Operate a shielded expedition-compatible Osmosis testnet relayer
- Namada
- Osmosis
source <(curl -sL https://get.osmosis.zone/run)
(without cosmovisor)
Osmosis node on the same server as Namada node
osmosisd keys add relayer_osmosis
- address: osmo1hnad4xdyyv24na559zt2u8svhcvndrenhcrqrj
name: relayer_osmosis
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AuVFM25UMwMK/oa193BmPMFl56tG3tmH3lhImxUJ8a6K"}'
type: local
https://faucet.testnet.osmosis.zone/ And check balance
osmosisd query bank balances osmo1hnad4xdyyv24na559zt2u8svhcvndrenhcrqrj
- amount: "100000000"
denom: uosmo
next_key: null
total: "0"
- In
# Enable defines if the gRPC server should be enabled.
enable = true
# Address defines the gRPC server address to bind to.
address = "https://grpc.testnet.osmosis.zone/"
- In
change ports:
# TCP or UNIX socket address for the RPC server to listen on
laddr = "tcp://"
proxy_app = "tcp://"
# pprof listen address (https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/pprof)
pprof_laddr = "localhost:6062"
# Address to listen for incoming connections
laddr = "tcp://"
And start node
systemctl restart osmosisd
namadaw gen --alias relayer_namada \
--memo tpknam1qzn899fmms07r5lssg8as02udq65y6skn3e265eyjv2z04ujy0rkzyk393u
namadaw find --alias relayer_namada
Found transparent keys:
Alias "relayer_namada" (encrypted):
Public key hash: F97A8D1355E6561C33B3AA67EBC077758739388E
Public key: tpknam1qz85lqjsqqcehennxtsmn38gkt6mc86gevunwdvsa0wf8jdexkumxy2xlwq
Found transparent address:
"relayer_namada": Implicit: tnam1qruh4rgn2hn9v8pnkw4x067qwa6cwwfc3cgvw62h
namadac transfer --source mkhananov_wallet --target relayer_namada --token tnam1qxvg64psvhwumv3mwrrjfcz0h3t3274hwggyzcee --amount 100
export TAG="v1.7.4-namada-beta7"
export ARCH="x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" # or "aarch64-apple-darwin"
curl -Lo /tmp/hermes.tar.gz https://github.com/heliaxdev/hermes/releases/download/${TAG}/hermes-${TAG}-${ARCH}.tar.gz
tar -xvzf /tmp/hermes.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin
Source: https://docs.namada.net/operators/ibc#from-binaries
mkdir -p ~/.hermes
cd .hermes
vi config.toml
id = 'shielded-expedition.88f17d1d14'
type = 'Namada'
rpc_addr = ''
grpc_addr = ''
event_source = { mode = 'push', url = 'ws://', batch_delay = '500ms' }
account_prefix = ''
key_name = 'relayer_namada'
store_prefix = 'ibc'
gas_price = { price = 0.0001, denom = 'tnam1qxvg64psvhwumv3mwrrjfcz0h3t3274hwggyzcee' }
rpc_timeout = '30s'
id = 'osmo-test-5'
type = 'CosmosSdk'
rpc_addr = ''
grpc_addr = 'https://grpc.testnet.osmosis.zone/'
event_source = { mode = 'push', url = 'ws://', batch_delay = '500ms' }
account_prefix = 'osmo'
key_name = 'relayer_osmosis'
address_type = { derivation = 'cosmos' }
store_prefix = 'ibc'
default_gas = 400000
max_gas = 120000000
gas_price = { price = 0.0025, denom = 'uosmo' }
gas_multiplier = 1.2
max_msg_num = 30
max_tx_size = 1800000
clock_drift = '15s'
max_block_time = '30s'
trusting_period = '4days'
trust_threshold = { numerator = '1', denominator = '3' }
rpc_timeout = '30s'
Namada from wallet.toml
/usr/local/bin/hermes --config $HOME/.hermes/config.toml keys add --chain shielded-expedition.88f17d1d14 --key-file $HOME/.local/share/namada/shielded-expedition.88f17d1d14/wallet.toml
Osmosis from file with seed phrase
cd ~/.hermes
vi seed ## insert seed phrase in file and save
/usr/local/bin/hermes --config $HOME/.hermes/config.toml keys add --chain osmo-test-5 --mnemonic-file seed
/usr/local/bin/hermes --config $HOME/.hermes/config.toml \
create channel \
--a-chain shielded-expedition.88f17d1d14 \
--b-chain osmo-test-5 \
--a-port transfer \
--b-port transfer \
--new-client-connection --yes
SUCCESS Channel {
ordering: Unordered,
a_side: ChannelSide {
chain: BaseChainHandle {
chain_id: ChainId {
id: "shielded-expedition.88f17d1d14",
version: 0,
runtime_sender: Sender { .. },
client_id: ClientId(
connection_id: ConnectionId(
port_id: PortId(
channel_id: Some(
version: None,
b_side: ChannelSide {
chain: BaseChainHandle {
chain_id: ChainId {
id: "osmo-test-5",
version: 5,
runtime_sender: Sender { .. },
client_id: ClientId(
connection_id: ConnectionId(
port_id: PortId(
channel_id: Some(
version: None,
connection_delay: 0ns,
- Check balances before transfer
namadac balance --owner relayer_namada
naan: 96
osmosisd query bank balances osmo1hnad4xdyyv24na559zt2u8svhcvndrenhcrqrj
- amount: "99989604"
denom: uosmo
next_key: null
total: "0"
- Transfer NAAN
namadac --base-dir $HOME/.local/share/namada \
ibc-transfer \
--amount 5 \
--source relayer_namada \
--receiver osmo1hnad4xdyyv24na559zt2u8svhcvndrenhcrqrj \
--token naan \
--channel-id channel-624 \
--memo tpknam1qzn899fmms07r5lssg8as02udq65y6skn3e265eyjv2z04ujy0rkzyk393u
- Check balances after transfer
namadac balance --owner relayer_namada
naan: 88.5
osmosisd query bank balances osmo1hnad4xdyyv24na559zt2u8svhcvndrenhcrqrj
- amount: "5"
denom: ibc/277ABAE39F65A09855FA71A06B84D0D386E8D10CC0CA6E23D75237D1365A2D4C
- amount: "99989604"
denom: uosmo
next_key: null
total: "0"
- Transfer UOSMO
osmosisd tx ibc-transfer transfer \
transfer \
channel-6133 \
tnam1qruh4rgn2hn9v8pnkw4x067qwa6cwwfc3cgvw62h \
1000000uosmo \
--from relayer_osmosis \
--gas auto \
--gas-prices 0.035uosmo \
--gas-adjustment 1.2 \
--home "$HOME/.osmosisd" \
--chain-id osmo-test-5 \
gas estimate: 131150
code: 0
codespace: ""
data: ""
events: []
gas_used: "0"
gas_wanted: "0"
height: "0"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: '[]'
timestamp: ""
tx: null
txhash: 420E87C5CD6EBEBFC50AE5EB4368D2A4DD84AA5C238EC41B51F10BFA9420705D
- Check balances after transfer
namadac balance --owner relayer_namada
naan: 88.5
transfer/channel-624/uosmo: 1000000
osmosisd query bank balances osmo1hnad4xdyyv24na559zt2u8svhcvndrenhcrqrj
- amount: "5"
denom: ibc/277ABAE39F65A09855FA71A06B84D0D386E8D10CC0CA6E23D75237D1365A2D4C
- amount: "98985013"
denom: uosmo
next_key: null
total: "0"