Unix access to WRDS is useful in two ways:
- Download from WRDS cloud.
- Run codes in WRDS cloud.
System | Tool |
MacOS | Terminal |
Windows | PuTTY (Download) |
In the terminal:
ssh wrds_username@wrds-cloud.wharton.upenn.edu
[wrds] |___ [crsp] | |___ [sasdata] | | |___ [m_stock] | | | |___ dsf.sas7bdat | | | |___ ... | | | |___ msf.sas7bdat | | | |___ msf.sas7bndx | | |___ [...] | | |___ [m_indexes] | |___ [...] | |___ [textdata] |___ [...] |___ [comp] |___ [ibes] [] = directory
- ls: list folders and files in current directory
- cd: move to or open a directory
- cd ..: move to parent directory
scp wrds_username@wrds-cloud.wharton.upenn.edu:
/wrds/crsp/sasdata/a_stock/msenames.sas7bdat ~/Desktop/
- Method 1: SAS
Ask IT to install SAS for you if SAS is not available.
proc export data=msenames outfile='your_path\msenames.dta' dbms=dta replace;
proc export data=msenames outfile='your_path\msenames.xlsx' dbms=xlsx replace;
- Method 2: Python
First, install pandas
in your terminal (ask IT to install Python if it is not available).
pip install pandas
Then, you can convert data format.
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_sas('your_path/msenames.sas7bdat',encoding='utf-8')
%let wrds=wrds-cloud.wharton.upenn.edu 4016;
options comamid=TCP remote=WRDS;
signon username=_prompt_;
libname mylib 'your_local_path';
libname crsp remote '/wrds/crsp/sasdata/a_stock' server=wrds;
proc sql;
create table mylib.data as
select permno,cusip,date,prc,ret
from crsp.msf
order by permno,date;
In the terminal:
pip install wrds
import pandas as pd
import wrds
# Build connection to WRDS
# Type WRDS username and password after execute the code below
conn = wrds.Connection()
# Download data
data = conn.raw_sql("""
select *
from crsp.msf
where date>='01/01/2010'
/* Set working directory */
cd "your_working_directory"
/* Import Stata data */
use msenames, clear
/* Import txt file */
import delimited msenames.txt, clear
/* Import csv file */
import delimited msenames.csv, clear
/* Import Excel file */
import excel msenames.xlsx, firstrow clear
use msenames, clear
describe permno
codebook shrcd
lookfor com
list permno cusip ncusip in 1/10
- Data management
- data cleaning
- merge datasets
- variable construction
- web scraping
- handle large datasets
- parallel computing
- Data analysis
- statistics test
- regression
- numerical computation
- machine learning
- Python and SAS are more powerful in data management, while R and Stata are more convenient in data analysis, especially econometrics.
Even though data management and regression can be performed in SAS, some users prefer to use another package to do the ‘final’ steps. For example, SAS can be used to retrieve and manage the data. The final dataset created in SAS can then be converted for example to STATA format (using StataTrans). STATA can then be used to create the tables with descriptive statistics, correlation tables, and perform (final) regressions and other statistical tests. However, in these tutorials only SAS is covered.
— wrds.us (http://www.wrds.us/index.php/tutorial/view/14)
- Python and R are open source
- Free
- Bug: e.g. here is a bug in Pandas 0.25: pandas-dev/pandas#27526
- SAS and Stata are commercial software
- Need licence and expensive.
[project] |___ [Code] | |___ regression.do | |___ simulation.py | |___ data_clean.sas | |___ plot.R |___ [Data] | |___ [Raw] | | |___ msf.txt | | |___ compustat.dta | | |___ ibes.csv | |___ [Processed] | | |___ msf_clean.txt | | |___ compustat_clean.dta |___ [Tables] |___ [Figures]
- Why Git?
Without Git | With Git |
Origin file.py | MyCode.py |
File_change1.py | |
File_change2.py | |
… | |
File_final.py |
- GitHub is a platform to host your git repositories.
- It also provides other user-friendly features, for example, track your file history without command line.
- See the guidance
It is important to identify the type of the data, especially for variable with mix type. For example, return or price data should be numeric format. However, software will consider the variable as text format if the variable contains both numeric and string data.For string variable, you cannot perform any calculation. Return data in CRSP contains missing codes, such as ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, etc. So the return is in string format after you import raw data from CRSP.
