Live wallpaper changer for MAC. Inspired from thedevsaddam
Open terminal ( ctrl+alt+t ) and go to Home directory
cd ~
Install jq dependency.
brew install jq
Clone the repository
git clone
or download the zip file manually and unzip to Home directory
Change permission to 777
sudo chmod -R 777 osx-live-wallpaper
Run for the first time
bash /Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/osx-live-wallpaper/
Replace YOUR_USER_NAME by your username.
Note: To get username type whoami
in terminal
To change wallpaper automatically open crontab in edit mode
crontab -e
Copy the line below and paste
*/5 * * * * /bin/bash /Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/osx-live-wallpaper/
The Cron job will run the script every five minutes and change the wallpaper. You can configure the Cron job to change the refresh time.
Note: It might ask for few permissions first time, please allow them to make it work properly.
If you want set wallpaper tags
cd ~
cd osx-live-wallpaper
then run the command below:
- food
- nature
- people
- technology
- buildings
- objects
Note: Tags are the keyword to find specific wallpapers.
The osx-live-wallpaper is an open-source application licensed under the MIT License.