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Re-wrote CPK calculation using dissipation and energy rate out of CV
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mlauer154 committed Sep 12, 2023
1 parent ee98f4c commit 7c579fe
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Showing 7 changed files with 461 additions and 63 deletions.
315 changes: 308 additions & 7 deletions pymead/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import typing
from copy import deepcopy
import time
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
Expand All @@ -11,7 +12,7 @@

from pymead.analysis.read_aero_data import read_aero_data_from_xfoil, read_Cp_from_file_xfoil, read_bl_data_from_mses, \
read_forces_from_mses, read_grid_stats_from_mses, read_field_from_mses, read_streamline_grid_from_mses, \
flow_var_idx, convert_blade_file_to_3d_array, read_actuator_disk_data_mses
flow_var_idx, convert_blade_file_to_3d_array, read_actuator_disk_data_mses, read_Mach_from_mses_file
from pymead.utils.file_conversion import convert_ps_to_svg
from pymead.utils.geometry import check_airfoil_self_intersection, convert_numpy_array_to_shapely_LineString, \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,9 +249,10 @@ def calculate_aero_data(airfoil_coord_dir: str, airfoil_name: str, coords: typin

if mplot_settings["CPK"]:
outputs_CPK = calculate_CPK_mses(os.path.join(airfoil_coord_dir, airfoil_name))
outputs_CPK = {"CPK": 1e9}
outputs_CPK = calculate_CPK_power_consumption(os.path.join(airfoil_coord_dir, airfoil_name))
except Exception as e:
print(f"{e = }")
outputs_CPK = {"CPK": 1e9, "diss_shock": 1e9, "diss_surf": 1e9, "Edot": 1e9}
aero_data = {**aero_data, **outputs_CPK}

t2 = time.time()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1007,10 +1009,178 @@ def line_integral_CPK_inviscid_old(Cp: np.ndarray, rho: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarra
return integral

def line_integral_Edot_inviscid(Cp: np.ndarray, rho: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray,
v: np.ndarray, V: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, n_hat_dir: str):
... according to
Drela's "Power Balance in Aerodynamic Flows", a 2009 AIAA Journal article
Cp: np.ndarray
Node-centered pressure coefficient field
rho: np.ndarray
Node-centered density field
u: np.ndarray
Node-centered x-velocity field
v: np.ndarray
Node-centered y-velocity field
V: np.ndarray
Node-centered velocity magnitude field
x: np.ndarray
1-d array of x-coordinates of the line along which to compute the line integral
y: np.ndarray
1-d array of y-coordinates of the line along which to compute the line integral
n_hat_right: bool
Whether the perpendicular n_hat vector points to the right of the line (If ``True``, computed as the sum of
the arctan of the value of dx/dy of the line less 90 degrees. If ``False``, 90 degrees is added instead).
if n_hat_dir not in ["up", "down", "left", "right"]:
raise ValueError("Invalid direction for n_hat")

perp_angle_dict = {
"right": -np.pi / 2,
"left": np.pi / 2,
"up": -np.pi / 2,
"down": np.pi / 2

# Calculate the direction of n_hat
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
# if n_hat_dir in ["right", "left"]:
# angle = np.arctan2(np.gradient(y, x), 1)
# angle = np.arctan2(y[1:] - y[:-1], x[1:] - x[:-1])
# else:
angle = np.arctan2(1, np.gradient(x, y))

# temp_angle = np.zeros(angle.shape)
# for idx, a in enumerate(angle):
# if np.isnan(a):
# if idx == 0:
# temp_angle[idx] = angle[idx + 1]
# else:
# temp_angle[idx] = angle[idx - 1]
# else:
# temp_angle[idx] = angle[idx]
# angle = temp_angle

perp_angle = perp_angle_dict[n_hat_dir]
n_hat = np.column_stack((np.cos(angle + perp_angle), np.sin(angle + perp_angle)))
V_vec = np.column_stack((u, v))

# Compute the dot product V_vec * n_hat
dot_product = np.array([, n_hat_i) for V_vec_i, n_hat_i in zip(V_vec, n_hat)])
# integrand = (-Cp - rho * V**2 + rho) * dot_product.flatten()
integrand = (Cp + rho * (V**2 - 1)) * dot_product.flatten()