For the majority of studies, three main stock exchanges are used in US market and exchcd
allows us to filter them out.
exchcd | stock exchange |
1 | NYSE |
2 | AMEX |
3 | NASDAQ |
CRSP includes different type of securities, for example, common stocks and ETFs. Common stocks are most widely used and shrcd
can helps us to filter out common shares. shrcd
with 10 or 11 indicate common shares.
CRSP data via WRDS website contains duplicated observations. This is caused by corporate events in a month.
CRSP uses average of bid and ask price to replace price if there is no valid closing price for a given data. To distinguish them, CRSP assigns negative sign (-) in front of the average of bid and ask price. It does not mean the price is negative. Therefore, we need to convert them to positive value.
Stock return calculated by unadjusted price cannot measure the true performance. The unadjusted price should be adjusted before calculating stock return.
- WRDS website
- WRDS cloud
Need to write code to achieve the screening.
CUSIP in Compustat is 9-character. Need to convert it to 8-digit CUSIP when merge Compustat and CRSP. To convert 9-digit CUSIP, delete the 9th character.
Due to the change of fiscal year end, there are more than one observation for a company in the same fiscal year. You can remove such cases or keep the most recent one.
/* Set up working directory */
cd "your_working_directory"
/* ----------------------- CRSP -----------------------*/
/* Import CRSP data */
import delimited crsp_raw_data.txt, clear
/* Check data type */
/* Convert data type */
gen r = real(ret)
/* Check duplicates */
duplicates drop permno date, force
/* US domestic common shares */
tabulate shrcd
keep if inlist(shrcd,10,11)
/* Stock exchanges */
tab exchcd
keep if inlist(exchcd,1,2,3)
/* Count number of obsrvations */
/* Negative stock prices */
count if prc<=0
gen price = abs(prc)
replace price = . if price==0
/* Non-positive market value */
gen me = (price*shrout) / 1000
replace me = . if me<=0
/* Adjusted price and shares */
gen price_adj = price / cfacpr
gen shrout_adj = shrout * cfacshr
/* Save data in Stata format */
save crsp_monthly, replace
/*-------------------------- Compustat ---------------------------*/
/* Import Compustat */
import delimited funda.txt, clear
/* Keep unique GVKEY-DATADATE observations */
keep if consol=="C" & indfmt=="INDL" & datafmt=="STD" & popsrc=="D" & curcd=="USD"
/* Multiple fiscal year ends in same calendar year */
bysort gvkey fyear: egen n = count(fyear)
keep if n==1
/* Save Compustat in Stata format */
save funda, replace
/*------------------------- Know your data -----------------------*/
use crsp_monthly, clear
/* Holding period returns */
sort permno date
forvalues i = 1/11 {
by permno: gen lr`i' = r[_n-`i']
gen hpr = 1 + r
forvalues i = 1/11 {
replace hpr = hpr * (1+lr`i')
replace hpr = hpr - 1
/* Summarize full sample */
summarize r price
sum r price, d
tabstat r price, s(mean median sd)
/* Summarize by group */
gen year = int(date/10000)
bysort year: sum r price if year>=1991
tabstat r price if year>=1991, s(mean sd) by(year)
tabstat r price, s(mean median sd) by(year) nototal
table year, c(mean r sd r)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
data_dir = 'your_data_path'
# ------------------ CRSP ----------------
# Read CRSP monthly data
crspm = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir,'crsp_raw_data.txt'),
crspm.columns = crspm.columns.str.lower()
# Check data types
# Convert data type
crspm['ret'] = pd.to_numeric(crspm['ret'],errors='coerce')
# Check duplicates
crspm = crspm.drop_duplicates(['permno','date'])
# US domestic common shares
crspm = crspm[crspm['shrcd'].isin([10,11])]
# Stock exchanges
crspm = crspm[crspm['exchcd'].isin([1,2,3])]
# Count number of obsrvations
# Negative stock prices
crspm['price'] = crspm['prc'].abs()
crspm['price'] = np.where(crspm['price']==0,np.nan,crspm['price'])
# Non-positive market value
crspm['me'] = (crspm['price']*crspm['shrout']) / 1000
crspm['me'] = np.where(crspm['me']==0,np.nan,crspm['me'])
# Adjusted price and shares
crspm['price_adj'] = crspm['price'] / crspm['cfacpr']
crspm['shrout_adj'] = crspm['shrout'] * crspm['cfacshr']
# Save data in txt
# ------------------ Compustat ----------------
# Import Compustat
funda = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir,'funda_raw_data.txt'),
# Keep unique GVKEY-DATADATE observations if you extract data from
# WRDS server without the conditions below
# funda = funda.query("consol=='C' and indfmt=='INDL' and datafmt=='STD'
# and popsrc=='D' and curcd=='USD'")
# Multiple fiscal year ends in same calendar year
funda['n'] = funda.groupby(['gvkey','fyear'])['fyear'].transform('count')
