NFET4X01 MLAB module incorporates a quad set of power MOSFET transistors, offering flexibility in design and robust performance. It's been engineered with the ability to assemble multiple transistor types in a D-pak package, allowing for tailored parameters based on specific project needs. Operational parameters can handle a switched current of up to 10A (limited by connectors and the PCB) and voltages reaching 20V (sometime more). For an added layer of protection and optimization, the module features a protection diode at the transistor's collector and an optional capacitor or diode for selecting the AC coupling at the module's input
The module is designed to allow multiple different transistors in a D-pak package to be used, so the parameters can vary. The switched current is limited to approximately 10A (limited by connectors and the PCB), and the voltage is uasually up to 20V. The module is equipped with a protection diode at the transistor's collector and an optional capacitor or diode for selecting the AC coupling at the module's input.
- Compatibility with multiple transistors in a D-pak package
- Switched current up to 10A
- Voltage up to 30V
- Protection diode at the transistor's collector
- Optional capacitor or diode for selecting AC coupling at the module's input
- Capable of handling loads with inductive characteristics
- Transistors are ground switched
This module comes assembled and tested, so installation is straightforward. Simply connect it to your system using the connectors and adjust the configuration according to your application's requirements.
When using this module, it is crucial to adhere to the current and voltage specifications and check if the used transistor and other components match your requirements. Further, be aware that the choice of capacitor or diode can affect the characteristics of AC coupling at the module's input.
Switching applications: The module can be used in various switching applications where controlling the flow of electricity is required, such as motor control, power supply switching, and other automation tasks.
Power regulation: It can be applied in power regulation scenarios, where power control is necessary to maintain the functionality and safety of the overall system.
DIY electronics projects: Hobbyists and DIY enthusiasts may find this module useful in building custom electronic devices and gadgets, thanks to its flexibility to accommodate various transistors and straightforward installation.
For further information or technical support, please visit our website. A detailed description of the module is provided in Czech in a PDF document.