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(local) Build & Setup Instructions
Milo Webster edited this page Jul 28, 2020
5 revisions
- Make sure you have your github SSH key setup
git clone git@github.com:mmwebster/voxsrc-2020.git
- Install miniconda: https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/linux.html
- create the env from existing yaml file:
conda env create -f voxsrc-2020/env/conda-vox-env-ubuntu.yaml
- activate the environment:
conda activate voxsrc-2020
- set it as the default env:
echo "conda activate voxsrc-2020" >> ~/.bashrc
- Move into data dir
cd voxsrc-2020/data/
- Run the install script
python utils.py --install-local-dataset --src-bucket voxsrc-2020-voxceleb-v4 --src-dataset no_cuda --dst-data-path ./datasets --dst-list-path ./lists --dst-tmp-path ./tmp
- Setup symlinks
ln -s ./datasets/vox1_no_cuda ../components/train/tmp/data/vox1_no_cuda
ln -s ./datasets/vox1_no_cuda.txt ../components/train/tmp/data/vox1_no_cuda.txt
ln -s ./datasets/vox2_no_cuda ../components/train/tmp/data/vox2_no_cuda
ln -s ./datasets/vox2_no_cuda.txt ../components/train/tmp/data/vox2_no_cuda.txt
- NOTE: To setup another dataset, replace "no_cuda" with another dataset's name. For example, "full" to install the complete, original dataset
- Move into component dir
cd ../components/train/
- Execute the component's local run script with default config
- Perform the initial install: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/
NOTE: If you're using WSL2, you may have to run
sudo service docker start
after the installation. It doesn't appear to start by default.
NOTE: If you're using WSL2, you may have to run
- Make sure docker is working by running
sudo docker run hello-world
- Enable docker to run with non-root user: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/#manage-docker-as-a-non-root-user
- Make sure docker is working with a non-root user by running
docker run hello-world
- NOTE: If you don't have a service account for your local machine, ask to have one set up
NOTE: You can use gcr.io as the credential helper, with
gcloud auth configure-docker gcr.io
- Find your API key: https://app.wandb.ai/authorize
- Set an API key environment variable:
echo "export WANDB_API_KEY='[YOUR_KEY_HERE]'" >> ~/.bashrc
- NOTE: Python code in the pipeline file grabs the API key and sets it in the container for the train component
- NOTE: These steps are now identical to running on Kubeflow via the dev-01 machine
- Build the component image (and the image for any other component who's code you modified) with:
- Compile the pipeline files at the top level of the project with
python [pipeline-name].py
- Open the Kubeflow web-app and upload the compiled [pipeline-name].tar.gz as a new pipeline (or pipeline version) and start a run
- For the near future, the web app will be hosted at: https://kf-train-6.endpoints.voxsrc-2020-dev-1.cloud.goog/#