funda = funda[funda['n']==1]
# Save Compustat in txt */
# ---------------------- Know your data ---------------------
crspm = pd.rea_csv(os.path.join(data_dir,'crsp_monthly.txt'),
# Holding period returns
crspm['logret'] = np.log(crspm['ret']+1)
crspm = crspm.sort_values(['permno','date']).reset_index(drop=True)
crspm['hpr'] = crspm.groupby('permno')['logret'] \
crspm['hpr'] = np.exp(crspm['hpr']) - 1
# Summarize full sample
# Summarize by group
crspm['year'] = (crspm['date']/10000).astype(int)
print(crspm[crspm['year']>=1991].groupby('year') \
cd "your_working_directory"
/* Read data drop duplicates */
import delimited ibes_1976_1990_summ_both.txt, clear
duplicates drop ticker statpers, force
/* Check 1-year EPS: use either codebook or count */
codebook measure fpi
count if missing(measure)
count if missing(fpi)
/* US sample */
tab usfirm
bysort usfirm: count
keep if usfirm == 1
/* Sample selection: keep firms with at least 60 month of numest */
bysort ticker: egen num_month = count(numest)
keep if num_month >= 60
/* firm-month observations */
/* Generate firmid to check number of unique firm */
egen firmid = group(ticker)
order firmid
tabstat firmid, s(max)
/* Basic statistics */
summ numest meanest stdev
summ numest meanest stdev, d
gen year = int(statpers/10000)
bysort year: summ numest meanest stdev
tabstat numest meanest stdev
/* check the list of available statistics */
help tabstat
tabstat numest meanest stdev, s(n mean sd min p1 median p99 max)
tabstat numest meanest stdev, by(year) s(n mean sd min p1 median p99 max)
/* Percentile */
centile (meanest), centile(10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90)
egen p10 = pctile(meanest), p(10) by(year)
egen p20 = pctile(meanest), p(20) by(year)
egen p30 = pctile(meanest), p(30) by(year)
egen p40 = pctile(meanest), p(40) by(year)
egen p50 = pctile(meanest), p(50) by(year)
egen p60 = pctile(meanest), p(60) by(year)
egen p70 = pctile(meanest), p(70) by(year)
egen p80 = pctile(meanest), p(80) by(year)
egen p90 = pctile(meanest), p(90) by(year)
drop p10-p90
forvalues i = 10(10)90 {
egen p`i' = pctile(meanest), p(`i') by(year)
/* Correlation */
corr numest meanest stdev
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
data_dir = 'your_data_path'
# Read IBES data
ibes = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir,'ibes_1976_1990_summ_both.txt'),
ibes.columns = ibes.columns.str.lower()
# Check if 1-year EPS forecasts: unique or value_counts
# Keep US only: 1=US and 0=international
ibes_us = ibes[ibes['usfirm']==1].copy()
# Keep firms with at least 60-month of numest
ibes_us['num_month'] = ibes.groupby('ticker') \
ibes_us = ibes_us.query('num_month>=60')
# Firm-month observations
# Number of unique firms
# Summary statistics
ibes_us['year'] = (ibes_us['statpers']/10000).astype(int)
ibes_us.groupby('year')[['numest','meanest','stdev']] \
# Percentiles
pctls = ibes_us.groupby('year')['numest'] \
.quantile([i/10 for i in range(1,10)]).unstack().reset_index()
# Correlation
cd "your_working_directory"
/* Read data */
import delimited type1.txt, clear
keep if fdate==rdate
/* Count number of institutional investors by type */
collapse (count) n=mgrno, by(rdate typecode)
/* Reshape */
reshape wide n, i(rdate) j(typecode)
sort rdate
label variable n1 bank
label variable n2 insurance
label variable n3 mutual_fund
label variable n4 advisor
label variable n5 other
egen total = rowtotal(n1 n2 n3 n4 n5)
gen date = date(string(rdate,"%8.0f"),"YMD")
format date %td
/* Time series plot */
tsset date, daily
graph twoway tsline n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 total, tlabel(31jan2005 31jan2010 31jan2015)
graph export n_inst.eps, replace
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import wrds
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import os
# Connect to WRDS
conn = wrds.Connection()
# Read data
inst = conn.raw_sql("""
select *
from tfn.s34type1
where rdate>='01/01/2005'
inst1 = inst.query('rdate==fdate').copy()
n_inst = inst1.groupby(['typecode','rdate']) \
n_inst1 = pd.pivot(n_inst,index='rdate',columns='typecode',values='n')
del n_inst1.index.name
del n_inst1.columns.name
n_inst1.columns = ['Bank','Insurance','Mutual fund','Advisor','Other']
n_inst1['total'] = n_inst1.sum(1)
n_inst1.index = pd.to_datetime(n_inst1.index,format='%Y-%m-%d')
tab, please click THOMSON REUTERS
, Options
and OK
. Then re-open Excel will make Datastream installed.