# Build the length increment vector (dl)
dl = np.array([0.0])
dl = np.append(dl, np.hypot(x[1:] - x[:-1], y[1:] - y[:-1])) # compute incremental length along x and y
# print(f"Before cumulative summation, {dl = }")
# print(f"{x = }")
# print(f"{y = }")
dl = np.cumsum(dl)

# Integrate
integral = np.trapz(integrand, dl)
return integral

def viscous_Edot(last_BL_point: typing.Dict[str, np.ndarray]):
Eq. (75) of Drela's Power Balance in Aerodynamic Flows in 2-D form
if any([k not in last_BL_point.keys() for k in ("rhoe/rhoinf", "Ue/Uinf", "theta", "theta*")]):
raise ValueError(f"Missing a boundary layer key in the Edot calculation. {last_BL_point.keys() = }")

delta_K = 2 * last_BL_point["theta"] - last_BL_point["theta*"]
Edot_visc = np.sum(last_BL_point["rhoe/rhoinf"] * last_BL_point["Ue/Uinf"]**3 * delta_K)
return Edot_visc

def surface_dissipation(last_BL_point: typing.Dict[str, np.ndarray]):
Eq. (73) of Drela's Power Balance in Aerodynamic Flows
if any([k not in last_BL_point.keys() for k in ("K",)]):
raise ValueError(f"Missing a boundary layer key in the Edot calculation. {last_BL_point.keys() = }")

diss = np.sum(2 * last_BL_point["K"])
return diss

def shock_dissipation(x_edge: typing.List[np.ndarray], y_edge: typing.List[np.ndarray], u: np.ndarray,
v: np.ndarray, dCpt: np.ndarray):
Shock = namedtuple("Shock", ("j", "i_start", "i_end"))
shock_indices = np.argwhere(dCpt < -0.002)
shock_indices = np.fliplr(shock_indices)
shock_indices = shock_indices[shock_indices[:, 1].argsort()]
shock_indices = shock_indices[shock_indices[:, 0].argsort(kind="mergesort")]
shocks = {k: [] for k in np.unique(shock_indices[:, 0])}

i_start = 0
for idx, row in enumerate(shock_indices):
j = row[0]
if idx == 0:
i_start = row[1]
if row[0] == shock_indices[idx, 0] and row[1] == shock_indices[idx - 1, 1] + 1:
i_end = shock_indices[idx - 1, 1] + 1
shocks[j].append(Shock(j=j, i_start=i_start, i_end=i_end))
i_start = row[1]

i1 = 0
edge_split_i = []
for _idx, edge_array in enumerate(x_edge):
i2 = i1 + edge_array.shape[1] - 2
edge_split_i.append([i1, i2])
i1 = i2 + 1

def integral(s: Shock):
total_dCpt = np.sum(dCpt[s.i_start:s.i_end, s.j])
_u = u[s.i_start - 1, s.j]
_v = v[s.i_start - 1, s.j]

j_flow = 0
j_grid = 0
for flow_idx, split_idx in enumerate(edge_split_i):
if split_idx[0] <= s.j <= split_idx[1]:
j_flow = flow_idx
j_grid = s.j - split_idx[0]

x1 = x_edge[j_flow][s.i_start, j_grid]
x2 = x_edge[j_flow][s.i_start, j_grid + 1]
y1 = y_edge[j_flow][s.i_start, j_grid]
y2 = y_edge[j_flow][s.i_start, j_grid + 1]
n_hat_angle = np.arctan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) - np.pi / 2
n_hat = np.array([np.cos(n_hat_angle), np.sin(n_hat_angle)])
dot_product =[_u, _v]), n_hat)
dl = np.hypot(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
shock_int = np.abs(total_dCpt) * dot_product * dl
return shock_int

shock_diss = 0.0
for shock_list in shocks.values():
for shock in shock_list:
shock_diss += integral(shock)

