ES1995 is a polyfill for super-modern Javascript that you can write today.
“I did JS in 10 days. If I had one more day, ES1995 would be there from the start.”
“[…][…] The Web in comparison [to the Internet] is a joke. The Web was done by amateurs. […] JS is pile of bricks with limestone on top. […] To be precise, in case of ES1995, a change in perspective is worth negative 80 IQ points. […][…] […]”
“If we had ES1995, Rome would be build in a day. Maybe less.”
“Discovered that I can speak tweets by pressing the microphone button and it gets it right most of the time this is amazing and saves a lot of time.
One thing puzzles me.
How did they fit the stenographer inside the phone?”
“TC39 can only see a short distance ahead, but they can see plenty there that needs to be done.”
“If JS was like this from the start, humans would dominate the whole galaxy and we would have quantum-resistant Bitcoin with instant transactions running on Neuralink. **nodding** ”
“I was looking for a replacement for Perl and JS with ES1995 looks pretty slick!”
Number.range(1, 101)
// 15 === Number.leastCommonMultiple(3, 5)
[(n) => n.multipleOf(15), () => "FizzBuzz"],
[(n) => n.multipleOf(5), () => "Buzz"],
[(n) => n.multipleOf(3), () => "Fizz"],
[Function.true, Function.identity]
.join(", ")
const count = Function.from({
state: 0,
[Symbol.callable]() {
this.state += 1;
return this.state;
const n = -23.47;
const [s, i, f] = [n.sign(), n.integerPart(), n.fractionalPart()];
const m = s * (i + f);
console.assert(n === m);
const suits = "♠♥♦♣".split("");
const ranks = [...Number.range(2, 11), ..."JQKA".split("")];
let deck = Array.cartesianProduct(suits, ranks).map((card) => card.join(""));
// Fisher-Yates + random cut
deck = deck.shuffle().rotate(Number.random(0, deck.length));
const players = ["Douglas Crockford", "Marc Andreessen", "John-David Dalton"];
let playersCards;
[playersCards, deck] = deck.splitAt(2 * players.length);
playersCards =;
const hands = Object.fromEntries(;
let flop, turn, river;
[flop, deck] = deck.drop(1).splitAt(3);
[turn, deck] = deck.drop(1).splitAt(1);
[river, deck] = deck.drop(1).splitAt(1);
const game = {
community: { flop, turn, river }
const mergeSort = (L) =>
L.length <= 1
? L
: L.splitAt(L.length / 2)
.pipe((L) => merge(...L));
const merge = Function.conditional([
[(A, B) => A.empty() || B.empty(), (A, B) => A.concat(B)],
[([a], [b]) => a < b, ([a, ...A], B) => [a, ...merge(A, B)]],
[Function.true, (A, B) => merge(B, A)] // ba-dum-ts
const names = [
const searchTerm = "cle";
.map((name) => name.removeDiacritics().toLowerCase())
// Sørensen–Dice coefficient: 0.0 – 1.0
.map((safeName) => searchTerm.similarityTo(safeName))
.sorted(([a], [b]) => b - a)
// [0.4444444444444444, "Clémence"]
// [0.36363636363636365, "Clémentine"]
// [0, "Timothée"]
const fetchArticle = (id) => {
// get the latest hot shit from Hacker News
const fetchArticleOnlyOnce = fetchArticle.memoize();
const onResizeWindow = () => {
// recalculate expensive layout
const smartOnResizeWindow = onResizeWindow.debounce(150);
const onClick = () => {
const rateLimitedOnClick = onClick.throttle(1000);
const add = (a, b) => a + b;
const add10 = add.partial(10);
const squares = Number.range(10).map((i) => i ** 2);
const squareAtFirst =;
const oddIndices = Number.range(1, 10, 2);
const squaresAtOddIndices =;
Checkout src/es1995.js
for other funky stuff.