Find Series
is to fill in a list of companies.
is to choose variables you want to download.- Just follow the setting. What you need to change is the company list and variable.
- Click
Process Table
to start the download.
cd "your_working_directory"
/* Import firm total asset */
import excel using datastream_data, sheet("asset_1") first clear
rename Code year
/* Rename */
ds year, not
return list
rename (`r(varlist)') asset#, addnumber
/* Reshape wide to long */
reshape long asset, i(year) j(firmid)
sort firmid year
save datastream_asset,replace
/* Import firm list and merge firm total asset */
import excel using datastream_data, sheet("firm_list") first clear
merge 1:m firmid using datastream_asset
drop _merge
save datastream_asset,replace
/* Import fiscal year end and reshape */
import excel using datastream_data, sheet("fyend_1") first clear
rename Code year
reshape long firm, i(year) j(firmid)
rename firm fyear
/* Merge firm total asset */
merge 1:1 firmid year using datastream_asset
drop _merge firmid
gen temp_month = substr(fyear,1,2)
gen fmonth = real(subinstr(temp_month,"/","",.))
drop temp_month
order isin year
sort isin year
save datastream_data, replace
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
data_dir = 'your_data_path'
# Read firm assets from Datastream
asset = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(data_dir,'datastream_data.xlsx'),
# Transpose data
asset1 = pd.melt(asset,id_vars='Code',value_vars=asset.columns[1:],
asset1['isin'] = asset1['variable'].str[:12]
asset1 = asset1[['isin','Code','asset']]
asset1 = asset1.rename(columns={'Code':'year'})
# Read fiscal year end
fyear = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(data_dir,'datastream_data.xlsx'),
# Transpose data
fyear1 = pd.melt(fyear,id_vars='Code',value_vars=fyear.columns[1:],
fyear1['isin'] = fyear1['variable'].str[:12]
fyear1[['fmonth','_tmp']] = fyear1['fyear'].str.split('/',n=1,expand=True)
fyear1 = fyear1.rename(columns={'Code':'year'})
fyear1 = fyear1[['isin','year','fyear','fmonth']]
# Merge total assets and fiscal year end
asset2 = asset1.merge(fyear1,how='inner',on=['isin','year'])
asset2 = asset2.sort_values(['isin','year']).reset_index(drop=True)
The quality of global data is not as good as US data. You need to do more data cleanings to get rid of potential data errors.
Compustat Global is the global version of Compustat North America. Most variable names of accounting data are the same with Compustat NA. This is very convenient for cross-country studies, as you can use same variables to construct same measurments.
Datastream is a very popular database for global studies which has larger firm coverage than Compustat Global. However, the coverage of Compustat Global improve a lot after 1992.