return shock_diss

def line_integral_CPK_inviscid(Cp_up: np.ndarray, Cp_down: np.ndarray, rho_up: np.ndarray, rho_down: np.ndarray,
u_up: np.ndarray, u_down: np.ndarray,
v_up: np.ndarray, v_down: np.ndarray, V_up: np.ndarray, V_down: np.ndarray,
x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray):
u_up: np.ndarray, u_down: np.ndarray,
v_up: np.ndarray, v_down: np.ndarray, V_up: np.ndarray, V_down: np.ndarray,
x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray):
Computes the mechanical flow power line integral in the inviscid streamtube only according to
Drela's "Power Balance in Aerodynamic Flows", a 2009 AIAA Journal article
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1286,6 +1456,137 @@ def calculate_CPK_mses_old(analysis_subdir: str, configuration: str = "underwing
return {"CPK": CPK, "capSS": capSS, "epma": epma}

def calculate_CPK_power_consumption(analysis_subdir: str):
A specialized function that calculates the mechanical flow power coefficient for an underwing trailing edge
aero-propulsive configuration.
airfoil_system_name = os.path.split(analysis_subdir)[-1]
field_file = os.path.join(analysis_subdir, f'field.{airfoil_system_name}')
grid_stats_file = os.path.join(analysis_subdir, 'mplot_grid_stats.log')
grid_file = os.path.join(analysis_subdir, f'grid.{airfoil_system_name}')
blade_file = os.path.join(analysis_subdir, f"blade.{airfoil_system_name}")
bl_file = os.path.join(analysis_subdir, f"bl.{airfoil_system_name}")
mses_file = os.path.join(analysis_subdir, f"mses.{airfoil_system_name}")
mses_log_file = os.path.join(analysis_subdir, "mses.log")
coords = convert_blade_file_to_3d_array(blade_file)

M_inf = read_Mach_from_mses_file(mses_file)
gam = 1.4 # Hard-coded specific heat ratio
field = read_field_from_mses(field_file, M_inf=M_inf, gam=gam)
bl_data = read_bl_data_from_mses(bl_file)
grid_stats = read_grid_stats_from_mses(grid_stats_file)
x_grid, y_grid = read_streamline_grid_from_mses(grid_file, grid_stats)

Edot = 0.0

start_idx, end_idx = 0, x_grid[0].shape[1] - 1

for flow_section_idx in range(grid_stats["numel"] + 1):
Cp = convert_cell_centered_to_edge_centered(x_grid[flow_section_idx].shape,
field[flow_var_idx["Cp"]][:, start_idx:end_idx])
rho = convert_cell_centered_to_edge_centered(x_grid[flow_section_idx].shape,
field[flow_var_idx["rho"]][:, start_idx:end_idx])
u = convert_cell_centered_to_edge_centered(x_grid[flow_section_idx].shape,
field[flow_var_idx["u"]][:, start_idx:end_idx])
v = convert_cell_centered_to_edge_centered(x_grid[flow_section_idx].shape,
field[flow_var_idx["v"]][:, start_idx:end_idx])
V = convert_cell_centered_to_edge_centered(x_grid[flow_section_idx].shape,
field[flow_var_idx["q"]][:, start_idx:end_idx])
x = x_grid[flow_section_idx]
y = y_grid[flow_section_idx]

# Integrate over the propulsor outlet for the given flow section

inlet_integral = line_integral_Edot_inviscid(Cp[0, :], rho[0, :], u[0, :], v[0, :], V[0, :], x[0, :],
y[0, :], n_hat_dir="left")
Edot += inlet_integral

outlet_integral = line_integral_Edot_inviscid(Cp[-1, :], rho[-1, :], u[-1, :], v[-1, :], V[-1, :], x[-1, :],
y[-1, :], n_hat_dir="right")
Edot += outlet_integral

# The side cylinder contributions are negligible
# if flow_section_idx == len(x_grid) - 1:
# top_integral = line_integral_Edot_inviscid(Cp[:, -1], rho[:, -1], u[:, -1], v[:, -1], V[:, -1], x[:, -1],
# y[:, -1], n_hat_dir="up")
# CPK += top_integral
# print(f"{top_integral = }")
# elif flow_section_idx == 0:
# bottom_integral = line_integral_Edot_inviscid(Cp[:, 0], rho[:, 0], u[:, 0], v[:, 0], V[:, 0], x[:, 0],
# y[:, 0], n_hat_dir="down")
# CPK += bottom_integral
# print(f"{bottom_integral = }")

