These libraries were written by the author for the author and thus are not open to issues, enhancements, or anything in between.
Framework combines the best of MVVM using Prism & ReactiveUI while also combining Shiny. Find the sample at []
- Simplified configuration - Prism & Shiny setup under one file using FrameworkStartup
- No guess work about what dependency injection mechanism to install - Framework uses DryIoc under the hood, but guess what.... you'll NEVER know it even if this changes one day
- Dialogs - a pretty API that brings together XF Material (built on [RG Popups] (
- Localization - a simple to use localization framework that can be used everywhere including your viewmodels! Localization DONE RIGHT!
- Global Navigator - allows you to inject a global navigator that you can use safely from your Shiny delegates. Will ignore navigation requests when in the background
- Global Command Exception Handler - do you like ReactiveCommand, so do I... this little service brings together Shiny's logging services + localization (from above) + dialogs (also from above) into one singular place
- A helper library that brings MSAL into DI easily
- A great article for setting up MSAL with Xamarin -