, I used the Glue console to generate the script for me. The code is provided to you in this location stacks/back_end/glue_stacks/glue_job_scripts/

      To connect to our RDS/JDBC data store, we need a Glue connection5 that stores connection information like login credentials, URI strings, virtual private cloud (VPC) information, and etc. At the moment of writing this demo, there is no easy way to securely provide the database password in clouformation while create a glue connection. To avoid hardcoding db password in Cfn, I have decided to provision it with a dummy password. Later we will update it from the console, you can also do the same with Cfn Custom Resource/CLI/SDK etc. No easy way out here

      I have parameterized the script so that we can pass in the database, table and bucket name as glue job parameters. Notice the secret arn, we will use the Glue Job environment to safely access the credentials from secrets manager.

      • src_db_name : This will be our GlueCatalogDBForStoreEvents
      • src_etl_bkt : This will be our StoreEventsBucket
      • crawler_tbl_prefix : This will be txns_
      • tgt_db_secret_arn: This will be StoreEventsDatabaseSecretArn
      • tgt_tbl_name: At this moment, we will use the same name as our crawler create table name.
      • conn_name: The Glue connection for MySQL5.7 will be created by the stack and passed on as a parameter. Remember the caveat, about RDS versions when deploying OLTP DB stack

      As this will be doing very small batch uploads, the Glue job timeout is set for 2 minutes. We will also set up job to consume 2 DPU. As a learning attempt on how to setup job triggers, I have also set up the job to be triggered to every day at 1 in the morning. Job bookmarks will persist here s3://<StoreEventsBucketName>/bookmarks.

      Initiate the deployment with the following command,

      cdk deploy s3-to-rds-with-glue-job-stack

      After successfully deploying the stack, Check the Outputs section of the stack. You will find the RDSIngestorETLGlueJob Glue Job.

  5. πŸ”¬ Testing the solution

    1. Invoke Producer Lambda: Let us start by invoking the lambda StoreOrdersEventsProducer from the producer stack using the AWS Console. If you want to ingest more events, invoke the lambda few times.

        "statusCode": 200,
        "body": "{\"message\": {\"status\": true, \"tot_msgs\": 28, \"bad_msgs\": 2, \"sale_evnts\": 14, \"inventory_evnts\": 14, \"tot_sales\": 1303.87}}"

      Here in this invocation, We have generated 28 messages. Within those message, we have 14 sale events and 14 are created.

      At this point, we have events coming from our producers being stored in S3. These events will be crawled by glue update our catalog.

    2. Invoke Glue Crawler:

      Access AWS Glue Crawler from the console, You should be able to find sale_txns_crawler. Trigger the crawler Miztiik Automation: Streaming ETL with AWS Glue

      After the crawler has successfully completed, if you navigate to the Glue Database > Tables, You will find our discovered schema along with our partitions. Miztiik Automation: Streaming ETL with AWS Glue

    3. Configure Glue Connection: We will now replace the dummy password in glue connection with the actual one from Secrets Manager. Miztiik Automation: Streaming ETL with AWS Glue

      In AWS Glue > Connections > rdsMySQL57Conn > Edit > Next > Update Password > Next > Finish Miztiik Automation: Streaming ETL with AWS Glue

    4. Connect To OLTP consumer ON EC2: Connect to the Ec2ConsumerInstance instance using SSM Session Manager2.

      mysql -h -u mystiquemaster -P 3306 -p
      # Provide password from Secrets Manager
      use store_events;show tables;

      Miztiik Automation: Streaming ETL with AWS Glue

      You can see that there are no tables under our database store_events.

    5. Invoke Glue Job:

      Navigate to the Glue Job Console and you should find a job s3-to-rds-ingestor. Run the job from the actions menu. You do not have to change any parameters as they are all pre-configured.

      Miztiik Automation: Streaming ETL with AWS Glue

      After about a minute or so, the job should complete successfully. You can check the logs in cloudwatch, if needed.

      Miztiik Automation: Streaming ETL with AWS Glue

      Let us go back to our OLTP Consumer on EC2 and check the database again,

      use store_events;show tables;
      SELECT COUNT(*) FROM store_events.sales_txns_tbl;
      SELECT * FROM store_events.sales_txns_tbl LIMIT 5;
      DESCRIBE store_events.sales_txns_tbl;

      Miztiik Automation: Streaming ETL with AWS Glue

      You can observe that there are 28 records here, same the entries generated by StoreOrdersEventsProducer. You can do an incremental load, by triggering the lambda followed by running the Glue Job again. You will find only the new records being added to the database.

    6. Check S3 Bucket:

      Check the s3 bucket StoreEventsBucket for the job bookmarks under prefix bookmarks/.You can use S3 Select to view the contents and able to understand how many files were processed in the previous run.

  6. πŸ“’ Conclusion

    Here we have demonstrated how to use Glue to load data from S3 to RDS using crawlers and spark jobs. You can extend this further by transforming the data before loading RDS.

  7. 🧹 CleanUp

    If you want to destroy all the resources created by the stack, Execute the below command to delete the stack, or you can delete the stack from console as well

    • Resources created during Deploying The Application
    • Delete CloudWatch Lambda LogGroups
    • Any other custom resources, you have created for this demo
    # Delete from cdk
    cdk destroy
    # Follow any on-screen prompts
    # Delete the CF Stack, If you used cloudformation to deploy the stack.
    aws cloudformation delete-stack \
      --stack-name "MiztiikAutomationStack" \
      --region "${AWS_REGION}"

    This is not an exhaustive list, please carry out other necessary steps as maybe applicable to your needs.

πŸ“Œ Who is using this

This repository aims to show how to use AWS Glue for ETL processing architecture to new developers, Solution Architects & Ops Engineers in AWS. Based on that knowledge these Udemy course #1, course #2 helps you build complete architecture in AWS.

πŸ’‘ Help/Suggestions or πŸ› Bugs

Thank you for your interest in contributing to our project. Whether it is a bug report, new feature, correction, or additional documentation or solutions, we greatly value feedback and contributions from our community. Start here

πŸ‘‹ Buy me a coffee

ko-fi Buy me a coffee β˜•.

πŸ“š References

  1. Wiki: Online transaction processing
  2. AWS SSM Session Manager
  3. AWS Docs: Setting Up a VPC to Connect to JDBC Data Stores
  4. AWS Docs: Tracking Processed Data Using Job Bookmarks
  5. AWS Docs: AWS Glue Connections

🏷️ Metadata


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