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Shared Data Sets: S3 Security with Access Points

Mystique Unicorn is building a data lake in AWS using S3. Managing access to this shared bucket requires a single bucket policy that controls access for dozens to hundreds of applications with different permission levels. As an application set grows, the bucket policy becomes more complex, time consuming to manage, and needs to be audited to make sure that changes do not have an unexpected impact to an another application.

Can you help them in simplifying the access management of the data sets that can scale with application or user growth?

🎯 Solutions

Amazon S3 Access Points1 simplifies managing data access at scale for applications using shared data sets on S3. Access points are unique hostname that customers create to enforce distinct permissions and network controls for any request made through the access point. Customers with shared data sets can easily scale access for hundreds of applications by creating individualized access points with names and permissions customized for each application. Each access point enforces a customized access point policy that works in conjunction with the bucket policy that is attached to the underlying bucket. Adding an S3 access point to a bucket does not change the bucket's behavior when accessed through the existing bucket name or ARN. All existing operations against the bucket will continue to work as before. Restrictions that you include in an access point policy apply only to requests made through that access point. This way any existing applications can continue to operate as-is and newer applications can be onboard using access points.

Let us consider a scenario, where a store is sending a stream of sales and inventory events that are to be consumed by two different personas. The sales managers and business analysts will need access to sales data to project revenue and create new marketing campaigns. The warehouse/delivery teams will need access to the inventory data to ensure the orders are dispatched to customer and restocked as needed.

Miztiik Automation: Shared Data Sets: S3 Security with Access Points

In this demo, we will create a the architecture like the one shown above. Let us say the sales teams will need access to the data from their application running on EC2 and the inventory team will access the data from lambda. We will create a S3 bucket with two access points:

  • ec2-consumer: With access only to S3 prefix sales_event/
  • And lambda-consumer: With access only to S3 prefix inventory_event/
  1. 🧰 Prerequisites

    This demo, instructions, scripts and cloudformation template is designed to be run in us-east-1. With few modifications you can try it out in other regions as well(Not covered here).

    • πŸ›  AWS CLI Installed & Configured - Get help here
    • πŸ›  AWS CDK Installed & Configured - Get help here
    • πŸ›  Python Packages, Change the below commands to suit your OS, the following is written for amzn linux 2
      • Python3 - yum install -y python3
      • Python Pip - yum install -y python-pip
      • Virtualenv - pip3 install virtualenv
  2. βš™οΈ Setting up the environment

    • Get the application code

      git clone
      cd secure-s3-with-access-points
  3. πŸš€ Prepare the dev environment to run AWS CDK

    We will use cdk to make our deployments easier. Lets go ahead and install the necessary components.

    # You should have npm pre-installed
    # If you DONT have cdk installed
    npm install -g aws-cdk
    # Make sure you in root directory
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    The very first time you deploy an AWS CDK app into an environment (account/region), you’ll need to install a bootstrap stack, Otherwise just go ahead and deploy using cdk deploy.

    cdk bootstrap
    cdk ls
    # Follow on screen prompts

    You should see an output of the available stacks,

  4. πŸš€ Deploying the application

    Let us walk through each of the stacks,

    • Stack: sales-events-bkt-stack

      This stack will create the s3 bucket. We will add a bucket policy to delegate all access management to be done by access points2.

      Initiate the deployment with the following command,

      cdk deploy sales-events-bkt-stack

      After successfully deploying the stack, Check the Outputs section of the stack. You will find the StoreEventsBucket.

    • Stack: sales-event-consumer-on-ec2-stack

      To simulate the access of business analysts from EC2, We need simple ec2 instance that we can access. This stack will create the vpc using the stack secure-s3-with-access-points-vpc-stack. The EC2 instance will be launched in the public subnet along with a IAM Role that supports SSM Session Manager access3. We will later use this IAM Role to give access to the S3 Access Point ec2-consumer. Also note that we will not provide any s3 privileges to our EC2 Instance role, as we are going to manage them using access points.

      Initiate the deployment with the following command,

      cdk deploy secure-s3-with-access-points-vpc-stack
      cdk deploy sales-event-consumer-on-ec2-stack

      After successfully deploying the stack, Check the Outputs section of the stack. You will find the IAM Role Arn Ec2ConsumerRoleArn and the instance Ec2ConsumerInstance.

    • Stack: inventory-event-consumer-on-lambda-stack

      To simulate the access of warehouse application accessing form lambda, we will deploy a simple lambda function that can write to S3 using the access point. The obvious question is that, if we have not yet created the access points, where in S3 will the lambda will write to? Since we know that, we are going to use the lambda-consumer as the access point, we will pass that as an environment variable function during deployment. Also note that we will not provide any s3 privileges to our lambda role, as we are going to manage them using access points.

      cdk deploy inventory-event-consumer-on-lambda-stack

      After successfully deploying the stack, Check the Outputs section of the stack. You will find the IAM Role Arn LambdaConsumerRoleArn and the LambdaConsumer function. We will invoke this function during our testing phase. If you invoke it now, you will get errors as there no S3 privileges provided.

