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/ ConsoleBundle Public archive

Interact with Symfony's container on the command line


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Interact with Symfony's container through the command line. Uses Psysh for the console.


composer require --dev mlo/console-bundle

If you aren't using Symfony Flex, you will need to register the bundle in AppKernel.php in the dev and/or test environment.

if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
    $bundles[] = new Mlo\ConsoleBundle\MloConsoleBundle();

If you are using Symfony 4 or lower, require the v1 version of this package.

composer require --dev mlo/console-bundle:^1.0


bin/console tinker

This will drop you in a Psysh shell with the variables $container, $kernel and $this, which references the container.

Adding Variables

You can add custom variables to the shell scope with the following config:

        debug: "%kernel.debug%"
        em: "@doctrine.orm.entity_manager"

Now you will have a $debug variable with the value of the kernel.debug parameter and $em with your entity manager.