Bloomberg is another useful source to find international data. It provides many alternative data, e.g. twitter sentiment and news heat. However, its return and accounting data are not well accepted by top journals because the survivorship bias.
cd "your_working_directory"
/* Read data from Compustat Global */
import delimited uk.txt, clear
/* Keep common shares */
keep if tpci == "0"
/* Keep primary issue */
keep if iid == prirow
/* fic = GBR */
keep if fic == "GBR"
/* Check duplicates */
duplicates drop gvkey iid datadate, force
/* Adjusted price */
gen p_adj = prccd / ajexdi * trfd
/* Security level id */
tostring gvkey, gen(gvkey_str)
gen stkcd = gvkey_str + iid
order stkcd datadate
/* Generate date index */
duplicates drop datadate, force
gen date_idx = _n
keep datadate date_idx
sort datadate
save uk_date_idx, replace
/* Calculate daily return */
merge m:1 datadate using uk_date_idx
sort stkcd datadate
bysort stkcd: gen ldate_idx = date_idx[_n-1]
bysort stkcd: gen lp_adj = p_adj[_n-1]
gen date_diff = date_idx - ldate_idx
gen ret = p_adj / lp_adj - 1
count if ret!=.
tab date_diff
replace ret = . if date_diff!=1
count if ret!=.
/* -------- Calculate monthly return -----------*/
keep if monthend==1
keep stkcd datadate p_adj
gen yyyymm = int(datadate/100)
gen year = int(yyyymm/100)
gen month = mod(yyyymm,100)
tabstat yyyymm, s(min)
/* Generate month index */
gen month_idx = (year-2017)*12 + month - 9
sort stkcd yyyymm
bysort stkcd: gen lmonth_idx = month_idx[_n-1]
bysort stkcd: gen lp_adj = p_adj[_n-1]
gen month_diff = month_idx - lmonth_idx
gen ret = p_adj / lp_adj - 1
count if ret!=.
tab month_diff
replace ret = . if month_diff!=1
count if ret!=.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
data_dir = 'your_data_path'
# Read data
uk = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir,'uk.txt'),sep='\t',low_memory=False)
# Keep common shares
uk = uk[uk['tpci']=='0']
# Keep fic = 'GBR'
uk = uk[uk['fic']=='GBR']
# Check duplicates
uk = uk.drop_duplicates(['gvkey','iid','datadate'])
# Adjusted price
uk['p_adj'] = (uk['prccd']/uk['ajexdi']) * uk['trfd']
# Security level ID
uk['stkcd'] = uk['gvkey'].astype(str) + uk['iid']
# Generate date index
date_index = uk.drop_duplicates('datadate')[['datadate']].copy()
date_index = date_index.sort_values('datadate').reset_index(drop=True)
date_index['date_idx'] = date_index.index + 1
# Calculate daily return
uk1 = uk.merge(date_index,how='inner',on='datadate')
uk1 = uk1.sort_values(['stkcd','datadate']).reset_index(drop=True)
uk1['ldate_idx'] = uk1.groupby('stkcd')['date_idx'].shift(1)
uk1['lp_adj'] = uk1.groupby('stkcd')['p_adj'].shift(1)
uk1['date_diff'] = uk1['date_idx'] - uk1['ldate_idx']
uk1['ret'] = uk1['p_adj'] / uk1['lp_adj'] - 1
uk1['ret'] = np.where(uk1['date_diff']==1,uk1['ret'],np.nan)
# ------------ Calculate monthly return -------------------
uk_month = uk1.query('monthend==1')[['stkcd','datadate','p_adj']].copy()
uk_month['yyyymm'] = (uk_month['datadate']/100).astype(int)
uk_month['year'] = (uk_month['yyyymm']/100).astype(int)
uk_month['month'] = uk_month['yyyymm'] % 100
# Generate month index
uk_month['month_idx'] = (uk_month['year']-2017)*12 + uk_month['month'] - 9
uk_month = uk_month.sort_values(['stkcd','yyyymm']).reset_index(drop=True)
uk_month['lmonth_idx'] = uk_month.groupby('stkcd')['month_idx'].shift(1)
uk_month['lp_adj'] = uk_month.groupby('stkcd')['p_adj'].shift(1)
uk_month['month_diff'] = uk_month['month_idx'] - uk_month['lmonth_idx']
uk_month['ret'] = uk_month['p_adj'] / uk_month['lp_adj'] - 1
uk_month['ret'] = np.where(uk_month['month_diff']==1,
cd "your_working_directory"
/* Read data from Bloomberg */
import excel bloomberg_data, sheet("Sheet3") firstrow clear
local c = 1
foreach i of varlist GB00B1XZS820Equity-GB00B1KJJ408Equity {
rename `i' firm`c'
local c = `c'+1
/* Drop firms with missing data in all years */
ds, has(type string)
return list
drop `r(varlist)'
/* Transpose data */
reshape long firm, i(date) j(firmid)
rename firm assets
order firmid date
sort firmid date
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
data_dir = 'your_data_path'
asset = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(data_dir,'bloomberg_data.xlsx'),
asset1 = pd.melt(asset,id_vars='date',value_vars=asset.columns[1:],
asset1['isin'] = asset1['variable'].str[:12]
asset1['asset'] = pd.to_numeric(asset1['asset'],errors='coerce')
asset1 = asset1[['isin','date','asset']] \
cd "your_working_directory"
import delimited execucomp.txt, clear
/* Rename year */
rename year fyear
/* Check duplicates */
duplicates drop gvkey fyear execid, force
/* Count totoal number of executives */
bysort gvkey fyear: egen n_total = count(execid)
/* Count number of female executives */
gen gender_id = 1 if gender=="FEMALE"
replace gender_id = 0 if gender=="MALE"
bysort gvkey fyear: egen n_female = sum(gender_id)
/* Count number of female CEO */
gen gender_ceo = 1 if gender=="FEMALE" & ceoann=="CEO"
replace gender_ceo = 0 if gender_ceo == .