# print(f"{outlet_integral = }, {inlet_integral = }, {Edot = }")

# print(f"After adding the inlet BL contributions, {CPK - CPK_temp = }")

if flow_section_idx < grid_stats["numel"]:
start_idx = end_idx
end_idx += x_grid[flow_section_idx + 1].shape[1] - 1

end_point_counter = 0
last_point_idx = -1
max_end_point_attempts = 10

while True:
if end_point_counter > max_end_point_attempts:
raise ValueError("Reached maximum attempts for setting the boundary layer end point.")

last_BL_point = {}
for side in bl_data:
for k in ("rhoe/rhoinf", "Ue/Uinf", "theta", "theta*", "K"):
if k not in last_BL_point.keys():
last_BL_point[k] = []
val = side[k][last_point_idx]
if val <= 1e-12 and k == "K":
end_point_counter += 1
print(f"Decrementing last_point_idx...")
last_point_idx -= 1

for k, v in last_BL_point.items():
last_BL_point[k] = np.array(v)

print(f"{Edot = }")

Edot_visc = viscous_Edot(last_BL_point=last_BL_point)

Edot += Edot_visc

print(f"{Edot_visc = }")

surface_diss = surface_dissipation(last_BL_point=last_BL_point)

print(f"{surface_diss = }")

shock_diss = shock_dissipation(x_edge=x_grid, y_edge=y_grid, u=field[flow_var_idx["u"]][:, :],
v=field[flow_var_idx["v"]][:, :], dCpt=field[flow_var_idx["dCpt"]][:, :])

print(f"{shock_diss = }")

CPK = Edot + surface_diss + shock_diss

print(f"{CPK = }")

if np.isnan(CPK):
CPK = 1e9

# print(f"{CPK = }, {inlet_integral = }, {outlet_integral = }")

# if calculate_capSS:
# return CPK, capSS
# else:
# return CPK

return {"CPK": CPK, "Edot": Edot, "diss_surf": surface_diss, "diss_shock": shock_diss}

def calculate_CPK_mses(analysis_subdir: str, configuration: str = "underwing_te"):
A specialized function that calculates the mechanical flow power coefficient for an underwing trailing edge
Expand Down
23 changes: 21 additions & 2 deletions pymead/analysis/
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
import numpy as np

flow_var_idx = {'M': 7, 'Cp': 8, 'p': 3, 'rho': 2, 'u': 4, 'v': 5, 'q': 6}
flow_var_idx = {'M': 7, 'Cp': 8, 'p': 3, 'rho': 2, 'u': 4, 'v': 5, 'q': 6, "Cpt": 9, "dCpt": 10}

def read_Cp_from_file_xfoil(fname: str):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -297,7 +297,16 @@ def read_bl_data_from_mses(src_file: str):
return bl

def read_field_from_mses(src_file: str):
def read_Mach_from_mses_file(mses_file: str):
with open(mses_file, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
mach_line = lines[2]
mach_split = mach_line.split()
mach_float = float(mach_split[0])
return mach_float

def read_field_from_mses(src_file: str, M_inf: float = None, gam: float = None):
Reads a field dump file from MSES (by default, of the form ``field.*``) and outputs the information to an array.
The array has shape :math:`9 \times m \times n`, where :math:`m` is the number of streamlines and :math:`n`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -339,6 +348,16 @@ def read_field_from_mses(src_file: str):

field_array = np.array([data[:, i].reshape(n_streamlines, n_streamwise_lines).T for i in range(n_flow_vars)])

if M_inf is not None and gam is not None:
Cpt = field_array[3][:, :] * (1 + (gam - 1) / 2 * field_array[7][:, :] ** 2) ** (gam / (gam - 1)) * (2 / gam / M_inf**2)
Cpt = np.array([Cpt])
field_array = np.concatenate((field_array, Cpt))
dCpt = np.zeros(Cpt[0].shape)
for idx in range(1, Cpt[0].shape[0]):
dCpt[idx, :] = Cpt[0][idx, :] - Cpt[0][idx - 1, :]
dCpt = np.array([dCpt])
field_array = np.concatenate((field_array, dCpt))

return field_array

Expand Down

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