    • Stack: store-events-bkt-access-points-stack

      At this point, we have all created all the prerequisites necessary for setting up our S3 access points. We have our S3 bucket with a policy to delegate access to S3 access points. We have the IAM role arns of our consumer applications. To keep it simple, we will use the following prefix to provide access,

      • Access Point Name: ec2-consumer with access only to S3 Prefix: sales_event for role arn: Ec2ConsumerRoleArn
      • Access Point Name: lambda-consumer with access only to S3 Prefix: inventory_event for role arn: LambdaConsumerRoleArn
      cdk deploy store-events-bkt-access-points-stack

      After successfully deploying the stack, Check the Outputs section of the stack. You will find the S3 Access Point Arns Ec2ConsumerAccessPointArn and LambdaConsumerAccessPointArn. We will be using them during our testing to read/write to the StoreEventsBucket bucket.

  5. πŸ”¬ Testing the solution

    1. Access the S3 Console & Check the Access Point and Permissions:

      Miztiik Automation: Shared Data Sets: S3 Security with Access Points Miztiik Automation: Shared Data Sets: S3 Security with Access Points

    2. Connect To Ec2 Consumer:

      Connect the Ec2ConsumerInstance instance using SSM Session Manager3. Let us try to copy some files to our bucket.

      NOTE: Replace the Ec2ConsumerAccessPointArn in the following command with the actual value from your stack output.

      sudo su -
      cd /var/log
      echo '{"secure-s3-with-access-points":"Miztiik Automation"}' > kon.json
      aws s3api put-object --key kon.json --bucket  arn:aws:s3:::sales-events-bkt-stack-databucketd8691f4e-dd4t7n9edaf8 --body kon.json

      Miztiik Automation: Shared Data Sets: S3 Security with Access Points The S3 command should give an error message. The reason for that is, our EC2 Instance/IAM role does not have any privileges to write to the bucket root or any other location. It can only write to the specified access point and only to the allowed S3 Prefix. Let us try one more time, writing to the S3 bucket using the AccessPointArn but without the prefix,

      NOTE: Replace the Ec2ConsumerAccessPointArn in the following command with the actual value from your stack output.

      sudo su -
      cd /var/log
      echo '{"secure-s3-with-access-points":"Miztiik Automation"}' > kon.json
      aws s3api put-object --key kon.json --bucket arn:aws:s3:us-east-1:111122223333:accesspoint/ ec2-consumer --body kon.json

      Miztiik Automation: Shared Data Sets: S3 Security with Access Points

      For the final time, let us use the designated prefix sales_event for this access point

      sudo su -
      cd /var/log
      echo '{"secure-s3-with-access-points":"Miztiik Automation"}' > kon.json
      aws s3api put-object --key sales_event/kon.json --bucket  arn:aws:s3:us-east-1:111122223333:accesspoint/ec2-consumer --body kon.json

      Miztiik Automation: Shared Data Sets: S3 Security with Access Points

    3. Invoke Producer Lambda: Let us invoke the lambda LambdaConsumer from the AWS Console. This function is designed to try and write to both sales_event and inventory_event prefix, just to show that it has access privileges only to write to inventory_event s3 prefix. Any other attempts will throw an error. If you want to ingest more events, invoke the lambda few times. Miztiik Automation: Shared Data Sets: S3 Security with Access Points

      You can notice the errors specifically when lambda tries to write to sales_event prefix

    4. Check S3 for Files Logs for Sales Consumer:

      Here you can notice that the files kon.json uploaded from EC2 is under the sales_event prefix. Likewise lambda was able to only write to inventory_prefix.

      Miztiik Automation: Shared Data Sets: S3 Security with Access Points

  6. πŸ“’ Conclusion

    Here we have demonstrated how to use manage access to shared buckets using S3 access points. There are few limitations documented here4. But as time progresses, some of them will be removed or more features will be added to overcome these.

  7. 🧹 CleanUp

    If you want to destroy all the resources created by the stack, Execute the below command to delete the stack, or you can delete the stack from console as well

    • Resources created during Deploying The Application
    • Delete CloudWatch Lambda LogGroups
    • Any other custom resources, you have created for this demo
    # Delete from cdk
    cdk destroy
    # Follow any on-screen prompts
    # Delete the CF Stack, If you used cloudformation to deploy the stack.
    aws cloudformation delete-stack \
      --stack-name "MiztiikAutomationStack" \
      --region "${AWS_REGION}"

    This is not an exhaustive list, please carry out other necessary steps as maybe applicable to your needs.

πŸ“Œ Who is using this

This repository aims to show how to use S3 Access points to new developers, Solution Architects & Ops Engineers in AWS. Based on that knowledge these Udemy course #1, course #2 helps you build complete architecture in AWS.

πŸ’‘ Help/Suggestions or πŸ› Bugs

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πŸ“š References

  1. Docs: Amazon S3 - Managing data access with Amazon S3 access points
  2. Docs: Amazon S3 - Delegating access control to access points
  3. AWS SSM Session Manager
  4. Docs: Amazon S3 - Access points restrictions and limitations

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