bysort gvkey fyear: egen n_female_ceo = sum(gender_ceo)
duplicates drop gvkey fyear, force
gen pct_female = n_female / n_total
gen pct_female_ceo = n_female_ceo / n_total
collapse (mean) pct_female=pct_female \\\
pct_female_ceo=pct_female_ceo, by(fyear)
line pct_female pct_female_ceo fyear
graph export pct_female_do.eps, replace
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import os
data_dir = 'your_data_path'
exec = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir,'execucomp.txt'),
exec.columns = exec.columns.str.lower()
# Rename year
exec = exec.rename(columns={'year':'fyear'})
# Check duplicates
exec = exec.drop_duplicates(['gvkey','fyear','execid'])
# Count number of executives
pct_female = exec.groupby(['gvkey','fyear','gender'])['execid'] \
pct_female = pct_female.fillna(0)
pct_female['total'] = pct_female['FEMALE'] + pct_female['MALE']
# Count number of female CEO
female_ceo = exec[(exec['ceoann']=='CEO')&(exec['gender']=='FEMALE')] \
pct_female = pct_female.join(female_ceo,how='left')
pct_female = pct_female.fillna(0)
pct_female['pct_female'] = pct_female['FEMALE'] / pct_female['total']
pct_female['pct_female_ceo'] = pct_female['n_female_ceo'] / pct_female['total']
# Calculate averge percentage by year
pct_female = pct_female.groupby(level=1) \
# Plot
There is no single dataset which can provide all information for variables.For example, to calculate book-to-market ratio, you need both market and accounting data. So you need to combine the two datasets.
Join the following two tables by GVKEY and DATE.
- Left join
- Right join
- Inner join
- Outer join
- The permanent identifier is PERMNO in CRSP while is GVKEY in Compustat. So the best join strategy is to find PERMNO-GVKEY mapping. CRSP-Compustat Merged (CCM) database just offers the link between PERMNO and GVKEY.
- What if the CCM is not availalbe. The shared identifier which is available in both databases is CUSIP. CRSP also containts NCUSIP (historical CUSIP). So which one you should use to merge the two databases? NCUSIP is better and you will see why later.
Merge by | Num of matched PERMNO-GVKEY |
NCUSIP | 27130 |
CUSIP | 26771 |
What missed if use CUSIP to map PERMNO-GVKEY pair? For example, 10051-13445 does not exist if CUSIP is used to gernerate link table.
Let’s investigate it in detail.
In msenames
PERMNO | NCUSIP | Compnay name | CUSIP |
10051 | 81733510 | SEQUEL CORP | 41043F20 |
10051 | 41043F10 | HANGER ORTHOPEDIC GROUP INC | 41043F20 |
10051 | 41043F20 | HANGER ORTHOPEDIC GROUP INC | 41043F20 |
10051 | 41043F20 | HANGER INC | 41043F20 |
In security
13445 | 81733510 |
Now, you can see clearly why it is missed.
In 1986, Sequel Corporation, a Colorado-based communications company, sold off its cellular phone business and began investing in the orthotics and prosthetics industry. In 1989, Sequel bought J. E. Hanger, Inc., of Washington, DC. At the time of purchase, J. E. Hanger, Inc., was an $8 million business with offices in 11 cities and eight states. Soon after, Sequel changed the name of the company to the Hanger Orthopedic Group. Ivan Sabel, president and chief operating officer, was focused on centralizing the design and manufacturing of the company’s prosthetic and orthotic devices and distributing them nationally.
