In the first article, we've managed to setup our system on local machine and verify that it works. Now let's actually start using it.
Let's use a small command line tool (web3 - to interact with our blockchains.
git clone
make build
Then let's create the keypair for our temporary account:
./web3 account create
It will produce a public and private key (for example):
Private key: 0x5090c024edb3bdf4ce2ebc2da96bedee925d9d77d729687e5e2d56382cf0a5a6
Public address: 0x618263CE921F7dd5F4f40C29f6c524Aaf97b9bbd
Now, let's see how many tokens we have:
// This checks the tokens on 'L1' (geth)
./web3 --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 balance 0x618263CE921F7dd5F4f40C29f6c524Aaf97b9bbd
// This checks the tokens on 'L2' (zkSync)
./web3 --rpc-url http://localhost:3050 balance 0x618263CE921F7dd5F4f40C29f6c524Aaf97b9bbd
Unsurprisingly we have 0 on both - let's fix it by first transferring some tokens on L1:
docker container exec -it zksync-2-dev_geth_1 geth attach http://localhost:8545
//and inside:
eth.sendTransaction({from: personal.listAccounts[0], to: "0x618263CE921F7dd5F4f40C29f6c524Aaf97b9bbd", value: "7400000000000000000"})
And now when we check the balance, we should see:
./web3 --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 balance 0x618263CE921F7dd5F4f40C29f6c524Aaf97b9bbd
that we have 7.4 ETH.
and now let's bridge it over to L2.
We'll use the zksync-cli from: and then run:
npm run build
npm exec zksync-cli deposit
you should choose the 'localnet' as network, and provide the public key as address.
If everything goes well, you should be able to see the tokens transferred:
./web3 --rpc-url http://localhost:3050 balance 0x618263CE921F7dd5F4f40C29f6c524Aaf97b9bbd
Let's take a deeper look at what the 'deposit' call actually did.
If we look at what 'deposit' command has printed, we'll see something like this:
Transaction submitted 💸💸💸
L1 transaction: 0xe27dc466c36ad2046766e191017e7acf29e84356465feef76e821708ff18e179
Let's run the geth attach
(exact command is above) and see the details:
accessList: [],
blockHash: "0xd319b685a1a0b88545ec6df473a3efb903358ac655263868bb14b92797ea7504",
blockNumber: 79660,
chainId: "0x9",
from: "0x618263ce921f7dd5f4f40c29f6c524aaf97b9bbd",
gas: 125060,
gasPrice: 1500000007,
hash: "0xe27dc466c36ad2046766e191017e7acf29e84356465feef76e821708ff18e179",
input: "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",
maxFeePerGas: 1500000010,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: 1500000000,
nonce: 40,
r: "0xc9b0548ade9c5d7334f1ebdfba9239cf1acca7873381b8f0bc0e8f49ae1e456f",
s: "0xb9dd338283a3409c281b69c3d6f1d66ea6ee5486ee6884c71d82f596d6a934",
to: "0x54e8159f006750466084913d5bd288d4afb1ee9a",
transactionIndex: 0,
type: "0x2",
v: "0x1",
value: 3000320929000000000
The witdraw command has called the contract on address 0x54e8
(which is exactly the DIAMOND_PROXY_ADDRESS), and it has
called the method 0xeb672419
- which is the requestL2Transaction
We're using the DiamondProxy setup, that allows us to have a fixed immutable entry point (DiamondProxy) - that forwards the requests to different contracts (facets) that can be independently updated and/or frozen.
You can find more detailed description in Contract docs
You can use some of the online tools (like and pass the input data to it - and get the nice result:
"function": "requestL2Transaction(address,uint256,bytes,uint256,uint256,bytes[],address)",
"params": [
This means that we requested that the 3 ETH (2nd argument) is transferred to 0x6182 (1st argument). The Calldata being 0x0 - means that we're talking about ETH (this would be a different value for other ERC tokens). Then we also specify a gas limit (641k) and set the gas per pubdata byte limit to 800. (TODO: explain what these values mean.)
The call to requestL2Transaction, is adding the transaction to the priorityQueue and then emits the NewPriorityRequest.
The zk server (that you started with zk server
command) is listening on events that are emitted from this contract
(via eth_watcher module -
) and adds them to the postgres database (into transactions
You can actually check it - by running the psql and looking at the contents of the table - then you'll notice that transaction was succesfully inserted, and it was also marked as 'priority' (as it came from L1) - as regular transactions that are received by the server directly are not marked as priority.
You can verify that this is your transaction, by looking at the l1_block_number column (it should match the block_number from the eth.getTransaction call above).
Notice that the hash of the transaction in the postgres will be different from the one returned by eth.getTransaction. This is because the postgres keeps the hash of the 'L2' transaction (which was 'inside' the L1 transaction that eth.getTransaction returned).
In this article, we've learned how ETH gets bridged from L1 to L2. In the next episode, we'll look at the other direction - how we transmit messages (and ETH) from L2 to L1 - stay tuned.