We provide instructions to use class-agnostic object detection capability of MDef-DETR to various applications. Please refer to the Sec. 5 of our paper for more details.
We train MDef-DETR on a filtered MDETR dataset, generated by explicitly removing all captions that contain any unknown category, leaving 0.76M/1.25M image-text pairs. These filtered annotations are available at this link.
We modify the ORE annotations using MDef-DETR proposals and then use the instructions from official ORE codebase to train ORE using MDef-DETR pseudo labels. Specifically,
- We generated proposals on ORE data using MDef-DETR
- Label the unknowns using MDef-DETR proposals (pleaser refer to the script add_unknown_pseudo_labels.py for details)
- Use official ORE codebase for training ORE.
All of our ORE pretrained models are available at this link.
DETReg pretrains object detector using Selective Search proposals. We show that replacing these noisy pseudo labels with MDef-DETR proposals can improve the downstream performance on object detection task. Please refer to the Sec 5.3 of our paper for details.
All the pretrained models and the ImageNet proposals are available at this link.