— source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanger,_Inc.
*Important*: here we use NCUSIP to gernerate PERMNO-GVKEY link. Please do not use NCUSIP to merge CRSP and Compusat directly.
Assume the CCM is not available.
- Generate PERMNO-GVKEY link by NCUSIP. Download
(contains NCUSIP list for CRSP) andsecurity
(contains CUSIP list for Compustat) from WRDS cloud (see Lecture 1 for guidance). - Merge
by using NCUSIP frommsenames
and CUSIP fromsecurity
. Remember convert 9-digit CUSIP insecurity
to 8-digit CUSIP.
The link table will help us on merging CRSP and Compustat.
set more off
cd ""
/*Generate PERMNO-GVKEY link table*/
import delimited security.txt, clear
gen _mergecusip = substr(cusip,1,8)
rename cusip cusip_comp
keep gvkey _mergecusip
save _security, replace
import delimited msenames.txt, clear
keep if ncusip != ""
gen _mergecusip = ncusip
gen newnamedt = date(namedt,"YMD")
gen newnameendt = date(nameendt,"YMD")
gen long _namedt = year(newnamedt)*10000 + month(newnamedt)*100 + day(newnamedt)
gen long _nameendt = year(newnameendt)*10000 + month(newnameendt)*100 + day(newnameendt)
keep permno _mergecusip _namedt _nameendt
merge m:m _mergecusip using _security
keep if _merge==1 | _merge==3
drop _merge
gsort permno -_namedt
by permno: replace gvkey=gvkey[_n-1] if gvkey==.
bysort permno gvkey: egen long begdate=min(_namedt)
bysort permno gvkey: egen long enddate=max(_nameendt)
drop _*
duplicates drop permno gvkey, force
save _permno_gvkey_link, replace
/*Compustat data*/
import delimited merge_compustat.txt, clear
keep if indfmt=="INDL" & consol=="C" & popsrc=="D" & datafmt=="STD" & seq>0 & seq!=.
sort gvkey fyear datadate
by gvkey fyear: gen n = _n
by gvkey fyear: gen n_max = _N
keep if n==n_max
gen yyyymm = int(datadate/100)
keep gvkey datadate fyear yyyymm seq
save _compustat, replace
/*CRSP data*/
import delimited merge_crsp.txt, clear
keep if inlist(shrcd,10,11) & inlist(exchcd,1,2,3)
duplicates drop permno date, force
gen yyyymm = int(date/100)
gen me = abs(prc) * shrout / 1000
keep if me>0 & me!=.
keep permno date yyyymm me
/*Merge CRSP and link table*/
joinby permno using _permno_gvkey_link
keep if date>=begdate & date<=enddate
duplicates drop permno yyyymm, force
/*Merge Compustat*/
merge m:1 gvkey yyyymm using _compustat
keep if _merge==3
drop _merge
duplicates drop permno yyyymm, force
sort permno yyyymm
save _merged, replace
/*Clean temporary files*/
rm _security.dta
rm _permno_gvkey_link.dta
rm _compustat.dta
rm _merged.dta
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import wrds
import os
import warnings
wd = 'your working directory'
# ------------------------------------
# Construct PERMNO-GVKEY link
# -------------------------------------
msenames = pd.read_csv('msenames.txt',sep='\t',
msenames.columns = msenames.columns.str.lower()
msenames = msenames[msenames['ncusip'].notna()]
msenames['permno'] = msenames['permno'].astype(int)
msenames['namedt'] = pd.to_datetime(msenames['namedt'],format='%Y-%m-%d')
msenames['nameendt'] = pd.to_datetime(msenames['nameendt'],format='%Y-%m-%d')
msenames['namedt'] = msenames['namedt'].dt.year*10000 \
+ msenames['namedt'].dt.month*100 + msenames['namedt'].dt.day
msenames['nameendt'] = msenames['nameendt'].dt.year*10000 \
+ msenames['nameendt'].dt.month*100 + msenames['nameendt'].dt.day
security = pd.read_csv('security.txt',sep='\t',usecols=['gvkey','iid','cusip'])
security['cusip'] = security['cusip'].str[:8]
security = security[~security['iid'].str.contains('C')]
security = security.rename(columns={'cusip':'cusip_comp'})
permno_gvkey = msenames.merge(security,
permno_gvkey['gvkey'] = permno_gvkey.groupby('permno') \
permno_gvkey = permno_gvkey[permno_gvkey['gvkey'].notna()]
permno_gvkey['begdate'] = permno_gvkey.groupby(['permno','gvkey']) \
permno_gvkey['enddate'] = permno_gvkey.groupby(['permno','gvkey']) \
permno_gvkey = permno_gvkey.drop_duplicates(['permno','gvkey'])
permno_gvkey = permno_gvkey[['permno','gvkey','begdate','enddate']]
# -------------------------------
# Data from WRDS website
# -------------------------------
msf = pd.read_csv('merge_crsp.txt',sep='\t')
msf.columns = msf.columns.str.lower()
msf = msf.query('10<=shrcd<=11 and 1<=exchcd<=3')
msf = msf.drop_duplicates(['permno','date'])
msf['yyyymm'] = (msf['date']/100).astype(int)
msf['me'] = msf['prc'].abs() * msf['shrout'] / 1000
msf = msf[msf['me']>0]
funda = pd.read_csv('merge_compustat.txt',sep='\t')
funda = funda.query("indfmt=='INDL' and consol=='C' and popsrc=='D' \
and datafmt=='STD' and seq>0")
funda = funda.sort_values(['gvkey','fyear','datadate']).reset_index(drop=True)
funda = funda.drop_duplicates(['gvkey','fyear'],keep='last')
funda['yyyymm'] = (funda['datadate']/100).astype(int)
merged = msf[['permno','yyyymm','date','me']] \
merged = merged.query('begdate<=date<=enddate')
merged = merged.drop_duplicates(['permno','yyyymm'])
merged= merged.merge(funda[['gvkey','datadate','yyyymm','seq']],
merged = merged.drop_duplicates(['permno','yyyymm'])
merged = merged.sort_values(['permno','yyyymm']).reset_index(drop=True)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import wrds
import os
import warnings
wd = 'your working directory path'
conn = wrds.Connection()
permno_gvkey = conn.raw_sql("""
select cast(a.permno as int),b.gvkey,a.namedt,a.nameendt
from crsp.msenames a left join
(select gvkey,cusip
from comp.security
where right(iid,1)!='C') b
on a.ncusip=substr(b.cusip,1,8)
where a.ncusip!=''
order by permno,namedt
permno_gvkey['gvkey'] = permno_gvkey.groupby('permno') \
permno_gvkey = permno_gvkey[permno_gvkey['gvkey'].notna()]
permno_gvkey['begdate'] = permno_gvkey.groupby(['permno','gvkey']) \
permno_gvkey['enddate'] = permno_gvkey.groupby(['permno','gvkey']) \
permno_gvkey = permno_gvkey.drop_duplicates(['permno','gvkey'])
permno_gvkey = permno_gvkey[['permno','gvkey','begdate','enddate']]
permno_gvkey = permno_gvkey.sort_values(['permno','gvkey']) \
msf = conn.raw_sql("""
select a.*
(select cast(a.permno as int),a.date,abs(a.prc)*a.shrout/1000 as me
from crsp.msf a left join msenames b
on a.permno=b.permno and a.date>=b.namedt and a.date<=b.nameendt
where b.shrcd between 10 and 11
and b.exchcd between 1 and 3
and a.date between '01/01/1975' and '12/31/2017'
) a
where me>0
msf = msf.drop_duplicates(['permno','date'])
msf['yyyymm'] = msf['date'].dt.year*100 + msf['date'].dt.month
funda = conn.raw_sql("""
select gvkey,datadate,fyear,seq
from comp.funda
where indfmt='INDL' and consol='C' and popsrc='D'
and datafmt='STD' and seq>0
and datadate>='01/01/1975' and datadate<='12/31/2017'
funda['yyyymm'] = funda['datadate'].dt.year*100 + funda['datadate'].dt.month
funda = funda.sort_values(['gvkey','fyear','datadate'])
funda = funda.drop_duplicates(['gvkey','fyear'],keep='last')
merged1 = msf.merge(permno_gvkey,how='inner',on='permno')
merged1 = merged1.query('begdate<=date<=enddate')
merged1 = merged1.merge(funda,how='inner',on=['gvkey','yyyymm'])
merged1 = merged1.drop_duplicates(['permno','yyyymm'])